Alfred workflow to build common command line library.
Install Bear app and Bear.alfredworkflow:
感谢原作者: alfred-bear,在其基础上添加了复制note到剪切板的功能
使用bn xxx [#tag]
:添加命令,bs xxx
:检索命令行,control+ enter
:复制命令行,shift + enter
-- Search for a note by title/content and open it in Bear.control + enter :Copy command line,shift + enter:Copy the command line after enlarged.
-- Search for a tag (a group of notes) by tag title and open it in Bear.
Press control + enter
to copy note to clipboard,shift + enter
to show note for Large Type then copy to clipboard.
bn I love notes!
-- Creates a new note with the title and text "I love notes!"
bn I love notes! #love #notes
-- Creates a new note with the title and text "I love notes!" and the tags "#love" and "#notes"