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Using a Lambda function to optionally provide custom logic for call handling


LCA v0.5.0 and later offers optional custom logic via a user-provided Lambda function, to support the following features:

  1. Selectively choose whether to process a call, or to ignore/suspend it. NOTE see to start later processing for a call that was initially suspended.
  2. Reverse the default assignment of caller and agent audio streams
  3. Assign an Agent identifier string for display, search, and sort on the LCA UI.
    NOTE see if you need to provide an AgentID after the call has started.
  4. Override the default CallId with another unique value for the call
  5. Override the default toNumber (System Phone number)
  6. Override the default fromNumber (Caller Phone number)
  7. Selectively choose whether to save call recording to S3
  8. Attach optional arbitrary metadata json object to call record, for use by downstream custom applications via the LCA graphQL API or DynamoDB event sourcing table. NOTE metadatajson values are not currently used by the LCA UI.

To use this feature:

  1. Implement a Lambda function with the desired business logic
  2. Use CloudFormation to register the Lambda with your LCA stack

Lambda function requirements

Your Lambda function will be invoked by the LCA ChimeVC CallTranscriber function when both agent and caller streams for a new call are received. The full call START event for the caller stream (isCaller=true) from ChimeVC, which includes the SIPREC invite headers, is passed as the input event to your Lambda.

Your Lambda implements your required business logic, and returns a simple JSON structure with one or more of the fields shown below:

            originalCallId: <string>,
            shouldProcessCall: <boolean>,
            isCaller: <boolean>,
            callId: <string>,
            agentId: <string>,
            fromNumber: <string>,
            toNumber: <string>,
            shouldRecordCall: <boolean>,
            metadatajson: <string>

Here is a minimal example of a valid custom Lambda hook function, written in node.js

exports.handler = async (event) => {
    const response = {
            originalCallId: event.detail.callId,
            shouldProcessCall: true,
            isCaller: false,
            callId: `MODIFIED-${event.detail.callId}`,
            agentId: "Bob the Builder",
            fromNumber: "Bob's cell",
            toNumber: "Demo Asterisk",
            shouldRecordCall: false,
            metadatajson: JSON.stringify({key1:"value1", key2:"value2"}),
    return response;

This minimal function:

  • logs the entire incoming event to the CloudWatch log stream for the function.
  • swaps the agent and caller channels, by setting isCaller to false.
  • modifies the original callId by adding a (hardcoded) prefix.
  • assigns a (hardcoded) agentId to the call
  • replaces the fromNumber value with a (hardcoded) string
  • replaces the toNumber value with a (hardcoded) string
  • disables call audio recording
  • adds metadata to the call, as an arbitrary JSON string - metadata is written

Your function will be much smarter, possibly interacting with your IVR or CRM to determine the desired behavior.

The LCA ChimeVC CallTranscriber function calls your Lambda syncronously, wiating for a valid response. If your Lambda fails or times out before completing, the CallTranscriber Lambda throws an exception, and exits without processing the call.

If your function provides a valid response, the LCA ChimeVC CallTranscriber processes each field in the response. Use the CallTranscriber CloudWatch logs to see messages that indicate the actions taken based on your function's response, for example:

INFO Invoking LambdaHook: arn:aws:lambda:us-east-1:XXXXXXXXXXXX:function:testLambdaHook
INFO LambdaHook response: {"originalCallId":"cfaafd64-0eed-4fdd-9699-321b6ce14d54","shouldProcessCall":true,"isCaller":false,"callId":...
INFO Lambda hook returned new callId: "MODIFIED-cfaafd64-0eed-4fdd-9699-321b6ce14d54"
INFO Lambda hook returned isCaller=false, swapping caller/agent streams
INFO Lambda hook returned agentId: "Bob the Builder"
INFO Lambda hook returned fromNumber: "Bob's cell"
INFO Lambda hook returned toNumber: "Demo Asterisk"
INFO Lambda hook returned metadatajson: "{"key1":"value1","key2":"value2"}"
INFO Lambda hook returned shouldProcessCall=true, continuing.
INFO Lambda hook returned shouldRecordCall=false, audio recording disabled.

If your function response sets shouldProcessCall to false the CallTranscriber function logs a message and exits without processing the call. No other response fields matter in this case.

Register the Lambda function with LCA

Use the LCA CloudFormation template parameter Lambda function ARN for SIPREC (existing) to set the ARN value for your custom Lambda hook function when ceating a new LCA stack, or when updating an existing one. You find the ARN for your Lambda in the AWS Lambda console - it has this format:
