Coluna v0.4.0
Closed issues:
- Performance of setprimalsol! (#310)
- MOI tests (#436)
- Possibility to return primal and dual bounds in the pricing callback (#527)
- dantzig-wolfe reaches extreme depths (#556)
- Error in TreeSearchAlgorithm but not SolveIpForm for MILP (#557)
- Constraint on variable overwritten (#583)
- Assessing dual solutions in a subproblem (BlockDecomposition)? (#608)
- Test phase 1 of colgen (#611)
- Follow-up of MOI 0.10.0 upgrade (#620)
- No feasible solution obtained with Coluna (#638)
Merged pull requests:
- CompatHelper: bump compat for "MathOptInterface" to "1.0" (#618) (@github-actions[bot])
- Upgrade to Moi 0.10 (#624) (@guimarqu)
- MOI 0.10 upgrade (#626) (@guimarqu)
- Reorganize tests (#627) (@guimarqu)
- Better support of constraints with single variable (#628) (@guimarqu)
- MOI test_constraint_* pass (#629) (@guimarqu)
- MOI test_model_* pass (#630) (@guimarqu)
- MOI test_variable pass (#631) (@guimarqu)
- MOI test_objective pass (#632) (@guimarqu)
- Support insertion of identical columns at same colgen iteration (#633) (@guimarqu)
- MOI test_modification_ pass (#634) (@guimarqu)
- MOI test_linear & test_solve (#635) (@guimarqu)
- Bounds of variable wrt to kind (#636) (@guimarqu)
- Restore bugfixes tests (#637) (@guimarqu)
- fix & update doc (#639) (@guimarqu)
- Old tests are back (#640) (@guimarqu)
- Transmit dual bound from pricing callback (#641) (@guimarqu)
- upgrade dep to MOI 1.0 (#642) (@guimarqu)
- CompatHelper: add new compat entry for "BlockDecomposition" at version "1.5" (#643) (@github-actions[bot])
- MOI.get for ConstraintDecomposition & VariableDecomposition attributes (#644) (@guimarqu)
- Update BlockDecomposition dep (#645) (@guimarqu)
- fix reset of buffer + deletion of active vars & constrs (#646) (@guimarqu)
- fix critical bug in buffer when changing values in coeff matrix (#647) (@guimarqu)
- DynamicSparseArrays 0.5.3 (#648) (@guimarqu)
- fix pricing callback with caching optimizer + update pricing example in doc (#649) (@guimarqu)
- Retrieve version from Project file (#650) (@guimarqu)
- v0.4.0 (#651) (@guimarqu)