This repository provides both an interactive Jupyter Notebook and a standalone Python script to demonstrate a simple breakout signal analysis tool.
To install requirements, run the following.
'cd breakout_signal' 'pip install -r requirements.txt'
For a detailed, step-by-step exploration of the analysis process, you can view the Jupyter Notebook: BreakoutWithBackTest.ipynb
This approach allows you to experiment with code cells, visualize data, and gain a deeper understanding of the workflow.
If you prefer a streamlined, executable version, head over to the python_script_version folder: /python_script_version
Run the script by executing the following command in your terminal: 'python'
Use code with caution.
This will execute the code directly, providing the results without the interactive environment of a notebook.
A successful run will have the following output: 'Price change graph successfully saved in ./results/priceComparison.png' 'Completed successfully! Check ./results/calculation.txt'
This code was adapted from the breakout analysis algorithm of CodeTradingCafe. It has been refactored, and a better strategy has been added, which increases the overall return on investment. I am open to more suggestions of different features to be added.