- Download pre-built binary into a server
curl -fsSL -O https://github.com/appscodelabs/gh-ci-webhook/releases/download/v0.0.20/gh-ci-webhook-linux-amd64
chmod +x gh-ci-webhook-linux-amd64
mv gh-ci-webhook-linux-amd64 /usr/local/bin/gh-ci-webhook
- Install systemd service
curl -fsSL -O https://github.com/appscodelabs/gh-ci-webhook/raw/v0.0.20/hack/systemd/gh-ci-webhook.service
chmod +x gh-ci-webhook.service
# edit gh-ci-webhook.service file to add `--ssl --secret-key=<uuid>`
mv gh-ci-webhook.service /lib/systemd/system/gh-ci-webhook.service
Now, you should be able to enable the service, start it, then monitor the logs by tailing the systemd journal:
sudo systemctl enable gh-ci-webhook.service
sudo systemctl start gh-ci-webhook
sudo journalctl -f -u gh-ci-webhook
Also, set the <uuid>
passed to gh-ci-webhook.service as the secret key.
nats server mapping "ghactions.runs.*.*" "ghactions.machines.{{wildcard(1)}}.{{partition(1,2)}}"