Reactive Hub is a collection of multi-receiver and multi-producer Proxies connecting Publishers and Subscribers so that Subscribers can receive events without knowledge of which Publishers, if any, there are, while maintaining easily identifiable connection between them.
It is ideal for centralizing cross-cutting activities like UI updates, logging, alerting, monitoring, security, etc.
- Simplified combination of Pub/Sub (EventBus) pattern and Reactive Programming
- Most 'Rx-EventBuses' implementations support only non Rx input/output of events
- In Standard EventBus the link between producers and event consumers is not that evident thus making the code more difficult to follow, reason and debug
RxHub rxHub = new DefaultRxJava1Hub();
rxHub.addUpstream("src1", Observable.just(1));
rxHub.addUpstream("src1", Observable.just(5));
RHub allows Publish/Subscribe pattern implementation and thus helps decouple components. This can be compared to an EventBus where:
- publishing events may happen via single post using 'emit()' or by adding a Publisher
- RHub Proxies take care of connecting publishers and consumers to the Hub
- The subscriptions and the flow of events is handled by the Reactive Framework (RxJava, Reactor, etc.)
In RHub different set of events are separated into Proxies identified by a Tag(topic).
- a Hub contains Proxies which can merge inputs from 0-n Publishers and post to 0-n Subscribers
- a Proxy is identified by a Tag
- a single event from non-rx code can be emitted on a Proxy
Check also the Gherkin Features
- core - core module containing the very basic interfaces of RHub
- rxjava-v1 - RxJava 1.x implementation of RHub
- rxjava-v2 - RxJava 2.x implementation of RHub
- reactor - Reactor Core implementation of RHub
- rs-core - Reactive Streams generic implementation of RHub
- Roxy (Reactive Proxy) - single fan-in/fan-out unit in RHub
- roxy-core - core Roxy module containing the very basic interfaces
- roxy-rs - Reactive Strems generic implementation of Roxy
- roxy-rxjava1 - RxJava 1.x implementation of Roxy
- roxy-rxjava2 - RxJava 2.x implementation of Roxy
- roxy-reactor - Reactor Core implementation of Roxy
- roxy-core - core Roxy module containing the very basic interfaces
- Shield - Type-safe handy layer on top of RHub
- shield-annotations - Common Shield Annotations
- shield-base-maker - base module for Shield Maker responsible to create instances for a given Shield interface
- shield-maker-rs - Shield Maker module for Reactive Streams Hubs
- shield-maker-rxjava1 - Shield Maker module for RxJava 1.x Hubs
- shield-maker-rxjava2 - Shield Maker module for RxJava 2.x Hubs
- shield-base-processor - base Annotation Processor module
- shield-processor-rxjava1 - Annotation Processor module for RxJava1
- shield-processor-rxjava2-subj - Annotation Processor module for RxJava2 Subject/Observable types
- shield-processor-rxjava2-proc - Annotation Processor module for RxJava2 Processor/Flowable types
- shield-processor-reactor - Annotation Processor module for Reactor Core
- shield-annotations - Common Shield Annotations
Find the latest JARs or grab via Maven:
or Gradle:
compile 'io.apptik.rhub:XXX:0.2.0-alpha1'
Downloads of the released versions are available in Sonatype's releases
Snapshots of the development versions are available in Sonatype's snapshots
StackOverflow with tag 'rhub' or 'apptik'
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