AUTHOR Elis Lulja @SunSince90
ASTRID-kube watches for changes in Kubernetes related to namespaces and pods and later sends the resulting infrastructure to all modules interested in knowing it.
After cloning the repository, you can just run the provided executable file ASTRID-kube
For convenience, you can add its path to PATH
$ PATH=$PATH:<path-to-ASTRID-kube>
NOTE: make sure to make the appropriate edits to the conf.yaml
in the settings
Below is a brief explanation on the conf.yaml
configuration file:
: how many seconds to wait before creating the firewall when a pod is detected to be running. Unstable pods may compromise the stability of the rest of the graph, so this field must be set to a reasonable value to wait for any crashes to happen and to wait for all sidecars inside it to finit initializing.paths.kubeconfig
: if your kubeconfig file resides in the default folder, leave this empty. Otherwise, please fill this field accordingly.endpoints.verekube.infrastructure-info
: the endpoint where to send the resulting infrastructure. Usually, this is in the already provided format, you should only edit the provided ip with that of your machine runningverekube
(experimental): the endpoint where to send updates about the infrastructure.endpoints.cb.configuration
: the endpoint where thecb
(the firewall rules pusher) is running.formats.infrastructure-info
: specify the format you want the infrastructure information to be sent as. Accepted values arexml
: specify the format you want updates about the infrastructure to be sent as. Accepted values arexml
Once running, ASTRID-kube will keep watching for changes in Kubernetes. To work properly, you need to make some adjustments to a couple of Kubernetes resources.
Kubernetes does not have a concept of Graphs, but namespaces are the only thing that comes close to that definition. ASTRID-kube abstracts the idea of graphs with Kubernetes namespaces, and in order to be able to detect which namespaces you want to be managed by ASTRID-kube, you need to write an appropriate annotation
under the namespace's metadata
before deploying it containing a json list of all the deployments contained inside it:
kind: Namespace
apiVersion: v1
name: mygraph
name: mygraph
annotations: "[\"simple-service\", \"nodejs\", \"apache\"]"
Please make sure the names in the list match exactly the name of the corresponding deployment, otherwise ASTRID-kube will wait indefinitely for the applications to appear. Additionally, make sure the list is definitive, as this will signal ASTRID-kube the infrastructure you want to be built. All applications deployed later will be ignored.
Once running, all applications will be protected with the appropriate security components, as specified in the
annotation. This is a json list of all security functions that the application needs. As of now, firewall
is supported, but other components will be available soon.
Take a look at the following deployment, which needs to be protected with a firewall.
apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
name: simple-service
namespace: mygraph
annotations: "[\"firewall\"]"
app: nginx
replicas: 1
app: simple-service
- name: simple-service
image: asimpleidea/simple-service:latest
- name: APP_NAME
value: "example"
- containerPort: 80
ASTRID-kube relies on Polycube to instantiate all the proper network functions and, to do so, polycube must be injected as a sidecar in your applications.
The polycube sidecar injector is strongly recommended, as it will perform this job automatically for you. To know more about the polycube sidecar injector, please refer to the provided link.
Once installed, add the following label to the example namespace provided above:
metadata: enabled
Additionally, the same key/pari must be added as annotation under spec.template.metadata
of your deployments. Example: enabled
If you want to inject polycube manually, you have to add the following container to your deployments, under spec.template.containers
- name: polycubed
image: polycubenetwork/polycube:latest
imagePullPolicy: Always
command: ["polycubed", "--loglevel=DEBUG", "--addr=", "--logfile=/host/var/log/pcn_k8s"]
- name: lib-modules
mountPath: /lib/modules
- name: usr-src
mountPath: /usr/src
- name: cni-path
mountPath: /host/opt/cni/bin
- name: etc-cni-netd
mountPath: /host/etc/cni/net.d
- name: var-log
mountPath: /host/var/log
privileged: true
- name: polycubed
containerPort: 9000
terminationMessagePolicy: FallbackToLogsOnError
Add the following volumes, under spec.template.volumes
(if not present, please add it)
- name: lib-modules
path: /lib/modules
- name: usr-src
path: /usr/src
- name: cni-path
path: /opt/cni/bin
- name: etc-cni-netd
path: /etc/cni/net.d
- name: var-log
path: /var/log
- name: netns
path: /var/run/netns
- name: proc
path: /proc/
The artifacts
folder contains two examples that you can deploy after running ASTRID-kube. Deploy graph-psi.yaml
if you are using polycube-sidecar-injector
; or graph.yaml
if you are injecting polycube manually.