In this part the concepts used throughout OpenKit are explained. A short sample how to use OpenKit is also provided. For detailed code samples have a look into
A DynatraceOpenKitBuilder
instance is responsible for setting
application relevant information, e.g. the application's version and device specific information, and to create
an IOpenKit
The OpenKit is responsible for creating user sessions (see ISession).
Although it would be possible to have multiple IOpenKit
instances connected to the same endpoint
(Dynatrace/AppMon) within one process, there should be one unique instance. IOpenKit
is designed to be
thread safe and therefore the instance can be shared among threads.
On application shutdown, Shutdown()
needs to be called on the OpenKit instance.
An ISession
represents kind of a user session, similar to a browser session in a web application.
However the application developer is free to choose how to treat an ISession
The ISession
is used to create IRootAction
instances, report application crashes or for tracing web requests.
When an ISession
is no longer required, it's highly recommended to end it, using the ISession.End()
The IRootAction
and IAction
are named hierarchical nodes for timing and attaching further details.
An IRootAction
is created from the ISession
and it can create IAction
instances. Both, IRootAction
, provide the possibility to attach key-value pairs, named events and errors, and can be used
for tracing web requests.
When an IRootAction
or IAction
is no longer required, it's highly recommended to close it, using the IAction::LeaveAction()
When the application developer wants to trace a web request, which is served by a service
instrumented by Dynatrace, an IWebRequestTracer
should be used, which can be
requested from an ISession
or an IAction
A named Event
is attached to an IAction
and contains a name.
For an IAction
key-value pairs can also be reported. The key is always a string
and the value may be an integer (int), a floating point (double) or a string.
Errors are a way to report an erroneous condition on an IAction
Crashes are used to report (unhandled) exceptions on an ISession
OpenKit enables you to tag sessions with unique user tags. The user tag is a string that allows to uniquely identify a single user.
This small example provides a rough overview how OpenKit can be used.
Detailed explanation is available in
string applicationName = "My OpenKit application"; // Your application's name
string applicationID = "application-id"; // Your application's ID
long deviceID = 42L; // Replace with a unique value per device/installation
string endpointURL = ""; // Dynatrace endpoint URL
IOpenKit openKit = new DynatraceOpenKitBuilder(endpointURL, applicationID, deviceID)
.WithOperatingSystem("Windows 10")
// Wait up to 10 seconds for OpenKit to complete initialization
int timeoutInMilliseconds = 10 * 1000;
bool success = openKit.WaitForInitCompletion(timeoutInMilliseconds);
string clientIP = "";
ISession session = openKit.CreateSession(clientIP);
string rootActionName = "rootActionName";
IRootAction rootAction = session.EnterAction(rootActionName);
string childActionName = "childAction";
IAction childAction = rootAction.EnterAction(childActionName);