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Use range query to search for segments when scan topic is not available
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Signed-off-by: Anh Nguyen <>
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anhnv3991 committed Mar 4, 2025
1 parent 3e5a116 commit e84ca33
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Showing 3 changed files with 172 additions and 89 deletions.
77 changes: 58 additions & 19 deletions map/autoware_tp_manager/scripts/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -44,6 +44,7 @@ def __init__(self):
self.changed_dir = None # A directory contains the segments that need to be examined
self.result_csv = None # Path to the result CSV file
self.tp_path = None # Path to the file that contains TPs of map segments
self.range = 50.0

def __initialize(self, score_dir: str):
if not os.path.exists(score_dir):
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -210,6 +211,43 @@ def __set_color_based_on_mark(self, mark) -> int:
rgba = struct.unpack("I", tmp_rgb)[0]

return rgba

def __find_candidate_segments(self, stamp, t_pose):
if not(self.scan_df is None) and self.scan_df.shape[0] > 0:
sid = tpu.stamp_search(stamp, self.scan_df, self.scan_df.shape[0])

if sid < 0:
return None

closest_scan = pc2.read_points(self.scan_df[sid, 1], skip_nans=True)

Check warning on line 222 in map/autoware_tp_manager/scripts/

View workflow job for this annotation

GitHub Actions / spell-check-differential

Unknown word (nans)

segment_set = set()

for p in closest_scan:
tp = tpu.transform_p(p, t_pose)

# Hash the point to find the segment containing it
sx = int(tp[0] / self.resolution) * int(self.resolution)
sy = int(tp[1] / self.resolution) * int(self.resolution)
seg_idx = str(sx) + "_" + str(sy)


return segment_set
segment_set = set()
# If scans are not available, use range query
lx = int((t_pose[3, 0] - self.range) / self.resolution) * int(self.resolution)
ux = int((t_pose[3, 0] + self.range) / self.resolution) * int(self.resolution)
ly = int((t_pose[3, 1] - self.range) / self.resolution) * int(self.resolution)
uy = int((t_pose[3, 1] + self.range) / self.resolution) * int(self.resolution)

for sx in range(lx, ux + 1, 1):
for sy in range(ly, uy + 1, 1):
segment_set.add(str(sx) + "_" + str(sy))

return segment_set

def __mark_changed_poses(self):
progress_bar = tqdm.tqdm(total=self.pose_df.shape[0])
Expand All @@ -229,30 +267,20 @@ def __mark_changed_poses(self):
# print("Invalid pose. Skip!")

# Find the closest scan and tp
sid = tpu.stamp_search(stamp, self.scan_df, self.scan_df.shape[0])
# Find the closest tp
tid = tpu.stamp_search(stamp, self.tp_df, self.tp_df.shape[0])

if sid < 0 or tid < 0:
print("No closest scan and tp were found. Skip!")
if tid < 0:
print("No closest tp were found. Skip!")

closest_scan = pc2.read_points(self.scan_df[sid, 1], skip_nans=True)
closest_tp = self.tp_df[tid, 1]

# Transform the scan and find the segments that cover the transformed points
segment_set = set()

for p in closest_scan:
tp = tpu.transform_p(p, pose)

# Hash the point to find the segment containing it
sx = int(tp[0] / self.resolution) * int(self.resolution)
sy = int(tp[1] / self.resolution) * int(self.resolution)
seg_idx = str(sx) + "_" + str(sy)

# Find the candidate segments that cover the pose
segment_set = self.__find_candidate_segments(stamp, pose)

if segment_set is None:

tp_sum = 0.0
valid_segment_num = 0

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -353,7 +381,10 @@ def processing(
tp_topic: str,
scan_topic: str,
mode: str,
range: float
if range > 0:
self.range = range

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -411,6 +442,13 @@ def processing(
help="The range to query segments that cover a pose",

args = parser.parse_args()

Expand All @@ -421,10 +459,11 @@ def processing(
print("Topic of Transformation Probability: {0}".format(args.tp_topic))
print("Topic of scan data: {0}".format(args.scan_topic))
print("Mode of checking: {0}".format(args.mode))
print("Range to query map segments that cover a pose: {0}".format(args.range))

# Run
checker = TPChecker()

args.score_path, args.bag_path, args.pose_topic, args.tp_topic, args.scan_topic, args.mode
args.score_path, args.bag_path, args.pose_topic, args.tp_topic, args.scan_topic, args.mode, args.range
99 changes: 96 additions & 3 deletions map/autoware_tp_manager/scripts/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -51,8 +51,6 @@ def __initialize(self, pcd_map_dir: str, output_path: str, resolution: float):
self.output_path = output_path
self.resolution = resolution

print("Type resolution = {0}".format(type(self.resolution)))

if not os.path.exists(pcd_map_dir):
print("Error: {0} does not exist!".format(pcd_map_dir))
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -111,7 +109,42 @@ def __get_pcd_segments_and_scores(self):
for index, row in enumerate(reader):
self.segment_df[index, [1, 2]] = [float(row[1]), 1]

def __update_avg_tp(self):
def __find_candidate_segments(self, stamp, t_pose):
if self.scan_df.shape[0] > 0:
sid = tpu.stamp_search(stamp, self.scan_df, self.scan_df.shape[0])

if sid < 0:
return None

closest_scan = pc2.read_points(self.scan_df[sid, 1], skip_nans=True)

Check warning on line 119 in map/autoware_tp_manager/scripts/

View workflow job for this annotation

GitHub Actions / spell-check-differential

Unknown word (nans)

segment_set = set()

for p in closest_scan:
tp = tpu.transform_p(p, t_pose)

# Hash the point to find the segment containing it
sx = int(tp[0] / self.resolution) * int(self.resolution)
sy = int(tp[1] / self.resolution) * int(self.resolution)
seg_idx = str(sx) + "_" + str(sy)


return segment_set
# If scans are not available, use range query
lx = int((t_pose[3, 0] - 50.0) / self.resolution) * int(self.resolution)
ux = int((t_pose[3, 0] + 50.0) / self.resolution) * int(self.resolution)
ly = int((t_pose[3, 1] - 50.0) / self.resolution) * int(self.resolution)
uy = int((t_pose[3, 1] + 50.0) / self.resolution) * int(self.resolution)

for sx in range(start = lx, stop = ux, step = 1):
for sy in range(start = ly, stop = uy, step = 1):
segment_set.add(str(sx) + "_" + str(sy))

return segment_set

def __update_tp_by_scan(self):
progress_bar = tqdm.tqdm(total=self.scan_df.shape[0])

for i in range(self.scan_df.shape[0]):
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -158,6 +191,66 @@ def __update_avg_tp(self):


def __update_tp_by_pose(self):
# If scans are not available, examine pose and update TPs of segments in vicinity
progress_bar = tqdm.tqdm(total=self.pose_df.shape[0])

for i in range(self.pose_df.shape[0]):
stamp, pose = self.pose_df[i, :]
# Transposed pose for multiplication, as the points are in a row-major table
pose = pose.T
# Skip invalid poses
# print("Pose at {0} = {1}".format(i, pose))
if pose is None:
# print("None pose. Skip!")

if pose[3, 0] == 0 and pose[3, 1] == 0 and pose[3, 2] == 0:
# print("Invalid pose. Skip!")

# Find the closest tp
tid = tpu.stamp_search(stamp, self.tp_df, self.tp_df.shape[0])

if tid < 0:
print("No closest tp were found. Skip!")
closest_tp = self.tp_df[tid, 1]

# Use range query to find segments that cover the current pose
segment_set = set()

lx = int((pose[3, 0] - 50.0) / self.resolution) * int(self.resolution)
ux = int((pose[3, 0] + 50.0) / self.resolution) * int(self.resolution)
ly = int((pose[3, 1] - 50.0) / self.resolution) * int(self.resolution)
uy = int((pose[3, 1] + 50.0) / self.resolution) * int(self.resolution)

for sx in range(lx, ux + 1):
for sy in range(ly, uy + 1, 1):
segment_set.add(str(sx) + "_" + str(sy))

if segment_set is None:

for key in segment_set:
if key in self.segment_dict:
i = self.segment_dict[key]
tp, counter = self.segment_df[i, [1, 2]]
self.segment_df[i, [1, 2]] = [
tp + 1.0 / (counter + 1) * (closest_tp - tp),
counter + 1,


def __update_avg_tp(self):

if not(self.scan_df is None) and self.scan_df.shape[0] > 0:

# Save the segment TPs
def __save_tps(self):
print("Saving TP to files")
Expand Down
85 changes: 18 additions & 67 deletions map/autoware_tp_manager/scripts/
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Expand Up @@ -26,64 +26,6 @@
from tier4_debug_msgs.msg import Float32Stamped
import tqdm

class FixQueue:
def __init__(self):
self.queue_limit = 100 # Max number of items in the queue
self.data_queue = None # Queue of data
self.head = 0 # Index to append a new item (enqueue index)
self.tail = 0 # Index to start remove/process items (dequeue index)
self.current_size = 0 # Number of items in the queue

def enqueue(self, item):
if self.is_full():
print("Cannot add new item. Queue is full!")
return False

if self.is_empty() or self.data_queue.shape[1] != len(item):
self.data_queue = np.ndarray((self.queue_limit, len(item)), dtype=object)
self.data_queue[self.tail, :] = item
self.tail += 1

if self.tail == self.queue_limit:
self.tail = 0

self.current_size += 1

return True

def drop(self, limitless=False, callback_func=None, *args):
if limitless:
end_id = self.tail
end_id = self.head + int(self.queue_limit / 2)

if self.head < end_id:
drop_list = np.arange(self.head, end_id)
drop_list = np.arange(self.head, end_id + self.queue_limit) % self.queue_limit

for i in drop_list:
# Process the item at index i
callback_func(self.data_queue[i], *args)

self.current_size -= len(drop_list)
self.head = end_id

if self.head == self.queue_limit:
self.head = 0

def is_full(self) -> bool:
if self.current_size == self.queue_limit:
return True
return False

def is_empty(self) -> bool:
if self.current_size == 0:
return True
return False

# Some utility functions that is shared by both the tp collector and tp checker
# Convert a pose to a 4x4 transformation matrix
def __pose_to_mat(pose: Pose) -> np.array:
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -157,27 +99,36 @@ def parse_rosbag(bag_path: str, pose_topic: str, tp_topic: str, scan_topic: str)
msg_count_by_topic = __get_message_count(bag_path)
progress_bar = tqdm.tqdm(total=msg_count_by_topic["total"])

if msg_count_by_topic[pose_topic] == 0:
if not(pose_topic in msg_count_by_topic) or (msg_count_by_topic[pose_topic] == 0):
"Error: the input rosbag contains no message from the topic {0}. Exit!".format(
if msg_count_by_topic[tp_topic] == 0:
pose_df = None
pose_to_publish = None
pose_df = np.ndarray((msg_count_by_topic[pose_topic], 2), dtype=object)
pose_to_publish = np.ndarray((msg_count_by_topic[pose_topic], 2), dtype=object)

if not(tp_topic in msg_count_by_topic) or (msg_count_by_topic[tp_topic] == 0):
"Error: the input rosbag contains no message from the topic {0}. Exit!".format(tp_topic)
if msg_count_by_topic[scan_topic] == 0:
tp_df = None
tp_df = np.ndarray((msg_count_by_topic[tp_topic], 2), dtype=object)

if not(scan_topic in msg_count_by_topic) or (msg_count_by_topic[scan_topic] == 0):
"Error: the input rosbag contains no message from the topic {0}. Exit!".format(
"The input rosbag contains no message from the topic {0}.!".format(

pose_df = np.ndarray((msg_count_by_topic[pose_topic], 2), dtype=object)
tp_df = np.ndarray((msg_count_by_topic[tp_topic], 2), dtype=object)
pose_to_publish = np.ndarray((msg_count_by_topic[pose_topic], 2), dtype=object)
scan_df = np.ndarray((msg_count_by_topic[scan_topic], 2), dtype=object)
scan_df = None
scan_df = np.ndarray((msg_count_by_topic[scan_topic], 2), dtype=object)

pose_df_idx = 0
tp_df_idx = 0
scan_df_idx = 0
Expand Down

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