diff --git a/docs/how-to-guides/integrating-autoware/creating-vehicle-and-sensor-model/calibrating-sensors/.pages b/docs/how-to-guides/integrating-autoware/creating-vehicle-and-sensor-model/calibrating-sensors/.pages
index b626b1270c9..184f4cd66bf 100644
--- a/docs/how-to-guides/integrating-autoware/creating-vehicle-and-sensor-model/calibrating-sensors/.pages
+++ b/docs/how-to-guides/integrating-autoware/creating-vehicle-and-sensor-model/calibrating-sensors/.pages
@@ -6,3 +6,4 @@ nav:
- Ground plane-lidar calibration: ground-lidar-calibration
- Intrinsic camera calibration: intrinsic-camera-calibration
- Lidar-camera calibration: lidar-camera-calibration
+ - Lidar-IMU calibration: lidar-imu-calibration
diff --git a/docs/how-to-guides/integrating-autoware/creating-vehicle-and-sensor-model/calibrating-sensors/calibration-tools/index.md b/docs/how-to-guides/integrating-autoware/creating-vehicle-and-sensor-model/calibrating-sensors/calibration-tools/index.md
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--- a/docs/how-to-guides/integrating-autoware/creating-vehicle-and-sensor-model/calibrating-sensors/calibration-tools/index.md
+++ b/docs/how-to-guides/integrating-autoware/creating-vehicle-and-sensor-model/calibrating-sensors/calibration-tools/index.md
@@ -82,3 +82,4 @@ completed launch files when created following tutorial sections can be found [he
- [Ground Plane-Lidar Calibration](../ground-lidar-calibration)
- [Intrinsic Camera Calibration](../intrinsic-camera-calibration)
- [Lidar-Camera Calibration](../lidar-camera-calibration)
+- [Lidar-Imu Calibration](../lidar-imu-calibration)
diff --git a/docs/how-to-guides/integrating-autoware/creating-vehicle-and-sensor-model/calibrating-sensors/lidar-imu-calibration/images/lidar-imu-calibration-data-collection.png b/docs/how-to-guides/integrating-autoware/creating-vehicle-and-sensor-model/calibrating-sensors/lidar-imu-calibration/images/lidar-imu-calibration-data-collection.png
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diff --git a/docs/how-to-guides/integrating-autoware/creating-vehicle-and-sensor-model/calibrating-sensors/lidar-imu-calibration/images/lidar-imu-calibration-process.png b/docs/how-to-guides/integrating-autoware/creating-vehicle-and-sensor-model/calibrating-sensors/lidar-imu-calibration/images/lidar-imu-calibration-process.png
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diff --git a/docs/how-to-guides/integrating-autoware/creating-vehicle-and-sensor-model/calibrating-sensors/lidar-imu-calibration/index.md b/docs/how-to-guides/integrating-autoware/creating-vehicle-and-sensor-model/calibrating-sensors/lidar-imu-calibration/index.md
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/how-to-guides/integrating-autoware/creating-vehicle-and-sensor-model/calibrating-sensors/lidar-imu-calibration/index.md
@@ -0,0 +1,264 @@
+# Lidar-Imu Calibration
+## Overview
+Lidar-Imu calibration is important for localization and mapping algorithms
+which used in autonomous driving. In this tutorial, we will calibrate the
+lidar and imu sensors with using [OA-LICalib](https://github.com/leo-drive/OA-LICalib)
+tool which is developed by [APRIL Lab](https://github.com/APRIL-ZJU)
+at Zhejiang University in China.
+OA-LICalib is calibration method for the LiDAR-Inertial systems
+within a continuous-time batch optimization, where intrinsic of both sensors,
+the time offset between sensors and the spatial-temporal extrinsic between sensors
+are calibrated comprehensively without explicit hand-crafted targets.
+!!! warning
+ This calibration tool is developed with ROS 1, and it is not compatible with ROS 2.
+ So, we are providing a docker image which has ROS 1 and all necessary packages.
+ In the calibration instructions, we will ask you to install docker on your
+ system.
+??? note "ROS 2 Bag example of our calibration process for tutorial_vehicle"
+ ```sh
+ Files: rosbag2_2023_08_18-14_42_12_0.db3
+ Bag size: 12.4 GiB
+ Storage id: sqlite3
+ Duration: 202.140s
+ Start: Aug 18 2023 14:42:12.586 (1692358932.586)
+ End: Aug 18 2023 14:45:34.727 (1692359134.727)
+ Messages: 22237
+ Topic information: Topic: /sensing/gnss/sbg/ros/imu/data | Type: sensor_msgs/msg/Imu | Count: 20215 | Serialization Format: cdr
+ Topic: /sensing/lidar/top/pointcloud_raw | Type: sensor_msgs/msg/PointCloud2 | Count: 2022 | Serialization Format: cdr
+ ```
+## Data Collection and Preparation
+For Lidar-Imu calibration, there is a need for a ROS 1 bag file which contains
+`sensor_msgs/PointCloud2` and `sensor_msgs/Imu` messages.
+To obtain good results as a result of the calibration process,
+you need to move the sensors in all 6 axes (x, y, z, roll, pitch, yaw) while collecting data.
+Therefore, holding the sensors in your hand while data collection will get better results,
+but you can also collect data on the vehicle. If you are collecting data on the vehicle,
+you should draw figures of eights and grids.
+ { align=center }
+ Lidar - IMU Calibration Data Collection
+Moreover, the calibration accuracy is affected by the data collection environment.
+You should collect your data in a place that contains a lot of flat surfaces,
+and indoor spaces are the best locations under these conditions.
+However, you can also achieve good results outdoors.
+When collecting data, make sure to draw figures of eights and grids,
+capturing data from every angle.
+### Converting ROS 2 Bag to ROS 1 Bag
+If you collected your calibration data in ROS 2,
+you can convert it to ROS 1 bag file with the following instructions:
+- Split your ROS 2 bag file if it contains non-standard message topics
+ (you can only select `sensor_msgs/PointCloud2` and `sensor_msgs/Imu` messages),
+ and convert your split ROS 2 bag file to ROS 1 bag.
+Create a yaml file with name `out.yaml` which contains your lidar and imu topics:
+ - uri: splitted_bag
+ topics: [/your/imu/topic, /your/pointcloud/topic]
+Split your ROS 2 bag file:
+ros2 bag convert -i -o out.yaml
+Convert your split ROS 2 bag file to ROS 1 bag file:
+# install bag converter tool (https://gitlab.com/ternaris/rosbags)
+pip3 install rosbags
+# convert bag
+rosbags-convert --dst
+## Lidar-Imu Calibration
+As a first step, we need to install docker on our system. You can install docker
+using [this link](https://docs.docker.com/engine/install/ubuntu/), or you can use
+the following commands to install docker using the Apt repository.
+Set up Docker's Apt repository:
+# Add Docker's official GPG key:
+sudo apt-get update
+sudo apt-get install ca-certificates curl gnupg
+sudo install -m 0755 -d /etc/apt/keyrings
+curl -fsSL https://download.docker.com/linux/ubuntu/gpg | sudo gpg --dearmor -o /etc/apt/keyrings/docker.gpg
+sudo chmod a+r /etc/apt/keyrings/docker.gpg
+# Add the repository to Apt sources:
+echo \
+ "deb [arch="$(dpkg --print-architecture)" signed-by=/etc/apt/keyrings/docker.gpg] https://download.docker.com/linux/ubuntu \
+ "$(. /etc/os-release && echo "$VERSION_CODENAME")" stable" | \
+ sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/docker.list > /dev/null
+sudo apt-get update
+Install the Docker packages:
+sudo apt-get install docker-ce docker-ce-cli containerd.io docker-buildx-plugin docker-compose-plugin
+To check if docker is installed correctly, you can run the following command:
+sudo docker run hello-world
+Before finishing the installation, we need to add our user to the docker group.
+This will allow us to run docker commands without sudo:
+sudo groupadd docker
+sudo usermod -aG docker $USER
+!!! warning
+ After running the above command, you need to logout and login again to be able
+ to run docker commands without sudo.
+After installing docker, we are ready to run the calibration tool. As a first step,
+you should clone the calibration repository:
+git clone https://github.com/leo-drive/OA-LICalib.git
+Then, you need to build the docker image:
+cd OA-LICalib/docker
+sudo docker build -t oalicalib .
+After building the docker image, you need to create a container from the image:
+!!! warning
+ You need to update REPO_PATH with the path to the cloned repository
+ on your system.
+export REPO_PATH="/path/to/OA-LICalib"
+docker run -it --env="DISPLAY" --volume="$HOME/.Xauthority:/root/.Xauthority:rw" --volume="/tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix:rw" --volume="$REPO_PATH:/root/catkin_oa_calib/src/OA-LICalib" oalicalib bash
+Before running the calibration tool, you should change some parameters from the
+configuration file. You can find the configuration file in the `OA-LICalib/config`
+Change the following parameters in the configuration file as your topics and
+- These are the lidar model options: VLP_16_packet, VLP_16_points, VLP_32E_points,
+ VLS_128_points, Ouster_16_points, Ouster_32_points, Ouster_64_points,
+ Ouster_128_points, RS_16
+- `start_time` and `end_time` are the interval of the rosbag that you want to use
+- `path_bag` is the path to the rosbag file, but you need to give the path inside
+ the container, not your local system. For example,
+ if you have a rosbag file in the `OA-LICalib/data` directory,
+ you need to give the path as `/root/calib_ws/src/OA-LICalib/data/rosbag2_2023_08_18-14_42_12_0.bag`
+topic_lidar: /sensing/lidar/top/pointcloud_raw
+topic_imu: /sensing/gnss/sbg/ros/imu/data
+LidarModel: VLP_16_SIMU
+ - {
+ start_time: 0,
+ end_time: 40,
+ path_bag: /root/calib_ws/src/OA-LICalib/data/rosbag2_2023_08_18-14_42_12_0.bag,
+ }
+After creating the container and changing parameters,
+you can build and run the calibration tool:
+cd /root/catkin_oa_calib
+source devel/setup.bash
+roslaunch oalicalib li_calib.launch
+After running the calibration tool, you can track the calibration process
+with connecting to the container on other terminal. To connect to the container,
+you can run the following command:
+xhost +local:docker
+docker exec -it bash
+!!! warning
+ You need to replace with the name of your container.
+ To see your container name, you can run `docker ps` command. This command's
+ output should be something like this and you can find your container name
+ in the last column:
+ ```
+ adb8b559c06e calib:v1 "/ros_entrypoint.sh …" 6 seconds ago Up 5 seconds your_awesome_container_name
+ ```
+After connecting to the container, you can see the calibration process
+with running the Rviz. After running the Rviz, you need to add the following
+topics to the Rviz:
+- /ndt_odometry/global_map
+- /ndt_odometry/cur_cloud
+If `/ndt_odometry/global_map` looks distorted, you should tune ndt parameters
+in the `OA-LICalib/config/simu.yaml` file.
+ { align=center }
+ Lidar - IMU Calibration RViz Screen
+To achieve better results, you can tune the parameters in the `config/simu.yaml` file. The parameters are explained below:
+| Parameter | Value |
+| ------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
+| ndtResolution | Resolution of NDT grid structure (VoxelGridCovariance) 0,5 for indoor case and 1.0 for outdoor case |
+| ndt_key_frame_downsample | Resolution parameter for voxel grid downsample function |
+| map_downsample_size | Resolution parameter for voxel grid downsample function |
+| knot_distance | time interval |
+| plane_motion | set true if you collect data from vehicle |
+| gyro_weight | gyrometer sensor output’s weight for trajectory estimation |
+| accel_weight | accelerometer sensor output’s weight for trajectory estimation |
+| lidar_weight | lidar sensor output’s weight for trajectory estimation |