Storage area for personal wm config files. Designed to be pretty minimal (but minimally pretty), mainly for coding work on my old laptop. Low-ish on system resources and functional for my workflow.
Uses a --bare git repo, following this guide.
Very much a work in progress, may or may not be updated.
- Qtile (and qtile-extras for widget decorations)
- Rofi
- Picom
See .config/archpkgs.txt for other useful stuff when setting up on an arch machine.
Nerd fonts (something that provides nerd-fonts
) is needed for glyphs in the bar.
Several other packages would be needed for notable functionality:
- touchpad gestures:
- power management:
- notifications:
- coolness:
Mostly based off of pastel/catpuccin colours, lots of r\unixporn inspiration.