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AMAX.CDT (Contract Development Toolkit)

Version : 1.7.5

[ Forked from EOSIO.CDT ]

AMAX.CDT is a toolchain for WebAssembly (WASM) and set of tools to facilitate smart contract development for the AMAX platform. In addition to being a general purpose WebAssembly toolchain, AMAX specific optimizations are available to support building AMAX smart contracts. This new toolchain is built around Clang 7, which means that AMAX.CDT has the most currently available optimizations and analyses from LLVM, but as the WASM target is still considered experimental, some optimizations are incomplete or not available.

New Introductions

As of this release two new repositories are under the suite of tools provided by AMAX.CDT. These are the Ricardian Template Toolkit and the Ricardian Specification. The Ricardian Template Toolkit is a set of libraries to facilitate smart contract writers in crafting their Ricardian contracts. The Ricardian specification is the working specification for the above mentioned toolkit. Please note that both projects are alpha releases and are subject to change.


Binary Releases

AMAX.CDT currently supports Mac OS X brew, Linux x86_64 Debian packages, and Linux x86_64 RPM packages.

If you have previously installed AMAX.CDT, run the uninstall script (it is in the directory where you cloned AMAX.CDT) before downloading and using the binary releases.

Mac OS X Brew Install

brew tap armoniax/amax.cdt
brew install amax.cdt

Mac OS X Brew Uninstall

brew remove amax.cdt

Debian Package Install

$ wget
$ sudo apt install ./eosio.cdt_1.7.0-1-ubuntu-18.04_amd64.deb

Debian Package Uninstall

sudo apt remove amax.cdt

RPM Package Install

$ wget
$ sudo yum install ./amax.cdt-1.0.0-1.el7.x86_64.rpm

RPM Package Uninstall

sudo yum remove amax.cdt

Guided Installation or Building from Scratch

git clone --recursive
cd amax.cdt
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
make -j8

From here onward you can build your contracts code by simply exporting the build directory to your path, so you don't have to install globally (makes things cleaner). Or you can install globally by running this command:

sudo make install

Uninstall after manual installation

sudo rm -fr /usr/local/amax.cdt
sudo rm -fr /usr/local/lib/cmake/amax.cdt
sudo rm /usr/local/bin/amax-*

Installed Tools

  • amax-cpp
  • amax-cc
  • amax-ld
  • amax-init
  • amax-abidiff
  • amax-wasm2wast
  • amax-wast2wasm
  • amax-ranlib
  • amax-ar
  • amax-objdump
  • amax-readelf

Below tools are not installed after brew install, you get them only by building the repository and installing from scracth, see here amax-abidiff amax-ranlib amax-ar amax-objdump amax-readelf


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