Hi! I'm Arghya, a dual degree student at IIIT Hyderabad in the CHD program. This is my attempt to include all my coursework, hoping it might come in handy to others.
I hope you find this useful :)
If something is missing here, which you specifically need, feel free to drop a mail!
- MA5.101: Discrete Structures
- CS0.101: Computer Programming
- EC2.101: Digital Systems and Microcontrollers
- HS7.101: Human Sciences Lab-I
- MA2.101: Linear Algebra
- CS6.201: Introduction to Software Systems
- CS1.201: Data Structures and Algorithms
- HS8.101: Making of Contemporary World
- HS4.102: Making of the Contemporary India
- OC2.101: Arts-1
- OC1.101: Sports-1
- CS1.301: Algorithm Analysis & Design
- CS1.302: Automata Theory
- CS4.301: Data and Applications
- MA6.101: Probability and Statistics
- OC1.102: Sports-2
- HS0.201: Thinking and Knowing in the Human Sciences-1
- HS0.202: Thinking and Knowing in the Human Sciences-2
- OC3.101: Value Education-1
- CS2.201a: Computer Systems Organization
- CS6.301: Design and Analysis of Software Systems
- HS2.302: Gender, Kinship and State Law
- CS7.301: Machine, Data and Learning
- HS0.302: Research Methods in Human Sciences
- HS7.301: Science, Technology and Society
- OC1.103: Sports-3
- OC3.102: Value Education II
- HS9.302: EH-Honours Project 1
- HS2.202: Intro to Psychology
- SC1.110: Science I
- CS3.301: Operating Systems and Networks
- HS0.303: Applied Ethics
- HS0.301: Classical Text Readings-1
- HS9.303: EH-Honours Project 2
- CS9.434: Music, Mind and Technology
- CS7.403: Statistical Methods in AI
- CS9.424: Technology Product Entrepreneurship
- HS1.210: Music Workshop
- HS9.402: EH-Honours Project 3
- HS5.202: Introduction to Economics
- CS4.405: Data Analytics I
- CS7.404: Digital Image Processing
- CS9.429: Design for Social Innovation
├── README.md
├── rough.txt
├── sem-1
│ ├── cpro
│ ├── ds
│ ├── dsm
│ └── hsl
├── sem-2
│ ├── dsa
│ ├── iss
│ ├── la
│ ├── moci
│ └── mocw
├── sem-3
│ ├── aad
│ ├── automata
│ ├── dna
│ ├── pns
│ ├── tkhs1
│ └── tkhs2
├── sem-4
│ ├── cso
│ ├── dass
│ ├── gksl
│ ├── mdl
│ ├── rmhs
│ └── sts
├── sem-5
│ ├── applied-ethics
│ ├── ctr1
│ ├── osn
│ ├── psych
│ └── sci1
├── sem-6
│ ├── music
│ ├── mmt
│ ├── smai
│ └── tpe
└── sem-7
├── data-analytics
├── dip
├── dsi
└── intro-to-econ