- None
- Make $factory parameter for cache configurations optional
- None
- Add DatabaseNode::getEncryption() method
- Return value of NodeValue::__toString() will now be casted to string value
- None
- Reset to version 12.0.0 and add PHPUnit test for constructor injection with three arguements with the same type
- None
- Make sure overriding an references from a deployment descriptors will be taken into account
- None
- Fixing descriptor reference handling
- None
- None
- Switch to Doctrine Annotations
- None
- Add persistence unit descriptor interfaces + implementations from appserver-io/appserver to this library
- None
- Move descriptor interfaces to appserver-io/epb
- Add FixtureDescriptor and MigrationDescriptor implementation
- Move appserver-io dependencies from require-dev to require
- None
- None
- Add new configuration + descriptors for DI method invocation
- Fixed error with missing method parameter name when initializing a InjectionTargetDescriptor from configuration
- None
- None
- Refactoring for new DI implemenation
- None
- Switch to latest appserver-io-psr/epb version 4.0.0
- None
- Add @PrePassivate + @PostActivate annotations to SFSB
- Add @PreAttach + @PostDetach annotations to SSB
- None
- Add remove method functionality
- None
- Add method replaceProperties() to recursively replace variables in value nodes with values from a property file
- Remove protected replacePropertiesInString() and replacePropertiesInStream() methods => switch properties library
- None
- Add method replaceProperties() to recursively replace variables in node values with values from a property file
- None
- Add PHPUnit tests for AbstractNode and AbstractValueNode classes
- None
- Add preInit() and postInit() callbacks to AbstractNode class
- None
- Using configuration based initialization and replace fromDeploymentDescriptor() with fromConfiguration() method
- None
- Use value of beanName instead of name when beanInterface value is not specified
- Introduced type check on merge to avoid Fatal Errors on mismatches
- None
- None
- Add persistence unit descriptor functionality for Doctrine integration
- None
- Implement post-detach and pre-attach lifecycle callback annotation and deployment descriptor parsing
- None
- Move deployment descriptors from appserver-io/appserver to this package to allow framework decoupling