This package contains a simple example of how to use autoware::Node
ros2 launch autoware_test_node autoware_test_node.launch.xml
Information on Lifecycle nodes can be found here.
Output a list of nodes with lifecycle:
$ ros2 lifecycle nodes
Get the current state of a node:
$ ros2 lifecycle get /test_ns1/test_node1
unconfigured [1]
List the available transitions for the node:
$ ros2 lifecycle list /test_ns1/test_node1
- configure [1]
Start: unconfigured
Goal: configuring
- shutdown [5]
Start: unconfigured
Goal: shuttingdown
Shutdown the node:
$ ros2 lifecycle set /test_ns1/test_node1 shutdown
Transitioning successful
$ ros2 lifecycle get /test_ns1/test_node1
finalized [4]
The node will remain alive in the finalized
state until it is killed by the user.