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Delete methods

Annotate a DAO method with @Delete to generate a query that deletes an Entity:

public interface ProductDao {
  void delete(Product product);


The method can operate on:

  • an entity instance:

    void delete(Product product);
  • a primary key (partition key + clustering columns):

    @Delete(entityClass = Product.class)
    void deleteById(UUID productId);

    In this case, the parameters must match the types of the primary key columns, in the exact order (as defined by the @PartitionKey and @ClusteringColumn annotations). The parameter names don't necessarily need to match the names of the columns.

    In addition, because the entity class can't be inferred from the method signature, it must be specified via the annotation's entityClass element.

  • a subset of the primary key. As in the partition key, or partition key + subset of clustering columns:

    // given: PRIMARY KEY ((product_id, day), customer_id, ts)
    // delete all rows in partition
    @Delete(entityClass = ProductSale.class)
    void deleteByIdForDay(UUID productId, LocalDate day);
    // delete by partition key and partial clustering key
    @Delete(entityClass = ProductSale.class)
    void deleteByIdForCustomer(UUID productId, LocalDate day, UUID customerId);
    /* Note that the clustering columns in your primary key definition are significant. All
     * preceding clustering columns must be provided if any are.
     * For example, the following is *NOT VALID* because ts is provided, but customer_id is
     * not. */
    @Delete(entityClass = ProductSale.class)
    void deleteByIdForTs(UUID productId, LocalDate day, long ts);
  • a number of parameters matching the placeholder markers in customWhereClause, for which the parameters match the name and compatible java type of the markers:

        entityClass = ProductSale.class,
        customWhereClause =
            "id = :id and day = :day and customer_id = :customerId and ts >= :startTs and ts < :endTs")
    ResultSet deleteInTimeRange(UUID id, String day, int customerId, UUID startTs, UUID endTs);

An optional IF clause can be added to the generated query. Like customWhereClause it can contain placeholders:

@Delete(entityClass = Product.class, customIfClause = "description = :expectedDescription")
void deleteIfDescriptionMatches(UUID productId, String expectedDescription);

A Function<BoundStatementBuilder, BoundStatementBuilder> or UnaryOperator<BoundStatementBuilder> can be added as the last parameter. It will be applied to the statement before execution. This allows you to customize certain aspects of the request (page size, timeout, etc) at runtime. See statement attributes.

Return type

The method can return:

  • void.

  • a boolean or Boolean, which will be mapped to ResultSet#wasApplied(). This is intended for IF EXISTS queries:

    /** @return true if the product did exist */
    @Delete(ifExists = true)
    boolean deleteIfExists(Product product);
  • a ResultSet. This is intended for queries with custom IF clauses; when those queries are not applied, they return the actual values of the tested columns.

    @Delete(entityClass = Product.class, customIfClause = "description = :expectedDescription")
    ResultSet deleteIfDescriptionMatches(UUID productId, String expectedDescription);
    // if the condition fails, the result set will contain columns '[applied]' and 'description'
  • a BoundStatement. This is intended for queries where you will execute this statement later or in a batch.

    BoundStatement delete(Product product);
  • a CompletionStage or CompletableFuture of any of the above. The method will execute the query asynchronously. Note that for result sets, you need to switch to AsyncResultSet.

    CompletableFuture<Void> deleteAsync(Product product);    
    @Delete(ifExists = true)
    CompletionStage<Boolean> deleteIfExistsAsync(Product product);
    @Delete(entityClass = Product.class, customIfClause = "description = :expectedDescription")
    CompletionStage<AsyncResultSet> deleteIfDescriptionMatchesAsync(UUID productId, String expectedDescription);
  • a ReactiveResultSet.

    ReactiveResultSet deleteReactive(Product product);
  • a custom type.

Note that you can also return a boolean or result set for non-conditional queries, but there's no practical purpose for that since those queries always return wasApplied = true and an empty result set.

Target keyspace and table

If a keyspace was specified when creating the DAO, then the generated query targets that keyspace. Otherwise, it doesn't specify a keyspace, and will only work if the mapper was built from a session that has a default keyspace set.

If a table was specified when creating the DAO, then the generated query targets that table. Otherwise, it uses the default table name for the entity (which is determined by the name of the entity class and the naming strategy).