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[feat] support alloc contiguous pages at given addr, support 64G memo…
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hky1999 authored Dec 12, 2024
1 parent 16496d8 commit 1317743
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Showing 3 changed files with 273 additions and 16 deletions.
12 changes: 9 additions & 3 deletions Cargo.toml
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Expand Up @@ -10,8 +10,8 @@ repository = ""
documentation = ""

default = []
full = ["bitmap", "tlsf", "slab", "buddy", "allocator_api"]
default = ["page-alloc-256m"]
full = ["bitmap", "tlsf", "slab", "buddy", "allocator_api", "page-alloc-256m"]

bitmap = ["dep:bitmap-allocator"]

Expand All @@ -21,11 +21,17 @@ buddy = ["dep:buddy_system_allocator"]

allocator_api = []

page-alloc-1t = []
page-alloc-64g = []
page-alloc-4g = []
page-alloc-256m = []

cfg-if = "1.0"
rlsf = { version = "0.2", optional = true }
buddy_system_allocator = { version = "0.10", default-features = false, optional = true }
slab_allocator = { git = "", tag = "v0.3.1", optional = true }
bitmap-allocator = { version = "0.1", optional = true }
bitmap-allocator = { version = "0.2", optional = true }

allocator = { path = ".", features = ["full"] }
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261 changes: 248 additions & 13 deletions src/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,13 +1,29 @@
//! Bitmap allocation in page-granularity.
//! TODO: adaptive size
use bitmap_allocator::BitAlloc;

use crate::{AllocError, AllocResult, BaseAllocator, PageAllocator};

// Support max 1M * 4096 = 4GB memory.
type BitAllocUsed = bitmap_allocator::BitAlloc1M;
const MAX_ALIGN_1GB: usize = 0x4000_0000;

cfg_if::cfg_if! {
if #[cfg(test)] {
/// Use 4GB memory for testing.
type BitAllocUsed = bitmap_allocator::BitAlloc1M;
} else if #[cfg(feature = "page-alloc-1t")] {
/// Support max 256M * PAGE_SIZE = 1TB memory (assume that PAGE_SIZE = 4KB).
type BitAllocUsed = bitmap_allocator::BitAlloc256M;
} else if #[cfg(feature = "page-alloc-64g")] {
/// Support max 16M * PAGE_SIZE = 64GB memory (assume that PAGE_SIZE = 4KB).
type BitAllocUsed = bitmap_allocator::BitAlloc16M;
} else if #[cfg(feature = "page-alloc-4g")] {
/// Support max 1M * PAGE_SIZE = 4GB memory (assume that PAGE_SIZE = 4KB).
type BitAllocUsed = bitmap_allocator::BitAlloc1M;
} else {// #[cfg(feature = "page-alloc-256m")]
/// Support max 64K * PAGE_SIZE = 256MB memory (assume that PAGE_SIZE = 4KB).
type BitAllocUsed = bitmap_allocator::BitAlloc64K;

/// A page-granularity memory allocator based on the [bitmap_allocator].
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -37,11 +53,20 @@ impl<const PAGE_SIZE: usize> BitmapPageAllocator<PAGE_SIZE> {
impl<const PAGE_SIZE: usize> BaseAllocator for BitmapPageAllocator<PAGE_SIZE> {
fn init(&mut self, start: usize, size: usize) {
let end = super::align_down(start + size, PAGE_SIZE);
let start = super::align_up(start, PAGE_SIZE);
self.base = start;

// Range for real: [align_up(start, PAGE_SIZE), align_down(start + size, PAGE_SIZE))
let end = crate::align_down(start + size, PAGE_SIZE);
let start = crate::align_up(start, PAGE_SIZE);
self.total_pages = (end - start) / PAGE_SIZE;

// Calculate the base offset stored in the real [`BitAlloc`] instance.
self.base = crate::align_down(start, MAX_ALIGN_1GB);

// Range in bitmap: [start - self.base, start - self.base + total_pages * PAGE_SIZE)
let start = start - self.base;
let start_idx = start / PAGE_SIZE;

self.inner.insert(start_idx..start_idx + self.total_pages);

fn add_memory(&mut self, _start: usize, _size: usize) -> AllocResult {
Expand All @@ -53,7 +78,8 @@ impl<const PAGE_SIZE: usize> PageAllocator for BitmapPageAllocator<PAGE_SIZE> {
const PAGE_SIZE: usize = PAGE_SIZE;

fn alloc_pages(&mut self, num_pages: usize, align_pow2: usize) -> AllocResult<usize> {
if align_pow2 % PAGE_SIZE != 0 {
// Check if the alignment is valid.
if align_pow2 > MAX_ALIGN_1GB || !crate::is_aligned(align_pow2, PAGE_SIZE) {
return Err(AllocError::InvalidParam);
let align_pow2 = align_pow2 / PAGE_SIZE;
Expand All @@ -65,18 +91,59 @@ impl<const PAGE_SIZE: usize> PageAllocator for BitmapPageAllocator<PAGE_SIZE> {
core::cmp::Ordering::Equal => self.inner.alloc().map(|idx| idx * PAGE_SIZE + self.base),
core::cmp::Ordering::Greater => self
.alloc_contiguous(num_pages, align_log2)
.alloc_contiguous(None, num_pages, align_log2)
.map(|idx| idx * PAGE_SIZE + self.base),
_ => return Err(AllocError::InvalidParam),
.inspect(|_| self.used_pages += num_pages)

/// Allocate pages at a specific address.
fn alloc_pages_at(
&mut self,
base: usize,
num_pages: usize,
align_pow2: usize,
) -> AllocResult<usize> {
// Check if the alignment is valid,
// and the base address is aligned to the given alignment.
if align_pow2 > MAX_ALIGN_1GB
|| !crate::is_aligned(align_pow2, PAGE_SIZE)
|| !crate::is_aligned(base, align_pow2)
return Err(AllocError::InvalidParam);

let align_pow2 = align_pow2 / PAGE_SIZE;
if !align_pow2.is_power_of_two() {
return Err(AllocError::InvalidParam);
let align_log2 = align_pow2.trailing_zeros() as usize;

let idx = (base - self.base) / PAGE_SIZE;

.alloc_contiguous(Some(idx), num_pages, align_log2)
.map(|idx| idx * PAGE_SIZE + self.base)
.inspect(|_| self.used_pages += num_pages)

fn dealloc_pages(&mut self, pos: usize, num_pages: usize) {
// TODO: not decrease `used_pages` if deallocation failed
self.used_pages -= num_pages;
self.inner.dealloc((pos - self.base) / PAGE_SIZE)
crate::is_aligned(pos, Self::PAGE_SIZE),
"pos must be aligned to PAGE_SIZE"
if match num_pages.cmp(&1) {
core::cmp::Ordering::Equal => self.inner.dealloc((pos - self.base) / PAGE_SIZE),
core::cmp::Ordering::Greater => self
.dealloc_contiguous((pos - self.base) / PAGE_SIZE, num_pages),
_ => false,
} {
self.used_pages -= num_pages;

fn total_pages(&self) -> usize {
Expand All @@ -91,3 +158,171 @@ impl<const PAGE_SIZE: usize> PageAllocator for BitmapPageAllocator<PAGE_SIZE> {
self.total_pages - self.used_pages

mod tests {
use super::*;

const PAGE_SIZE: usize = 4096;

fn test_bitmap_page_allocator_one_page() {
let mut allocator = BitmapPageAllocator::<PAGE_SIZE>::new();
allocator.init(PAGE_SIZE, PAGE_SIZE);

assert_eq!(allocator.total_pages(), 1);
assert_eq!(allocator.used_pages(), 0);
assert_eq!(allocator.available_pages(), 1);

let addr = allocator.alloc_pages(1, PAGE_SIZE).unwrap();
assert_eq!(addr, 0x1000);
assert_eq!(allocator.used_pages(), 1);
assert_eq!(allocator.available_pages(), 0);

allocator.dealloc_pages(addr, 1);
assert_eq!(allocator.used_pages(), 0);
assert_eq!(allocator.available_pages(), 1);

let addr = allocator.alloc_pages(1, PAGE_SIZE).unwrap();
assert_eq!(addr, 0x1000);
assert_eq!(allocator.used_pages(), 1);
assert_eq!(allocator.available_pages(), 0);

fn test_bitmap_page_allocator_size_2g() {
const SIZE_1G: usize = 1024 * 1024 * 1024;
const SIZE_2G: usize = 2 * SIZE_1G;

const TEST_BASE_ADDR: usize = SIZE_1G + PAGE_SIZE;

let mut allocator = BitmapPageAllocator::<PAGE_SIZE>::new();
allocator.init(TEST_BASE_ADDR, SIZE_2G);

let mut num_pages = 1;
// Test allocation and deallocation of 1, 10, 100, 1000 pages.
while num_pages <= 1000 {
assert_eq!(allocator.total_pages(), SIZE_2G / PAGE_SIZE);
assert_eq!(allocator.used_pages(), 0);
assert_eq!(allocator.available_pages(), SIZE_2G / PAGE_SIZE);

let addr = allocator.alloc_pages(num_pages, PAGE_SIZE).unwrap();
assert_eq!(addr, TEST_BASE_ADDR);
assert_eq!(allocator.used_pages(), num_pages);
assert_eq!(allocator.available_pages(), SIZE_2G / PAGE_SIZE - num_pages);

allocator.dealloc_pages(addr, num_pages);
assert_eq!(allocator.used_pages(), 0);
assert_eq!(allocator.available_pages(), SIZE_2G / PAGE_SIZE);

num_pages *= 10;

// Test allocation and deallocation of 1, 10, 100 pages with alignment.
num_pages = 1;
let mut align = PAGE_SIZE;
while align <= MAX_ALIGN_1GB {
assert_eq!(allocator.total_pages(), SIZE_2G / PAGE_SIZE);
assert_eq!(allocator.used_pages(), 0);
assert_eq!(allocator.available_pages(), SIZE_2G / PAGE_SIZE);

let addr = allocator.alloc_pages(num_pages, align).unwrap();
assert_eq!(addr, crate::align_up(TEST_BASE_ADDR, align));
assert_eq!(allocator.used_pages(), num_pages);
assert_eq!(allocator.available_pages(), SIZE_2G / PAGE_SIZE - num_pages);

allocator.dealloc_pages(addr, num_pages);
assert_eq!(allocator.used_pages(), 0);
assert_eq!(allocator.available_pages(), SIZE_2G / PAGE_SIZE);

num_pages *= 10;
align <<= 9;

num_pages = 1;
align = PAGE_SIZE;
let mut i = 0;
let mut addrs = [(0, 0); 3];
let mut used_pages = 0;

// Test allocation of 1, 10, 100 pages with alignment.
while i < 3 {
assert_eq!(allocator.total_pages(), SIZE_2G / PAGE_SIZE);
assert_eq!(allocator.used_pages(), used_pages);
SIZE_2G / PAGE_SIZE - used_pages

let addr = allocator.alloc_pages(num_pages, align).unwrap();
assert!(crate::is_aligned(addr, align));

addrs[i] = (addr, num_pages);

used_pages += num_pages;
assert_eq!(allocator.used_pages(), used_pages);
SIZE_2G / PAGE_SIZE - used_pages

num_pages *= 10;
align <<= 9;
i += 1;

i = 0;
// Test deallocation of 1, 10, 100 pages.
while i < 3 {
let addr = addrs[i].0;
let num_pages = addrs[i].1;
allocator.dealloc_pages(addr, num_pages);

used_pages -= num_pages;
assert_eq!(allocator.used_pages(), used_pages);
SIZE_2G / PAGE_SIZE - used_pages
i += 1;

assert_eq!(allocator.used_pages(), 0);
assert_eq!(allocator.available_pages(), SIZE_2G / PAGE_SIZE);

// Test allocation of 1, 10, 100 pages with alignment at a specific address.
num_pages = 1;
align = PAGE_SIZE;
i = 0;
used_pages = 0;
let mut test_addr_base = TEST_BASE_ADDR;

while i < 3 {
assert_eq!(allocator.total_pages(), SIZE_2G / PAGE_SIZE);
assert_eq!(allocator.used_pages(), used_pages);
SIZE_2G / PAGE_SIZE - used_pages

let addr = allocator
.alloc_pages_at(test_addr_base, num_pages, align)
assert_eq!(addr, test_addr_base);

used_pages += num_pages;
assert_eq!(allocator.used_pages(), used_pages);
SIZE_2G / PAGE_SIZE - used_pages

num_pages *= 10;
align <<= 9;

test_addr_base = crate::align_up(test_addr_base + num_pages * PAGE_SIZE, align);

i += 1;
16 changes: 16 additions & 0 deletions src/
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Expand Up @@ -88,6 +88,14 @@ pub trait PageAllocator: BaseAllocator {
/// Deallocate contiguous memory pages with given position and count.
fn dealloc_pages(&mut self, pos: usize, num_pages: usize);

/// Allocate contiguous memory pages with given base address, count and alignment.
fn alloc_pages_at(
&mut self,
base: usize,
num_pages: usize,
align_pow2: usize,
) -> AllocResult<usize>;

/// Returns the total number of memory pages.
fn total_pages(&self) -> usize;

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -132,6 +140,14 @@ const fn align_up(pos: usize, align: usize) -> usize {
(pos + align - 1) & !(align - 1)

/// Checks whether the address has the demanded alignment.
/// Equivalent to `addr % align == 0`, but the alignment must be a power of two.
const fn is_aligned(base_addr: usize, align: usize) -> bool {
base_addr & (align - 1) == 0

#[cfg(feature = "allocator_api")]
mod allocator_api {
extern crate alloc;
Expand Down

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