When manipulating element content in Aurelia, you have several options at your disposal. Let's explore how to bind values to innerHTML
, textContent
, and more.
In the previous section on text interpolation, we showed how you can use interpolation to display values, which is the equivalent of binding to the textContent
For more control, you can bind directly to textContent
<p textcontent.bind="message"></p>
This is useful when you want to set the entire text content of an element.
To bind HTML content, use the innerHTML
<div innerhtml.bind="htmlContent"></div>
<p textcontent.bind="message" dir.bind="textDirection"></p>
In your view-model:
export class MyViewModel {
message = "Hello, Aurelia!";
textDirection = "rtl"; // or "ltr"
If you need to bind raw HTML and you're sure it's safe, Aurelia provides a innerhtml
binding command:
<div innerhtml.bind="trustedHtmlContent | sanitizeHTML"></div>
{% hint style="danger" %}
Always use HTML sanitization. We provide a simple converter as a placeholder. However, it does NOT provide security against a wide variety of sophisticated XSS attacks and should not be relied upon for sanitizing input from unknown sources. You can replace the built-in sanitizer by registering your own implementation of HTMLSanitizer with the app at startup. For example, aurelia.use.singleton(HTMLSanitizer, BetterHTMLSanitizer);
We recommend using a library such as DOMPurify or sanitize-html for your implementation.
{% endhint %}