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AXI DMA Controller

User manual document

You can view the full documentation here


AXI Direct-Memory-Accress (AXI DMA) controller is a high-performance, multi-channel controller designed for efficient data movement between memory and perpherals (especially for image streaming applications).

The configuration interface allows users to configure and control DMA channels, manage transfer descriptors, and monitor transfer status through a set of registers.


  • Supports multiple channel DMA
  • Supports both 2 interfaces:
    • AXI4 Memory Map
    • AXI-Stream
  • Supports interleaving weighted round-robin arbitration
  • Supports DMA mode:
    • 2D Transfer
    • Cyclic Transfer
  • Supports interrupt output per channel
  • Supports multiple outstanding transactions
  • Configurable
    • DMA
    • Channel
    • AXI Transaction

Block diagram


There are 2 main interface

  • AXI Slave interface for configuration purposes
  • AXI Master interface for data movement purposes

DMA General Interface

  • Detail signals list

    Signal Name Type Width Description
    Clock & Reset
    aclk Input 1 bit Clock signal
    aresetn Input 1 bit Active-low reset
    Configuration Interface (AXI4 Slave Interface)
    s_awid_i Input MST_ID_W Transaction ID
    s_awaddr_i Input S_ADDR_W Write address
    s_awburst_i Input 2 bits Burst type
    s_awlen_i Input ATX_LEN_W Burst length
    s_awvalid_i Input 1 bit Write address valid
    s_awready_o Output 1 bit Write address ready
    s_wdata_i Input S_DATA_W Write data
    s_wlast_i Input 1 bit Last write data
    s_wvalid_i Input 1 bit Write valid
    s_wready_o Output 1 bit Write ready
    s_bid_o Output MST_ID_W Transaction ID
    s_bresp_o Output ATX_RESP_W Write response
    s_bvalid_o Output 1 bit Write response valid
    s_bready_i Input 1 bit Write response ready
    s_arid_i Input MST_ID_W Transaction ID
    s_araddr_i Input S_ADDR_W Read address
    s_arburst_i Input 2 bits Read burst type
    s_arlen_i Input ATX_LEN_W Read burst length
    s_arvalid_i Input 1 bit Read address valid
    s_arready_o Output 1 bit Read address ready
    s_rid_o Output MST_ID_W Transaction ID
    s_rdata_o Output S_DATA_W Read data
    s_rresp_o Output ATX_RESP_W Read response
    s_rlast_o Output 1 bit Last read data
    s_rvalid_o Output 1 bit Read valid
    s_rready_i Input 1 bit Read ready
    Source Interface (AXI4 Master Interface)
    `m_arid_o`` Output MST_ID_W Transaction ID
    m_araddr_o Output SRC_ADDR_W Read address
    m_arlen_o Output ATX_LEN_W Read burst length
    m_arburst_o Output 2 bits Read burst type
    m_arvalid_o Output 1 bit Read address valid
    m_arready_i Input 1 bit Read address ready
    m_rid_i Input MST_ID_W Transaction ID
    m_rdata_i Input ATX_SRC_DATA_W Read data
    m_rresp_i Input ATX_RESP_W Read response
    m_rlast_i Input 1 bit Last read data
    m_rvalid_i Input 1 bit Read valid
    m_rready_o Output 1 bit Read ready
    Source Interface (AXI-Stream Slave)
    s_tid_i Input MST_ID_W Stream ID
    s_tdest_i Input SRC_TDEST_W Stream destination
    s_tdata_i Input ATX_SRC_DATA_W Stream data
    s_tkeep_i Input ATX_SRC_BYTE_AMT Byte keep
    s_tstrb_i Input ATX_SRC_BYTE_AMT Byte strobe
    s_tlast_i Input 1 bit Last stream data
    s_tvalid_i Input 1 bit Stream valid
    s_tready_o Output 1 bit Stream ready
    Destination Interface (AXI4 Master Interface)
    m_awid_o Output MST_ID_W Transaction ID
    m_awaddr_o Output DST_ADDR_W Write address
    m_awlen_o Output ATX_LEN_W Write burst length
    m_awburst_o Output 2 bits Write burst type
    m_awvalid_o Output 1 bit Write address valid
    m_awready_i Input 1 bit Write address ready
    m_wdata_o Output ATX_DST_DATA_W Write data
    m_wlast_o Output 1 bit Last write transaction
    m_wvalid_o Output 1 bit Write valid
    m_wready_i Input 1 bit Write ready
    m_bid_i Input MST_ID_W Write response ID
    m_bresp_i Input ATX_RESP_W Write response
    m_bvalid_i Input 1 bit Write response valid
    m_bready_o Output 1 bit Write response ready
    Destination Interface (AXI-Stream Master)
    m_tid_o Output MST_ID_W Stream ID
    m_tdest_o Output DST_TDEST_W Stream destination
    m_tdata_o Output ATX_DST_DATA_W Stream data
    m_tkeep_o Output ATX_DST_BYTE_AMT Byte keep
    m_tstrb_o Output ATX_DST_BYTE_AMT Byte strobe
    m_tlast_o Output 1 bit Last stream data
    m_tvalid_o Output 1 bit Stream valid
    m_tready_i Input 1 bit Stream ready
    irq Output [0:DMA_CHN_NUM-1] Interrupts caused by TX queueing, TX completion
    trap Output [0:DMA_CHN_NUM-1] Trap signal caused by Wrong address mapping


The top module file is

DMA General Interface

If you are interested in the AXI DMA design note or detailed design, I will update the Design Note section in another document soon. This document contains only the user manual

Register Map

  • Common registers of all channels

    Register name Register’s offset Description Type
    DMA_CONTROL 0x000 The control signal of the DMA R/W
    [0] ENABLE signal of the DMA R/W
  • Uncommon registers of each channel

    Register name Register’s offset Channel’s offset Description Type
    AXI Transaction
    ATX_ID 0x0005 chn_id << 4 The AxID of the AXI4 Interface RW
    ATX_SRC_BURST 0x0006 chn_id << 4 The burst type of read transaction RW
    ATX_DST_BURST 0x0007 chn_id << 4 The burst type of write transaction RW
    ATX_WD_PER_BURST 0x0008 chn_id << 4 The number of words (+ 1) per burst in source and destination transaction RW
    SRC_ADDR 0x0009 chn_id << 4 The source address RW
    DST_ADDR 0x000A chn_id << 4 The destination address RW
    TRANSFER_SUBMIT 0x1000 chn_id << 4 The fifo write enable signal RW1S
    TRANSFER_X_LEN 0x000B chn_id << 4 The number of words in a row + 1 (same as transfer length in 1-D transfer mode) RW
    TRANSFER_Y_LEN 0x000C chn_id << 4 The number of rows + 1(equal 0 when DMA in 1-D transfer mode) RW
    SRC_STRIDE 0x000D chn_id << 4 The number of words between the start of one row and the next row for the source address. Needs to be aligned to the bus width. Note, this field is only valid if the DMA channel has been configured with TRANSFER_2D and read from memory support. RW
    DST_STRIDE 0x000E chn_id << 4 The number of words between the start of one row and the next row for the destination address. Needs to be aligned to the bus width. Note, this field is only valid if the DMA channel has been configured with TRANSFER_2D support and write to memory support RW
    TRANSFER_ID 0x2001 chn_id << 4 The next transfer’s ID RO
    TRANSFER_DONE 0x2002 chn_id << 4 The bitmap of all transfers in the channel RO
    ACTIVE_TRANSFER_ID 0x2003 chn_id << 4 The ID of currentlty active transfer RO
    ACTIVE_TRANSFER_LEN 0x2004 chn_id << 4 The number of remaining words in the current transfer in progress RO
    Channel CSR
    CHN_CONTROL 0x0001 chn_id << 4 The control signal of channel RW
    [0] ENABLE
    [31:1] Reserved
    CHN_FLAGS 0x0002 chn_id << 4
    [0] TRANSFER_2D
    [1] TRANSFER_CYCLIC : A cyclic transfer once completed will restart automatically with the same configuration.
    CHN_IRQ_MASK 0x0003 chn_id << 4 RW
    [0] when a TRANSFER_COMPLETED , the interrupt request will be asserted
    [1] when a TRANSFER_QUEUED , the interrupt request will be assert
    [31:2] Reserved
    CHN_IRQ_SOURCE 0x2000 chn_id << 4 RO
    [31:2] Reserved
    CHN_ARBIT_RATE 0x0004 chn_id << 4 The arbitration rate of the channel (must be different from 0 when the channel is enabled) RW


Configuration parameters

Name Description Default
DMA_BASE_ADDR Base address of DMA 32'h8000_0000
DMA_CHN_NUM Number of DMA channels 2
DMA_LENGTH_W Maximum size of 1 transfer is 16
DMA_DESC_DEPTH The maximum number of descriptors in each channel 4
DMA_CHN_ARB_W Channel arbitration weight's width 3
ROB_EN Reorder multiple AXI outstanding transactions enable (enable / disable) 0
SRC_IF_TYPE Source interface type (AXI4 / AXIS) AXI4
SRC_ADDR_W Width of source address bus 32
SRC_TDEST_W Width of source tdest signal 2
ATX_SRC_DATA_W Width of source data bus 256
DST_IF_TYPE Destination interface type AXI4 / AXIS
DST_ADDR_W Width of destination address bus 32
DST_TDEST_W Width of destination tdest signal 2
ATX_DST_DATA_W Width of destination data bus 256
S_DATA_W Width of slave data bus 32
S_ADDR_W Width of slave address bus 32
MST_ID_W Width of master ID 5
ATX_LEN_W Width of AXI transfer length field 8
ATX_SIZE_W Width of AXI transfer size field 3
ATX_RESP_W Width of AXI response field 2
ATX_SRC_BYTE_AMT Byte amount per transaction in source interface ATX_SRC_DATA_W/8
ATX_DST_BYTE_AMT Byte amount per transaction in destination interface ATX_DST_DATA_W/8
ATX_NUM_OSTD Number of outstanding transactions in AXI bus (Minimum value must be 2) DMA_NUM_CHN
ATX_INTL_DEPTH Interleaving depth on the AXI interface 16

Configuration interface

The DMA supports a reigster map interface, it allows the system to communicate via AXI4 Slave interface. The DMA allows the system to:

  • Configure the operation modes and parameters of the DMA
  • Monitor the current status of the DMA or the transfer

DMA configuration

There is 1 configuration register for the DMA. Each register is used to set the parameters of the DMA

  • DMA_CONTROL is a control register of DMA, allowing the system to enable the DMA via bit map

    DMA_CONTROL [31:1] [0]
    Description Reserved Enable all DMA channels

    The address of DMA_CONTROL can be calculated via the following formula:

    → Address (DMA_CONTROL) = DMA_BASE_ADDR + Register’s offset (0x0000)

Channel configuration

There are 4 configuration registers for each DMA channel. Each DMA channel has a separate register region.

The address of all registers can be calculated via the following formula: → Register Address = DMA_BASE_ADDR + Channel’s offset (chn_id << 4)+ Register’s offset

  • CHN_CONTROL is the control register of a channel, allowing the system to enable the corresponding channel via bit map

    • Register’s offset: 0x0001

    • Type: Read-Write register

    • Bits Map

      CHN_CONTROL [31:1] [0]
      Description Reserved Enable the corresponding channel
  • CHN_FLAGS is used to configure the operation mode of the channel

    • Register’s offset: 0x0002

    • Type: Read-Write register

    • Bits Map

      CHN_FLAGS [31:2] [1] [0]
      Description Reserved Enable the Cyclic transfer mode Enable the 2D transfer mode

      The 2D transfer mode and Cyclic transfer modes are described in the next section.

  • CHN_IRQ_MASK is used to control different interrupt types in the channel. There are 2 main interrupt types: transfer queued interrupt and transfer completed interrupt

    • Register’s offset: 0x0003

    • Type: Read-Write register

    • Bits Map

      CHN_IRQ_MASK [31:2] [1] [0]
      Description Reserved Enable the transfer-queued interrupt of the channel Enable the transfer-completed interrupt of the channel
  • CHN_IRQ_SOURCE is a status register, allowing the system to monitor the cause of the previous interrupt signal

    • Register’s offset: 0x2000

    • Type: Read-Only register

    • Bits Map

      CHN_IRQ_MASK [31:2] [1] [0]
      Description Reserved The cause is transfer-queued interrupt of the channel The cause is transfer-completed interrupt of the channel
  • CHN_ARBIT_RATE is a control arbitration register, allow the system to set arbitration weight of each channel when using the bus master

    • Register’s offset: 0x0004

    • Type: Read-Write register

    • Bits Map

      Description 0x0000 The arbitration weight of the corresponding channel

Descriptor & Transfer configuration

There are 11 configuration registers for each descriptor in a DMA channel. Each descriptor in a channel shares the same register address region in the same channel**.** Each descriptor contains information of only 1 DMA transfer.

The address of all registers can be calculated via the following formula: → Register Address = DMA_BASE_ADDR + Channel’s offset (chn_id << 4)+ Register’s offset

  • SRC_ADDR is the register, contains source address of the transfer

    • Register’s offset: 0x0009

    • Type: Read-Write register

    • Bits Map

      CHN_CONTROL [31:0]
      Description The value of source address of the transfer
  • DST_ADDR is the register, contains the destination address of the transfer

    • Register’s offset: 0x000A

    • Type: Read-Write register

    • Bits Map

      CHN_CONTROL [31:0]
      Description The value of destination address of the transfer
  • TRANSFER_SUBMIT is the register used to submit the current information of the transfer to the Descriptor Queue. The system writes 1 data (any value) into this address to start a new transfer and check if the transfer information is queued by reading this address (the transfer is queued when the read data value is 0x00).

    • Register’s offset: 0x1000

    • Type: Write-1-to-set register

    • Bits Map

      TRANSFER_SUBMIT [31:0]
      Description Reserved
  • TRANSFER_X_LEN is used to set the X length of the current transfer.

    The total X length of transfer = TRANSFER_X_LEN + 1

    • Register’s offset: 0x000B

    • Type: Read-Write register

    • Bits Map

      Description Reserved The X length of the transfer
  • TRANSFER_Y_LEN is only used in the 2D Transfer mode. The register is used to set the Y length of the current transfer. This configuration is only valid in the 2D Transfer mode.

    The total Y length of transfer = TRANSFER_Y_LEN + 1

    • Register’s offset: 0x000C

    • Type: Read-Write register

    • Bits Map

      Description Reserved The Y length of the transfer
  • SRC_STRIDE is only used in the 2D Transfer mode. The register is used to set the number of word between one row and the next row for the source address.

    • Register’s offset: 0x000D

    • Type: Read-Write register

    • Bits Map

      Description Reserved The number of stride word in the source address
  • DST_STRIDE is only used in the 2D Transfer mode. The register is used to set the number of word between one row and the next row for the destination address.

    • Register’s offset: 0x000E

    • Type: Read-Write register

    • Bits Map

      Description Reserved The number of stride word in the destination address
  • TRANSFER_ID is a status register, allowing the system to check the next transfer’s ID and use this ID to trace the transfer progress. After the current transfer is submitted completely, the TRANSFER_ID value will be set to the ID of the current transfer and then update to the next available ID.

    • Register’s offset: 0x2002

    • Type: Read-Only register

    • Bits Map

      Description 0x0000 The ID of the next transfer
  • ACTIVE_TRANSFER_ID is a status register, allowing the system to check the current active transfer (the transfer is in data movement process)

    • Register’s offset: 0x2003

    • Type: Read-Only register

    • Bits Map

      Description 0x0000 The ID of the current active transfer
  • ACTIVE_TRANSFER_LEN is a status register, allowing the system to check the number of remaining words in the current transfer in progress

    • Register’s offset: 0x2004

    • Type: Read-Only register

    • Bits Map

      Description 0x0000 The remaining length of the current active transfer

AXI Transaction configuration

There are 4 configuration registers for each DMA channel. Each register is used to set the attribute of AXI transaction in the corresponding channel

The address of all registers can be calculated via the following formula: → Register Address = DMA_BASE_ADDR + Channel’s offset (chn_id << 4)+ Register’s offset

  • ATX_ID is the configuration register used to set the AXI transaction ID of the corresponding channel
    • Register’s offset: 0x0005

    • Type: Read-Write register

    • Bits Map

      ATX_ID [31:1] [0]
      Description Reserved Enable the corresponding channel
  • ATX_SRC_BURST is the configuration register used to set the burst type (fixed mode or increment mode) of the AXI Transaction in the source interface, and this affects the address field of the AXI Transaction in the entire DMA transfer
    • Register’s offset: 0x0006

    • Type: Read-Write register

    • Bits Map

      ATX_SRC_BURST [31:2] [1:0]
      Description Reserved The burst type of the source interface in the corresponding channel
  • ATX_DST_BURST is the configuration register used to set the burst type (fixed mode or increment mode) of the AXI Transaction in the destination interface, and this affects the address field of the AXI Transaction in the entire DMA transfer
    • Register’s offset: 0x0007

    • Type: Read-Write register

    • Bits Map

      ATX_DST_BURST [31:2] [1:0]
      Description Reserved The burst type of the destination interface in the corresponding channel
  • ATX_WD_PER_BURST is the configuration register used to configure the maximum number of words in 1 AXI transaction. This configuration allows the AXI4 protocol to easily adapt to the AXI3 protocol. The maximum number of words is equal to (ATX_WD_PER_BURST + 1).
    • Register’s offset: 0x0008

    • Type: Read-Write register

    • Bits Map

      Description Reserved The burst type of the source interface in the corresponding channel

Data interface

The Data interface uses AXI4 Master interface or AXI-Stream interface to move the data from source memories/peripherals to destination memories/peripherals. The user can configure source/destination interface types by setting SRC_IF_TYPE or DST_IF_TYPE to "AXI4" or "AXIS" .

High-performance mode

Because the AXI DMA supports multiple outstanding transactions, and if you want to use this high-performance mode, the user must follow some rules of configurations:

  • When the user wants ≥ 2 channels to work in parallel, meaning the transfers of these channels will run in parallel in AXI Master interface, you should set each channel with a different ATX_ID.

    The reason why the AXI Transaction ID is not automatically set by the DMA but instead depends on a software-defined configuration is that when this DMA is connected to other systems with multiple masters, ID conflicts may make it difficult to distinguish transactions in the Interconnect.

  • If the users DO NOT ensure that all reponse transfer of AXI Slave is in order, you must set the ROB_EN parameter to 1 to enable the reorder transaction feature. The reorder buffer module supports you to reorder all out-of-order transaction, but the resource may be increased significantly.

Some AXI transaction attributes

  • The ID of each AXI transaction depends on:
    • ATX_ID register of the corresponding channel
  • The address of each AXI transaction depends on:
    • Source/Destination address
    • Source/Destination burst type of each channel (In the fixed burst type, address of all AXI transactions, is split from 1 DMA transfer, is same as the source/destination address)
  • The length of each AXI transaction depends on:
    • Maximum number of word in 1 AXI transaction (ATX_WD_PER_BURST register)
    • The remaining X length of the current transfer

Channel operation mode

Cyclic Transfer

When the cyclic mode is enabled (bit 1 of the CHN_FLAGS register is set to 1), the DMA processes the current top descriptor in the Descriptor Queue only, and the DMA automatically restarts ****the transfer when it is completed.

To stop the cyclic transfer mode, the system must set bit 1 of the CHN_FLAGS register is set to 0. However, the DMA will continue processing the current transfer until it is completed. When the current transfer is finished, the DMA will start with the next transfer in the Descriptor Queue.

2D Transfer

The 2D transfer mode allows the DMA to handle multi-dimensional data structures, such as image frame or matrix-based data, where data is transferred in both row and column directions. The 2D transfer mode allows the user to move a window with a configurable width and height from an image with fixed width and height.

To enable the 2D Transfer mode in a channel, the system must set bit 0 of the CHN_FLAGS register in the corresponding channel to 1.

Each 2D transfer must contain the following information:

  • The X length of the transfer (= TRANSFER_X_LEN + 1): is the number of words in a row of the 2D window
  • The Y length of the transfer (= TRANSFER_Y_LEN + 1): is the number of rows of the 2D window
  • The stride offset of the source memory (= SRC_STRIDE): is the number of words in a row of the source memory
  • The stride offset of the destination memory (= DST_STRIDE) : is the number of words in a row of destination memory

The source/destination address calculation:

Source address of n_th row = SRC_ADDR + SRC_STRIDE * n

Destination address of n_th row = DST_ADDR + DST_STRIDE * n

Channels arbitration

The AXI DMA provides an arbiter between different channels. The arbiter supports some arbitration mechanisms:

  • Interleaving weighted round-robin
  • <>

The weight of each channel in the arbitration is set via the CHN_ARBIT_RATE register. When any channel has a zero weight (CHN_ARBIT_RATE = 0), it is equivalent to the channel being disabled.

The arbitration occurs at AXI transaction layer between different channels, and each grant is equivalent to 1 AXI transaction of any length, meaning that a single-burst transaction is treated equivalently to a multiple-burst transaction in arbitration.

Interrupt & Trap

The AXI DMA provides the interrupt and trap mechanism for transfer-completed event, transfer-queued event and wrong address mapping event. Each channel has a separate pair of interrupt and trap signals.

  • Interrupt signal (irq pin)

    Each type of interrupt signal can be enabled or disabled by setting the CHN_IRQ_MASK register, and the interrupt signal of 1 channel handles 2 type of event:

    1. Transfer-completed event : when a processed transfer of the corresponding channel is completed, the Transfer-completed event occurs. Then, the DMA sets the corresponding bit in the TRANSFER_DONE register to 1 and raises the interrupt signal if the interrupt type is enabled in the CHN_IRQ_MASK register.
    2. Transfer-queued event: when a new transfer of the corresponding channel is queued by the DMA, the Transfer-queued event occurs.

    The transfer-completed event and the *transfer-queued event *share the same interrupt signal in a channel. Therefore, to distinguish the type of interrupt event when the interrupt irq signal is raised, the system can check the CHN_IRQ_SOURCE register for the source of the recently occurred interrupt.

  • Trap (trap pin)

    The trap signal in a channel is always enabled, and the interrupt signal occurs when the Data interface receives an error response from the slave in either the source or destination slave.

Note: The interrupt and trap signals rise for 1 aclk cycle only

Software flow

There are many ways to use the AXI DMA. Here, I describe 1 common way to use it:

  1. Enable the DMA & corresponding channel
  2. Check the ID of the new transfer (in TRANSFER_ID register) in the corresponding channel
  3. Configure modes for the corresponding channel
  4. Configure the new transfer
  5. Start the transfer
  6. Waiting until the transfer is queued (check the TRANSFER_SUBMIT register)
  7. Pooling TRANSFER_DONE register or use the Interrupt signal to check the completion of the transfer

Verification check list

Directed test coverage

  • AXI4 Source - AXI4 Destination mode
    • Verify the single channel mode
      • Verify: 2D transfer mode (On/Off)
      • Verify: Cyclic transfer mode (On/Off)
      • Verify: Start 4 transfers (maximum descriptors) & renew 1 transfer after
    • Verify the multiple channel mode
      • Verify: 2D transfer mode (On/Off)
      • Verify: Cyclic transfer mode (On/Off)
      • Verify: Start 4 transfers (maximum descriptors) & renew 1 transfer after
    • Verify data & address correction
      • Move 1 image (with size 320x240) from 1 image (with size 640x480)
    • Reorder Transaction mode
  • AXIS Source - AXI4 Destination mode
    • Verify the single channel mode
      • Verify: Cyclic transfer mode (On/Off)
    • Verify the multiple channel mode
      • Verify: Cyclic transfer mode (On/Off)
    • Verify data & address correction
      • Move image (with size 640x480) to 2 destinations
    • Reorder Transaction mode

Random test coverage


Update later

  • TODO: Handle 4KB boundary crossing
  • TODO: RAM-BASED type for the Descriptor Queue module
  • TODO: Scatter-Garther mode
  • TODO: Build a automation test enviroment for directed test



[2]: Analog Device - High-Speed DMA Controller Peripheral [Analog Devices Wiki]

[3]: Intel FPGA IP -

[4]: Lattice Semi - Multi-channel DMA Controller


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