- feat: Add BRANDING_MFE_PLATFORM_REPO to set a custom frontend-platform
- doc: Update README
- fix: Fix MFE overrides, empty root issue
- fix: Fixed a bug that happened when the plugin was ran from a different directory than the config.yml.
- ref: Refactor download images
- feat: Allow hiding the Programs tab and the sideber in the learner dashboard
- feat: Make the course image fit in the course card at the learner dashboard.
- feat: refactor BRANDING_THEME_REPOS to allow repo versioning
- feat: Hide the upgrade button by default
- fix: Use pre-npm install for custom branding, header and footers
- fix: use gettext instead of ugettext in static html templates
- feat: Add BRANDING_THEME_REPOS setting to allow downloading themes from git.
- feat: Allow overriding MFE logos
- Fix Refactor MFE overriding of branding, header and footer
- Upgrade to Redwood
- Upgrade to Quince
- fix: Make BRANDING_CERTIFICATE_HTML override all _accomplishment-rendering.html
- fix: Fix bug
- feat: add BRANDING_MFE setting to customize mfe repo, port and version
- fix: Use urllib3==1.26.6 to avoid issues with Open SSL version
- Upgrade to Palm
- Fix bug in dockerfile to import footer
- Support Olive release
- Add support for custom frontend component header and footer
- Align versioning convention with Tutor. Upload to PyPI
- Fix: create fonts directory if not exists
- Fix "Register" button text
- Fix error downloading images
- Add customizable static pages (about, contact us, 404, etc.)
- Add BRANDING_CERTIFICATE_HTML setting to customize certificates
- Add BRANDING_INDEX_ADDITIONAL_HTML setting to add a custom HTML code to the home page
- Allow non-authenticated header to hide links by setting '#' to the urls.
- Download fonts and images from URL
- First release