1.6.2 (2022-04-23)
- fix call position error issues (0cd6d2d)
- fix naming typos (f2043c8)
- fix newline issue in Windows (6f4136a)
- fix origin package error issues (b06556f)
- fix package issues (b413276)
- mybatis: fix cannot parse local dtd issue (c902629)
- mybatis: fix dir with xml issues (9c3224f)
- mybatis: fix empty code issues (1d52481)
- mybatis: fix systemId will load from http issue for #44 (1aaef98)
- rule: fix code issue (aa7e807)
- rule: fix parameter in url issue (736c266)
- scan: analyse api calls via code structs which output by language analyser (2bd9999)
- simplify the template and fix tests (c49478d)
- skip analyser loading tests (wait for fix windows path) (638a8a2)
- sourcecode: fix field name use keyvalue issue (f7eedb9)
- sourcecode: fix get a error node name for Kotlin (5d87b5e)
- sourcecode: fix simple fix for newline issue in sql (b4a0eef)
- sourcecode: remove api CODE (88957e8)
- sourcecode: remove api only scanner (24b8feb)
- bytcode: add test cases for code treee annotation (f8aca10)
- create a template for analyser (c4a6e61)
- create context/analyser/client in scanner_cli (da940cc)
- create scanner cli to dispatch the context data to different analyser (30e46ff)
- create scanner structure, dynamic load with customized specs (9cbceae)
- dep: add main node for maven (f3a96a5)
- dep: add regex for match gradle context (38fd628)
- dep: add scope for maven (6cacdab)
- dep: basic parse for maven (8287e03)
- dep: init first version model (20f2f19)
- dep: init scan dep (541d317)
- kotlin: add visit for rule (1292ec4)
- language analyser for kotlin (66abc39)
- load analyser via absolute path at runtime (52faea2)
- maven: add scope support (26a7c31)
- new scanner module (5b31b43)
- package analyser as a shadow jar, exclude the redundant dependencies to minimize the size (0a19a93)
- rule: add basic test smell provider (ceeff9d)
- rule: add callback for save results for #4 (86b42c1)
- rule: add end without crud create (4577495)
- rule: add language for tbsrule #4 (c6eadb2)
- rule: add not start with crud rule (d0df54f)
- rule: add not upppercase rule (aebea86)
- rule: add sample for test bad smells (8cf0de3)
- rule: add smell position for #4 (bf21462)
- rule: add tbs app for test (2f161d3)
- rule: enable rules for visit (cb722cd)
- rule: init basic ast rule (c89c528)
- rule: init basic rule cores (77ce71d)
- rule: init context for TbsRuleVisitor (18072ef)
- rule: init simple test for container (d0083c5)
- rule: split impl mods (9c8abe0)
- rule: use visit function for node (81ef133)
- sca: add basic dependency set support (e476323)
- sca: add basic test for java finder (efd2a57)
- sca: add depSet entry support (2c3d595)
- sca: add dev, optional dep for npm (c344bf6)
- sca: add first version node tree (93b509e)
- sca: add keyword arg support (c2abb72)
- sca: add lost dep version (aec940e)
- sca: add normal npm decl support (e3b40db)
- sca: add simple line for gradle (83ce943)
- sca: init basic to sql scripts (de128a5)
- sca: init first output sql (b38f547)
- sca: init maven parse support (695739c)
- sca: init two beans for bean2sql script (8840d9e)
- scan: add shadow package for template as well (a6bc90d)
- scan: migrate java (e3eceb6)
- scan: migrate typescript (46b214f)
- scan: output the test nodes json, feature analyser can take it as the input (contract test) (406c3e7)
- scan: split the api analyser (7c6e798)
- sourcecode: add first runner tests (64bc86e)
- the basic structure of the scanners (6283b7a)
- Revert "build: config swap memory for CI" (731828e)
1.5.0 (2022-04-13)
- db: fix insert statement issue (067bef9)
- diff: fix scanner issues (f471e20)
- mybatis: fix test archguard/archguard# (118eb97)
- mybatis: parse collection from attributes archguard/archguard#9 (181b378)
- remove unused code (a08cf79)
- api: add old spring mvc annotation sample (d519dcd)
- database: add tablename downgrap support (4d9d897)
- diff: add short check for revision id (d3368f4)
- git: enable logs for debug (0eed4ea)
- linter: init source casing checker (5f19111)
- mybatis: add baisc node handler #9 (62b597a)
- mybatis: add from path support archguard/archguard# (214f434)
- mybatis: add mybatis for try generate sql (f09134a)
- mybatis: add selectkey support archguard/archguard#9 (d494ae2)
- mybatis: change output to map archguard/archguard#9 (8e79200)
- mybatis: clean code archguard/archguard#9 (cf67c98)
- mybatis: enable base parameters for common sql archguard/archguard#9 (5c583a9)
- mybatis: enable process in db archguard/archguard# (cb2124f)
- mybatis: ignore apply for catch issues for archguard#9 (666491c)
- mybatis: re add fake parameters archguard/archguard#9 (5203cb2)
- mybatis: skip generator for key archguard/archguard#9 (8fdf711)
- mybatis: support for collection archguard/archguard#9 (4cec7dc)
- mybatis: support for includes archguard/archguard#9 (160fd19)
- mybatis: test for ognl to parse but not works (3328b22)
- mybatis: try parse condition from ognl (025b6ee)
- mybatis: try parse mybatis code & and crud to key (c19122c)
- mybatis: try parse parmeter for archguard/archguard#9 (540a725)
- mybatis: try to parse by iterations archguard/archguard#9 (e17a09d)
- mybatis: try write rootNode builder (969eda7)
- mybatis: use official test caes archguard/archguard#9 (02f8b04)
- xml: init basic design for xml parser (099552d)
- xml: init parser start element sample for mybatis (8a281b5)
1.4.5 (2022-04-10)
- change: fix diff size issues (74872f9)
- fix loc lost in third parth library (a1f93f5)
- fix refactor issues (2f1c395)
- fix seriable issue (a18122a)
- fix typo (1ed21f4)
- fix typo (377b7e7)
- fix typos (3e9b6cd)
- fix windows import issues (a1cbe35)
- mysql: fix newline issue for windows (0c9a789)
- sourcecode: fix class order issues (9ee6368)
- sourcecode: fix condition error issues (4cd8a45)
- typescript: fix fields issues (443d4fb)
- typescript: fix tests (1c60a2d)
- typescript: ignore field naming or error nam (739ee9b)
- diff: init repository (18922d6)
- diff: init repository save (6decf6d)
- diff: make first diff changes (fcd00db)
- sourcecode: change thirdpart access to public (d172bf8)
- typescript: add exports to name support (6e7e6d2)
- typescript: add normal component support (99678d8)
- typescript: add usage name support (31d7ac3)
1.4.3 (2022-04-06)
- add basic change compare & wait for chapi 1.5.33 😪😪😪😪 (132ba56)
- add differ for changed files (c8f24f7)
- add differ for list names (0f39383)
- differ: add simple converter for items (07d78a2)
- differ: init basic logic, but need to update compare logic in chapi (2c826dd)
- differ: init first commits for test in GitHub actions (21ee575)
- differ: init parameters (d887eb7)
- make differ return changed functions (c4f0a1b)
- make filter changed ds works (3acf9b3)
- make first version rcalls (8c83dfd)
- make generte changes work snapshot versions (bbf1627)
- remove compare for function sized (68d0354)
- use chapi to parse data structs (3002663)
1.4.2 (2022-04-02)
- datamap: add jpa @Query (ddc569c)
- datamap: fix backtick in table name (fc354b7)
- datamap: fix close (b51b266)
- datamap: fix field typo (82f87de)
- datamap: init code db relation repository (a690b9f)
- differ: init module (b1eff2b)
- make save to projects (97d1ff5)
1.4.1 (2022-03-31)
- fix build (4dc6bf5)
- fix query issue for without quote (fb6bbfe)
- fix tests (e67a8d3)
- remove unused codes (d17a0f4)
- database: add first db analyser simple (ce0b754)
- database: add first query tests (3b66265)
- database: add first query testsgst (ba4917b)
- database: add handle for exception (c5e34ba)
- database: add handle for raw string (1c77596)
- database: add handle for raw string in sql (dbbb57e)
- database: add log to dbs (bc21df2)
- database: add logs for dbs (4f66b14)
- database: add parse for sql (1fcb58d)
- database: add query for createQuery (49446b7)
- database: add support for variable inline (bfe4922)
- database: add to runnder (1e6106c)
- database: fix item empty (3ea6161)
- database: fix kotlin in variable (0d5e137)
- database: replace items in default (2bf1d68)
- database: support for jdbi binding (4549046)
- kotlin: fix end with +" issue (52b8e0e)
- kotlin: fix offest & limit issues (86d2b5f)
1.4.0 (2022-03-30)
- add lost assert for source caller (2317f21)
- add lost source caller (cd40461)
- api: fix function issue (fc5ea89)
- bytecode: exclude init method to call, but add to import (8b0bbb7)
- bytecode: fix api empty issues (b6e70de)
- bytecode: fix for interfaces empty issue (23d6882)
- bytecode: fix import issues (3dae498)
- bytecode: fix typos (e3e296c)
- bytecode: fix typos (b4d7a81)
- bytecode: remove default types from imports (f1b8541)
- bytecode: remove unused $ (6d12335)
- fix kotlin.Metadata annotation issues (ceb792f)
- fix lints (497291d)
- fix lowercase issue for function name (d31422b)
- fix typos (a46658e)
- add basic call support for java (d8c9295)
- add code sample for data (1f67d84)
- add line position for method node (e66a8f6)
- add test functions for java (fecf421)
- bytecode: add annotation support (11e0f50)
- bytecode: add class modifier parser (26ae47c)
- bytecode: add constuctor check (af8f13a)
- bytecode: add field support (bdd75e4)
- bytecode: add for rest template (2bf2c04)
- bytecode: add get classes support (82fb58a)
- bytecode: add method modifier support (0d36706)
- bytecode: add modifier support (7bd03bc)
- bytecode: add parameters type support (c55b649)
- bytecode: add return type support (270970a)
- bytecode: add simple constant pool (eecafb3)
- bytecode: add simple constant to TypeValue (19e13e4)
- bytecode: add test for module util (6dbf54f)
- bytecode: add url in array for annotaion support (0e9bcc5)
- bytecode: change annotation to end with import collector (3a86b78)
- bytecode: feat class package identify support (69e2a8f)
- bytecode: feat split class name and package name support (8f7014b)
- bytecode: ignore init methods for java & kotlin (22cae37)
- bytecode: import runner (f2f985b)
- bytecode: init for scala samples (87d55a5)
- bytecode: init import calls (79720f2)
- bytecode: make first sample for workdirs (0076205)
- bytecode: reinit module parser (0e5a244)
- bytecode: split imports (53676c9)
- bytecode: try to add nested name (0ec64aa)
- init first bytecode samples (9082f2d)
1.3.2 (2022-03-25)
- empty http method for match more than one (53045de)
- fix empty http method issue (deb1f6c)
- update tbs chapi versions (ed5f8f2)
1.3.1 (2022-03-25)
- empty default language to skip complex (e3b84f8)
- fix // issues in api (274271f)
- fix api define issues (be834fa)
- fix build name issues (c0023c4)
- fix ci (76b5bc9)
- fix claname isuses (c4155b4)
- fix ext to languages not a list issues (81bb0c2)
- fix json file with keywords issues (e198995)
- fix lost repo for resoruce issue (40e88b8)
- fix open image files issues (fb31740)
- fix route issues (521ef20)
- fix some controller not annotation issue (548f155)
- fix typos (3a29f5f)
- remove unused with api flags (0acd089)
- add basic second ext for try (54de4fc)
- add check for .dot file (75d3a80)
- add java api scan support (482ba8e)
- add line added and line deleted support (75c9696)
- add pure filename support (75d9f7f)
- add test for license file (d443ec3)
- c#: add loc for class support (2cab6ea)
- collector: init ci (0882295)
- init c# api parser (a45736c)
- java: add sub url issue (8ba6f23)
- make classComplexity only for java langauge (cca5307)
- sourcecode: add api only flags (ef72630)
- sourcecode: add for gbk count lines support (42005b8)
1.2.4 (2022-03-23)
- add append to files for content (3def653)
- add languages resoruces (4606c64)
- add line count to file git changes (de053c4)
- add lost test languages (435e95c)
- add recoginize language support (013468a)
- add simple line counts (0f98cb8)
- try to fix file type issues (96f6648)
1.2.3 (2022-03-22)
- add lost for save class anotations (e5a2c22)
- align path convert (bbfe6f3)
- fix arguments types issues (821609c)
- fix container api error issues (914f870)
- fix some fields lost issues (97aadf7)
- fix table not convert issues (e177adc)
- fix tests (99abb0b)
- fix typescript import issue (c4574dc)
- fix typos (0157b14)
- remove typos for baseUrl (7b133d5)
- ts: set default export to file name (1b6dc91)
- add basic url for frontent api desing (8cb1254)
- add convert for import (c584b98)
- add handle for class deps rehandle (f8d7f4b)
- add intergration for frontent api analyser (8301f81)
- add lost system id to system (d105d9b)
- add simple fix for system (13b8ed0)
- fix source method & package issue (8914b76)
- import api scanner for frontend (97c4f77)
- save class in components (ba1aa00)
- sourcecode: add javascript import support (fc44a3e)
- ts: enable class name and method name empty (cf45599)
1.2.2 (2022-03-20)
- add check for same class already in system (8fd5759)
- fix db sql config issue (d8de8a1)
- fix some typos (3629e5c)
- fix typo (5f6f908)
- add catch for duplicated key issue (f343f7c)
1.2.1 (2022-03-20)
1.2.0 (2022-03-20)
- container: init api analyser flag (19caf3b)
1.1.10 (2022-03-19)
1.1.10 (2022-03-19)
1.1.9 (2022-03-18)
- fix file not generate issue (69500c3)
- fix value contains \n issue (1643b78)
- jacoco: fix default path issue (78af229)
1.1.8 (2022-03-18)
- add lost kotlin (7f9724a)
- fix class name & module name issue (4c51d09)
- fix typo (404ccda)
- set default module to root for test (8368c8f)
- try to fix versions issues (cc291a1)
- add clz dep (8455024)
- enable source code to data (1f05712)
- enable TypeScript parse (154c5d9)
- source: add methodfield support (62d3f0a)
1.1.6 (2022-03-17)
- typescript: add first version for demand (b235863)
1.1.5 (2022-03-17)
- fix kotlin size count issues (1f54e5f)
1.1.4 (2022-03-16)
- fix typos for runner name (4fae2fd)
- add test bad smells (5c3cffb)
1.1.3 (2022-03-16)
0.1.2 (2022-03-16)
- add basic mysql parser for database relation ship (0c283dd)
- add lost system id (be170bc)
- enable to class lists (572a0d7)
- export first sql files (ce93dbd)
- httpapi: init basic typescript part (e15c237)
- import chapi for parse source (11f94ca)
- init scan javasource (f5aab20)
- javasoucre: add field support (498677d)
- javasoucre: add save annotation (f2edbfc)
- javasoucre: add save method (c62d2ce)
- use maven center chapi (0005620)
0.1.1 (2022-02-19)
- add shadowjar for fatjar (10d6c42)
0.1.0 (2022-02-18)
- fix version issue for compatibility (1e95a9b)
- add jacoco as moudle (600465d)
- add mem initial to 2g (1e78746)
- add package (bd997d9)
- add package (bb29db8)
- correct compile issue (a7fdc4c)
- correct main class (42e0307)
- correct test (497204a)
- jgit version update (bfc43a5)
- remove tbs (8804e50)
- remove unused dependency (56a6e4b)
- renmae the output file to jacoco.sql (8ba1c03)
- try to fix heap issus (fec7e4a)
- Revert "feat: correct JGitTest" (a9879d9)