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[fix][broker] Make InflightReadsLimiter asynchronous and apply it for…
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… replay queue reads (#23901)
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lhotari authored Jan 29, 2025
1 parent ed5dbb5 commit c5173d5
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Showing 12 changed files with 984 additions and 447 deletions.
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Expand Up @@ -61,6 +61,18 @@ public class ManagedLedgerFactoryConfig {
private long managedLedgerMaxReadsInFlightSize = 0;

* Maximum time to wait for acquiring permits for max reads in flight when managedLedgerMaxReadsInFlightSizeInMB is
* set (>0) and the limit is reached.
private long managedLedgerMaxReadsInFlightPermitsAcquireTimeoutMillis = 60000;

* Maximum number of reads that can be queued for acquiring permits for max reads in flight when
* managedLedgerMaxReadsInFlightSizeInMB is set (>0) and the limit is reached.
private int managedLedgerMaxReadsInFlightPermitsAcquireQueueSize = 10000;

* Whether trace managed ledger task execution time.
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Expand Up @@ -228,7 +228,7 @@ private ManagedLedgerFactoryImpl(MetadataStoreExtended metadataStore,
this.config = config;
this.mbean = new ManagedLedgerFactoryMBeanImpl(this);
this.entryCacheManager = new RangeEntryCacheManagerImpl(this, openTelemetry);
this.entryCacheManager = new RangeEntryCacheManagerImpl(this, scheduledExecutor, openTelemetry);
this.statsTask = scheduledExecutor.scheduleWithFixedDelay(catchingAndLoggingThrowables(this::refreshStats),
0, config.getStatsPeriodSeconds(), TimeUnit.SECONDS);
this.flushCursorsTask = scheduledExecutor.scheduleAtFixedRate(catchingAndLoggingThrowables(this::flushCursors),
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Expand Up @@ -22,12 +22,16 @@
import io.opentelemetry.api.OpenTelemetry;
import io.opentelemetry.api.metrics.ObservableLongCounter;
import io.prometheus.client.Gauge;
import lombok.AllArgsConstructor;
import lombok.ToString;
import java.util.Optional;
import java.util.Queue;
import java.util.concurrent.ScheduledExecutorService;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import java.util.function.Consumer;
import lombok.extern.slf4j.Slf4j;
import org.apache.pulsar.opentelemetry.Constants;
import org.apache.pulsar.opentelemetry.OpenTelemetryAttributes.InflightReadLimiterUtilization;
import org.apache.pulsar.opentelemetry.annotations.PulsarDeprecatedMetric;
import org.jctools.queues.SpscArrayQueue;

public class InflightReadsLimiter implements AutoCloseable {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -58,16 +62,36 @@ public class InflightReadsLimiter implements AutoCloseable {

private final long maxReadsInFlightSize;
private long remainingBytes;
private final long acquireTimeoutMillis;
private final ScheduledExecutorService timeOutExecutor;
private final boolean enabled;

public InflightReadsLimiter(long maxReadsInFlightSize, OpenTelemetry openTelemetry) {
if (maxReadsInFlightSize <= 0) {
record Handle(long permits, long creationTime, boolean success) {

record QueuedHandle(Handle handle, Consumer<Handle> callback) {

private final Queue<QueuedHandle> queuedHandles;
private boolean timeoutCheckRunning = false;

public InflightReadsLimiter(long maxReadsInFlightSize, int maxReadsInFlightAcquireQueueSize,
long acquireTimeoutMillis, ScheduledExecutorService timeOutExecutor,
OpenTelemetry openTelemetry) {
this.maxReadsInFlightSize = maxReadsInFlightSize;
this.remainingBytes = maxReadsInFlightSize;
this.acquireTimeoutMillis = acquireTimeoutMillis;
this.timeOutExecutor = timeOutExecutor;
if (maxReadsInFlightSize > 0) {
enabled = true;
this.queuedHandles = new SpscArrayQueue<>(maxReadsInFlightAcquireQueueSize);
} else {
enabled = false;
this.queuedHandles = null;
// set it to -1 in order to show in the metrics that the metric is not available
this.maxReadsInFlightSize = maxReadsInFlightSize;
this.remainingBytes = maxReadsInFlightSize;

var meter = openTelemetry.getMeter(Constants.BROKER_INSTRUMENTATION_SCOPE_NAME);
inflightReadsLimitCounter = meter.counterBuilder(INFLIGHT_READS_LIMITER_LIMIT_METRIC_NAME)
.setDescription("Maximum number of bytes that can be retained by managed ledger data read from storage "
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -102,70 +126,178 @@ public void close() {

static class Handle {
final long acquiredPermits;
final boolean success;
final int trials;
private static final Handle DISABLED = new Handle(0, 0, true);
private static final Optional<Handle> DISABLED_OPTIONAL = Optional.of(DISABLED);

final long creationTime;
* Acquires permits from the limiter. If the limiter is disabled, it will immediately return a successful handle.
* If permits are available, it will return a handle with the acquired permits. If no permits are available,
* it will return an empty optional and the callback will be called when permits become available or when the
* acquire timeout is reached. The success field in the handle passed to the callback will be false if the acquire
* operation times out. The callback should be non-blocking and run on a desired executor handled within the
* callback itself.
* A successful handle will have the success field set to true, and the caller must call release with the handle
* when the permits are no longer needed.
* If an unsuccessful handle is returned immediately, it means that the queue limit has been reached and the
* callback will not be called. The caller should fail the read operation in this case to apply backpressure.
* @param permits the number of permits to acquire
* @param callback the callback to be called when the permits are acquired or timed out
* @return an optional handle that contains the permits if acquired, otherwise an empty optional
public Optional<Handle> acquire(long permits, Consumer<Handle> callback) {
if (isDisabled()) {
return internalAcquire(permits, callback);

private static final Handle DISABLED = new Handle(0, true, 0, -1);
private synchronized Optional<Handle> internalAcquire(long permits, Consumer<Handle> callback) {
Handle handle = new Handle(permits, System.currentTimeMillis(), true);
if (remainingBytes >= permits) {
remainingBytes -= permits;
if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
log.debug("acquired permits: {}, creationTime: {}, remainingBytes:{}", permits, handle.creationTime,
return Optional.of(handle);
} else if (permits > maxReadsInFlightSize && remainingBytes == maxReadsInFlightSize) {
remainingBytes = 0;
if (log.isInfoEnabled()) {"Requested permits {} exceeded maxReadsInFlightSize {}, creationTime: {}, remainingBytes:{}. "
+ "Allowing request with permits set to maxReadsInFlightSize.",
permits, maxReadsInFlightSize, handle.creationTime, remainingBytes);
return Optional.of(new Handle(maxReadsInFlightSize, handle.creationTime, true));
} else {
if (queuedHandles.offer(new QueuedHandle(handle, callback))) {
return Optional.empty();
} else {
log.warn("Failed to queue handle for acquiring permits: {}, creationTime: {}, remainingBytes:{}",
permits, handle.creationTime, remainingBytes);
return Optional.of(new Handle(0, handle.creationTime, false));

Handle acquire(long permits, Handle current) {
if (maxReadsInFlightSize <= 0) {
// feature is disabled
return DISABLED;
private synchronized void scheduleTimeOutCheck(long delayMillis) {
if (acquireTimeoutMillis <= 0) {
synchronized (this) {
try {
if (current == null) {
if (remainingBytes == 0) {
return new Handle(0, false, 1, System.currentTimeMillis());
if (remainingBytes >= permits) {
remainingBytes -= permits;
return new Handle(permits, true, 1, System.currentTimeMillis());
} else {
long possible = remainingBytes;
remainingBytes = 0;
return new Handle(possible, false, 1, System.currentTimeMillis());
if (!timeoutCheckRunning) {
timeoutCheckRunning = true;
timeOutExecutor.schedule(this::timeoutCheck, delayMillis, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);

private synchronized void timeoutCheck() {
timeoutCheckRunning = false;
long delay = 0;
while (true) {
QueuedHandle queuedHandle = queuedHandles.peek();
if (queuedHandle != null) {
long age = System.currentTimeMillis() - queuedHandle.handle.creationTime;
if (age >= acquireTimeoutMillis) {
// remove the peeked handle from the queue
} else {
if (current.trials >= 4 && current.acquiredPermits > 0) {
remainingBytes += current.acquiredPermits;
return new Handle(0, false, 1, current.creationTime);
if (remainingBytes == 0) {
return new Handle(current.acquiredPermits, false, current.trials + 1,
long needed = permits - current.acquiredPermits;
if (remainingBytes >= needed) {
remainingBytes -= needed;
return new Handle(permits, true, current.trials + 1, current.creationTime);
} else {
long possible = remainingBytes;
remainingBytes = 0;
return new Handle(current.acquiredPermits + possible, false,
current.trials + 1, current.creationTime);
delay = acquireTimeoutMillis - age;
} finally {
} else {
if (delay > 0) {

private void handleTimeout(QueuedHandle queuedHandle) {
if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
log.debug("timed out queued permits: {}, creationTime: {}, remainingBytes:{}",
queuedHandle.handle.permits, queuedHandle.handle.creationTime, remainingBytes);
try {
queuedHandle.callback.accept(new Handle(0, queuedHandle.handle.creationTime, false));
} catch (Exception e) {
log.error("Error in callback of timed out queued permits: {}, creationTime: {}, remainingBytes:{}",
queuedHandle.handle.permits, queuedHandle.handle.creationTime, remainingBytes, e);

void release(Handle handle) {
* Releases permits back to the limiter. If the handle is disabled, this method will be a no-op.
* @param handle the handle containing the permits to release
public void release(Handle handle) {
if (handle == DISABLED) {
synchronized (this) {
remainingBytes += handle.acquiredPermits;

private synchronized void internalRelease(Handle handle) {
if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
log.debug("release permits: {}, creationTime: {}, remainingBytes:{}", handle.permits,
handle.creationTime, getRemainingBytes());
remainingBytes += handle.permits;
while (true) {
QueuedHandle queuedHandle = queuedHandles.peek();
if (queuedHandle != null) {
boolean timedOut = acquireTimeoutMillis > 0
&& System.currentTimeMillis() - queuedHandle.handle.creationTime > acquireTimeoutMillis;
if (timedOut) {
// remove the peeked handle from the queue
} else if (remainingBytes >= queuedHandle.handle.permits
|| queuedHandle.handle.permits > maxReadsInFlightSize
&& remainingBytes == maxReadsInFlightSize) {
// remove the peeked handle from the queue
} else {
} else {

private void handleQueuedHandle(QueuedHandle queuedHandle) {
long permits = queuedHandle.handle.permits;
Handle handleForCallback = queuedHandle.handle;
if (permits > maxReadsInFlightSize && remainingBytes == maxReadsInFlightSize) {
remainingBytes = 0;
if (log.isInfoEnabled()) {"Requested permits {} exceeded maxReadsInFlightSize {}, creationTime: {}, remainingBytes:{}. "
+ "Allowing request with permits set to maxReadsInFlightSize.",
permits, maxReadsInFlightSize, queuedHandle.handle.creationTime, remainingBytes);
handleForCallback = new Handle(maxReadsInFlightSize, queuedHandle.handle.creationTime, true);
} else {
remainingBytes -= permits;
if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
log.debug("acquired queued permits: {}, creationTime: {}, remainingBytes:{}",
permits, queuedHandle.handle.creationTime, remainingBytes);
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
log.error("Error in callback of acquired queued permits: {}, creationTime: {}, remainingBytes:{}",
handleForCallback.permits, handleForCallback.creationTime, remainingBytes, e);

Expand All @@ -175,8 +307,6 @@ private synchronized void updateMetrics() {

public boolean isDisabled() {
return maxReadsInFlightSize <= 0;
return !enabled;


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