142 commits
to master
since this release
- Add 8 to 9 migration guide. #2039
- Set minimum Java version to 11.
- The previously deprecated MobileBy class has been removed. Use AppiumBy instead.
- The previously deprecated launchApp, resetApp and closeApp methods have been removed. Use extension methods instead.
- The previously deprecated WindowsBy class and related location strategies have been removed.
- The previously deprecated ByAll class has been removed in favour of the Selenium one.
- The previously deprecated AndroidMobileCapabilityType interface has been removed. Use driver options instead
- The previously deprecated IOSMobileCapabilityType interface has been removed. Use driver options instead
- The previously deprecated MobileCapabilityType interface has been removed. Use driver options instead
- The previously deprecated MobileOptions class has been removed. Use driver options instead
- The previously deprecated YouiEngineCapabilityType interface has been removed. Use driver options instead
- Removed several misspelled methods. Use properly spelled alternatives instead
- Removed startActivity method from AndroidDriver. Use 'mobile: startActivity' extension method instead
- Removed the previously deprecated APPIUM constant from the AutomationName interface
- Removed the previously deprecated PRE_LAUNCH value from the GeneralServerFlag enum
- Moved AppiumUserAgentFilter class to io.appium.java_client.internal.filters package
- Align Selenium version in test dependencies. #2042
- Removed dependencies to Apache Commons libraries.