If you like to use Properties for configuration and you miss transitive value computation like this
Where "${host}" is replaced by value of property "host". so real properties looks like
If you have read only properties (ussually once initiated from file), it is possible to compute transitive values and replace it in properties - than simply use changed values.
Properties props = ....l;
If your properties are changing or it is not possible to change them you can wrap existing instance. Wrapped instance then dynamically compute property values.
Properties props = ....l;
props = TransitiveProperties.wrap(props);
If you like to use map like cache with some limitations you can use MapCache.
To get size limited cache where only last limited number of instances can be stored.
Map<Long, Entity> map = MapCache.instance(Long.class, Entity.class).limit(1000);
To get size limited cache where stored entities expired after specified number of ms.
Map<Long, Entity> map = MapCache.instance(Long.class, Entity.class).expiration(1000l*60*5);
You can also combine this two limitations.
If you like to get resource from classpath you can use this class
InputStream is = Resource.url("properties/my.properties").inputStream();