A simple quiz application with user authentication using the MERN stack (MongoDB, Express.js, React.js, and Node.js). It incorporates full CRUD operations with token-based authentication (JWT).
User Authentification And Authorization: We are providing 2 types of role during signup.
1) User 2) Admin
After Signup user or admin can login using email and password . For Example ->
email : user3@gmail.com Password : Arvind@123 Note : This is already created user if you want then you can create. email : admin2@gmail.com Password : Arvind@123 Note : This is already created admin if you want then you can create.
i) Login Authentication:
- Admin login with error message for invalid credentials and redirection to the dashboard upon successful login.
ii) Quiz Creation :
- Admin will be able to create new quizzes. Quizzes includes title , description & timer . And Qquestion
- Admin can create questions for quizes with options and correct answer.
iii) Quiz Management :
- Admin will be able to Add, Edit & Delete questions for each quiz.
i) Listing of All Quizzes:
- User will be able to see all available quizzes added by the admin.
- I have implemented proper Pagination Functionality if available quizzes is large.
ii) Taking a Quizz:
- User will be able to take quizzes.
- Displaying only one question at a time with options.
- Allowing users to select their answers and move to the next question.
- At the end of the quiz, displaying the user's score.
iii) Quiz Results:
- Storing and displaying quiz results after attempting and clicking on submit quiz.
- Showing the user's score, questions attempted and correct/incorrect answers.
- Frontend: React.js
- Backend: Node.js, Express.js
- Database: MongoDB
- Authentication: JSON Web Token (JWT)
- Node.js
- MongoDB
Clone the repository:
git clone https://github.com/arvindk2025/QuizCraft.git cd QuizCraft
Install backend dependencies:
cd backend npm install
Set up environment variables: Create a .env file in the backend directory with the following content:
MONGO_URI=your_mongodb_connection_string JWT_SECRET=your_jwt_secret
Start the backend server:
npm run dev
- Install frontend dependencies:
cd ../frontend
npm install
- Start the frontend server:
npm run dev
The application should now be running, with the frontend accessible at http://localhost:5173 and the backend at http://localhost:3000.
POST /api/auth/register: Sign Up User. POST /api/auth/login: Authenticate admin/user and return a JWT token.
GET /api/admin/quizzes: Get all quizzes.
POST /api/admin/quizzes: Add a new quiz.
PUT /api/admin/quizzes/:id: Update a quiz.
DELETE /api/admin/quizzes/:id: Delete a quiz.
GET /api/admin/quizzes/:id/questions: Get all questions for a quiz.
POST /api/admin/quizzes/:id/questions: Add a new question to a quiz.
PUT /api/admin/questions/:id: Update a question.
DELETE /api/admin/questions/:id: Delete a question.
GET /api/admin/scores: Get scores for all users or a particular quiz.
GET /api/quizzes: Get all available quizzes.
POST /api/quizzes/:id/attempt: Attempt a quiz.
GET /api/users/:id/attempts: Get all attempts for a user