diff --git a/map/autoware_lanelet2_divider/README.md b/map/autoware_lanelet2_divider/README.md
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+# autoware_lanelet2_divider
+This is a lanelet2 tile generator tool for Autoware dynamic lanelet2 map loading feature.
+Working principal of this tool is sequentially:
+- Take the inputs from the user
+- Generate square grids according to the input MGRS grid
+- Filter generated square grids with the input lanelet2_map.osm
+- Generate map tiles from filtered grids and input lanelet2_map.osm with Osmium Tool
+- [autoware_lanelet2_divider](#autoware_lanelet2_divider)
+ - [System Requirements](#system-requirements)
+ - [Inputs](#inputs)
+ - [MGRS Grid](#mgrs-grid)
+ - [Grid Edge Size](#grid-edge-size)
+ - [Input Lanelet2 Map Path](#input-lanelet2-map-path)
+ - [Outputs](#outputs)
+ - [lanelet2_map.osm Folder](#lanelet2_maposm-folder)
+ - [lanelet2_map_metadata.yaml](#lanelet2_map_metadatayaml)
+ - [config.json Files](#configjson-files)
+ - [output_layers.gpkg](#output_layersgpkg)
+ - [Installation](#installation)
+ - [Poetry](#poetry)
+ - [Osmium Tool](#osmium-tool)
+ - [autoware_lanelet2_divider Python Dependencies](#autoware_lanelet2_divider-python-dependencies)
+ - [Running](#running)
+ - [Example Data](#example-data)
+ - [Yildiz Technical University Original Lanelet2 Map](#yildiz-technical-university-original-lanelet2-map)
+ - [Yildiz Technical University Extended Lanelet2 Map (Synthetic)](#yildiz-technical-university-extended-lanelet2-map-synthetic)
+ - [Params](#params)
+## System Requirements
+- [Python](https://www.python.org/) (tested with 3.10)
+- [Poetry package](https://python-poetry.org/docs/)
+- [Osmium Tool](https://github.com/osmcode/osmium-tool)
+## Inputs
+### MGRS Grid
+100 kilometer MGRS grid that the input lanelet2_map is in. This is needed for generating the grids inside of the
+MGRS grid and filtering them.
+### Grid Edge Size
+This determines the vertex length of the generated map tiles. Map tiles are generated with squares and the edges of
+those squares are determined by the user's input.
+### Input Lanelet2 Map Path
+The full path of the input `lanelet2_map.osm`. This file won't be corrupted.
+## Outputs
+### lanelet2_map.osm Folder
+This is a folder. Autoware's dynamic lanelet2 map loading pipeline needs this folder to find generated map-tiles.
+It contains all the generated lanelet2 maps.
+### lanelet2_map_metadata.yaml
+This metadata file holds the origin points of all the generated lanelet2 map files inside the `lanelet2_map.osm`
+folder. Origin point of each lanelet2 map is the coordinates of the left bottom vertex of the corresponding
+square created with `mgrs_grid` and `grid_edge_size` parameters.
+### config.json Files
+Those files contain the coordinates of the vertices of the created squares. With those coordinates, **Osmium Tool**
+runs an **extract** operation and divides the input lanelet2_map.osm file.
+### output_layers.gpkg
+This file contains the geographical visualization for generated data. This is not used in Autoware or somewhere else.
+It is generating only for debugging the output files. [QGIS](https://qgis.org/en/site/) can be used for opening this
+file. You need to see the visualizations of generated grids, filtered grids and input lanelet2 map.
+## Installation
+Additional to `colcon build`, you have to follow individual installation steps for the tools that are used in this
+### Poetry
+pip install poetry
+### Osmium Tool
+git clone https://github.com/osmcode/osmium-tool.git
+cd osmium-tool
+mkdir build
+cd build
+cmake ..
+ccmake . ## optional: change CMake settings if needed
+### autoware_lanelet2_divider Python Dependencies
+pip install -r requirements.txt
+## Running
+Before running the tool, you should check the `config/lanelet2_divider.param.yaml` file. You can change the default
+parameters from this file.
+ros2 run autoware_lanelet2_divider lanelet2_divider --ros-args --params-file install/autoware_lanelet2_divider/share/autoware_lanelet2_divider/lanelet2_divider.param.yaml
+## Example Data
+### Yildiz Technical University Original Lanelet2 Map
+This is an original lanelet2 map file that contains stop lines, speed bumps or other regulatory elements:
+### Yildiz Technical University Extended Lanelet2 Map (Synthetic)
+This is the extended version of the original lanelet2 map file. We extended it to 80 kilometers by hand.
+Still it contains all the regulatory elements:
+## Params
+| Param | Description |
+| ------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------- |
+| mgrs_grid | The 100 kilometer MGRS grid that the lanelet2 map is in |
+| grid_edge_size | Wanted edge length in meters for map-tiles to generate |
+| input_lanelet2_map | Full path of the lanelet2_map to divide |
+| output_folder | Full path of the output folder to fill |
diff --git a/map/autoware_lanelet2_divider/autoware_lanelet2_divider/__init__.py b/map/autoware_lanelet2_divider/autoware_lanelet2_divider/__init__.py
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+++ b/map/autoware_lanelet2_divider/autoware_lanelet2_divider/__init__.py
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+import importlib.metadata as importlib_metadata
+ # This will read version from pyproject.toml
+ __version__ = importlib_metadata.version(__package__ or __name__)
+except importlib_metadata.PackageNotFoundError:
+ __version__ = "development"
diff --git a/map/autoware_lanelet2_divider/autoware_lanelet2_divider/autoware_lanelet2_divider.py b/map/autoware_lanelet2_divider/autoware_lanelet2_divider/autoware_lanelet2_divider.py
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+++ b/map/autoware_lanelet2_divider/autoware_lanelet2_divider/autoware_lanelet2_divider.py
@@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
+import os
+import shutil
+import autoware_lanelet2_divider.data_preparation.data_preparation as data_preparation
+from autoware_lanelet2_divider.debug import Debug
+from autoware_lanelet2_divider.debug import DebugMessageType
+import autoware_lanelet2_divider.osmium_tool.osmium_tool as osmium_tool
+import autoware_lanelet2_divider.xml_tool.xml_tool as xml_tool
+import rclpy
+from rclpy.node import Node
+class AutowareLanelet2Divider(Node):
+ def __init__(self):
+ super().__init__("autoware_lanelet2_divider")
+ Debug.log("Autoware Lanelet2 Divider Node has been started.", DebugMessageType.INFO)
+ self.declare_params()
+ self.input_lanelet2_map_path = (
+ self.get_parameter("input_lanelet2_map_path").get_parameter_value().string_value
+ )
+ self.output_folder_path = (
+ self.get_parameter("output_folder_path").get_parameter_value().string_value
+ )
+ self.mgrs_grid = self.get_parameter("mgrs_grid").get_parameter_value().string_value
+ self.grid_edge_size = (
+ self.get_parameter("grid_edge_size").get_parameter_value().integer_value
+ )
+ Debug.log(
+ "Input Lanelet2 Map Path: %s" % self.input_lanelet2_map_path, DebugMessageType.INFO
+ )
+ Debug.log("Output Folder Path: %s" % self.output_folder_path, DebugMessageType.INFO)
+ Debug.log("MGRS Grid: %s" % self.mgrs_grid, DebugMessageType.INFO)
+ Debug.log("Grid Edge Size: %d" % self.grid_edge_size, DebugMessageType.INFO)
+ # Create copy of osm file
+ shutil.copy(
+ self.input_lanelet2_map_path, self.input_lanelet2_map_path.replace(".osm", "_temp.osm")
+ )
+ self.input_lanelet2_map_path = self.input_lanelet2_map_path.replace(".osm", "_temp.osm")
+ # Complete if missing "version" element in lanelet2_map.osm
+ xml_tool.complete_missing_version_tag(self.input_lanelet2_map_path)
+ # Create config file to extract osm file
+ config_files = data_preparation.data_preparation(
+ self.mgrs_grid,
+ self.grid_edge_size,
+ self.input_lanelet2_map_path,
+ self.output_folder_path,
+ )
+ # Extract osm file
+ for config_file_path in config_files:
+ is_extracted = osmium_tool.extract_osm_file(
+ self.input_lanelet2_map_path,
+ config_file_path,
+ os.path.join(self.output_folder_path, "lanelet2_map.osm"),
+ )
+ if not is_extracted:
+ Debug.log("Failed to extract osm file.\n", DebugMessageType.ERROR)
+ rclpy.shutdown()
+ # Complete missing elements in osm file
+ xml_tool.complete_missing_elements(
+ self.input_lanelet2_map_path, os.path.join(self.output_folder_path, "lanelet2_map.osm")
+ )
+ # Remove temp osm file
+ os.remove(self.input_lanelet2_map_path)
+ Debug.log("Autoware Lanelet2 Divider Node has been finished.", DebugMessageType.SUCCESS)
+ exit(0)
+ def declare_params(self) -> None:
+ self.declare_parameter("input_lanelet2_map_path", "")
+ self.declare_parameter("output_folder_path", "")
+ self.declare_parameter("mgrs_grid", "")
+ self.declare_parameter("grid_edge_size", 100)
+def main(args=None):
+ rclpy.init(args=args)
+ autoware_lanelet2_divider = AutowareLanelet2Divider()
+ rclpy.spin(autoware_lanelet2_divider)
+ autoware_lanelet2_divider.destroy_node()
+ rclpy.shutdown()
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ main()
diff --git a/map/autoware_lanelet2_divider/autoware_lanelet2_divider/data_preparation/data_preparation.py b/map/autoware_lanelet2_divider/autoware_lanelet2_divider/data_preparation/data_preparation.py
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+++ b/map/autoware_lanelet2_divider/autoware_lanelet2_divider/data_preparation/data_preparation.py
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+import json
+import os
+import sys
+import time
+from autoware_lanelet2_divider.debug import Debug
+from autoware_lanelet2_divider.debug import DebugMessageType
+import lanelet2
+from lanelet2.projection import UtmProjector
+import mgrs
+from osgeo import gdal # cspell: ignore osgeo
+from osgeo import ogr # cspell: ignore osgeo
+from tqdm import tqdm
+import utm
+import yaml
+def create_grid_layer(grid_edge_size, layer_grids, mgrs_grid) -> None:
+ """
+ Create a grid layer of polygons in the specified GDAL layer.
+ Parameters:
+ grid_edge_size (float): The size of each grid cell.
+ layer_grids (ogr.Layer): The layer in which to create the grid polygons.
+ mgrs_grid (str): The MGRS grid string used for location projection.
+ Returns:
+ None
+ """
+ mgrs_object = mgrs.MGRS()
+ zone, hemisphere, origin_y, origin_x = mgrs_object.MGRSToUTM(mgrs_grid)
+ grid_count = 100000 / grid_edge_size
+ for i in tqdm(
+ range(int(grid_count)),
+ desc=Debug.get_log("Creating grid layer", DebugMessageType.INFO),
+ ):
+ for j in range(int(grid_count)):
+ feature_grid = ogr.Feature(layer_grids.GetLayerDefn()) # cspell: ignore Defn
+ linear_ring = ogr.Geometry(ogr.wkbLinearRing)
+ for a in range(5):
+ pt_x, pt_y = 0.0, 0.0
+ if (a == 0) or (a == 4):
+ pt_x = origin_x + (i * grid_edge_size)
+ pt_y = origin_y + (j * grid_edge_size)
+ elif a == 1:
+ pt_x = origin_x + (i * grid_edge_size) + grid_edge_size
+ pt_y = origin_y + (j * grid_edge_size)
+ elif a == 2:
+ pt_x = origin_x + (i * grid_edge_size) + grid_edge_size
+ pt_y = origin_y + (j * grid_edge_size) + grid_edge_size
+ elif a == 3:
+ pt_x = origin_x + (i * grid_edge_size)
+ pt_y = origin_y + (j * grid_edge_size) + grid_edge_size
+ pt_lat, pt_lon = utm.to_latlon(pt_y, pt_x, zone, hemisphere)
+ linear_ring.AddPoint_2D(pt_lon, pt_lat)
+ polygon = ogr.Geometry(ogr.wkbPolygon)
+ polygon.AddGeometry(linear_ring)
+ feature_grid.SetGeometry(polygon)
+ if layer_grids.CreateFeature(feature_grid) != 0:
+ Debug.log("Failed to create feature in shapefile.", DebugMessageType.ERROR)
+ sys.exit(1)
+ feature_grid.Destroy()
+def generate_lanelet2_layer(mgrs_grid, lanelet2_map_path, lanelet2_whole_mls, layer_lanelet2_whole):
+ """
+ Generate a Lanelet2 layer from the given Lanelet2 map path and adds it to the specified GDAL layer.
+ Parameters:
+ mgrs_grid (str): The MGRS grid string used for location projection.
+ lanelet2_map_path (str): The file path to the Lanelet2 map.
+ lanelet2_whole_mls (ogr.Geometry): The MultiLineString geometry to which lanelet geometries will be added.
+ layer_lanelet2_whole (ogr.Layer): The layer to which the Lanelet2 features will be added.
+ Returns:
+ None
+ """
+ mgrs_object = mgrs.MGRS()
+ zone, hemisphere, origin_x, origin_y = mgrs_object.MGRSToUTM(mgrs_grid)
+ origin_lat, origin_lon = utm.to_latlon(origin_x, origin_y, zone, hemisphere)
+ projector = UtmProjector(lanelet2.io.Origin(origin_lat, origin_lon))
+ lanelet2_map, load_errors = lanelet2.io.loadRobust(lanelet2_map_path, projector)
+ for lanelet_linestring in lanelet2_map.lineStringLayer:
+ linestring = ogr.Geometry(ogr.wkbLineString)
+ for node in lanelet_linestring:
+ node_lat, node_lon = utm.to_latlon(
+ origin_x + node.x, origin_y + node.y, zone, hemisphere
+ )
+ linestring.AddPoint_2D(node_lon, node_lat)
+ lanelet2_whole_mls.AddGeometry(linestring)
+ feature_lanelet2 = ogr.Feature(layer_lanelet2_whole.GetLayerDefn()) # cspell: ignore Defn
+ feature_lanelet2.SetGeometry(lanelet2_whole_mls)
+ if layer_lanelet2_whole.CreateFeature(feature_lanelet2) != 0:
+ Debug.log("Failed to create feature in shapefile.", DebugMessageType.ERROR)
+ sys.exit(1)
+ feature_lanelet2.Destroy()
+def generate_yaml_dict(layer_filtered_grids, grid_edge_size, mgrs_grid) -> dict:
+ """
+ Generate a YAML-compatible dictionary from the filtered grid layer.
+ Parameters:
+ layer_filtered_grids (ogr.Feature): The layer containing filtered grid features.
+ grid_edge_size (float): The size of each grid cell.
+ mgrs_grid (str): The MGRS grid string used for location projection.
+ Returns:
+ dict: A dictionary containing grid metadata for YAML output.
+ """
+ mgrs_object = mgrs.MGRS()
+ zone, hemisphere, origin_x, origin_y = mgrs_object.MGRSToUTM(mgrs_grid)
+ metadata_yaml = {}
+ for filtered_grid in layer_filtered_grids:
+ geometry_filtered_grid = filtered_grid.GetGeometryRef()
+ point_lat = 0.0
+ point_lon = 0.0
+ for linearring in geometry_filtered_grid:
+ point_lat = linearring.GetPoint(0)[1]
+ point_lon = linearring.GetPoint(0)[0]
+ x, y, zone_number, zone_letter = utm.from_latlon(point_lat, point_lon)
+ file_id = str(filtered_grid.GetFID()) + ".osm"
+ yaml_data = {
+ "x_resolution": float(grid_edge_size),
+ "y_resolution": float(grid_edge_size),
+ file_id: [round(float(x - origin_x), 2), round(float(y - origin_y), 2)],
+ }
+ metadata_yaml.update(yaml_data)
+ return metadata_yaml
+def generate_config_json(layer_filtered_grids, extract_dir) -> str:
+ """
+ Generate a configuration JSON string for Osmium Extract from the filtered grid layer.
+ Parameters:
+ layer_filtered_grids (ogr.Feature): The layer containing filtered grid features.
+ extract_dir (str): The directory where the output files will be saved.
+ Returns:
+ str: A JSON string containing the configuration for Osmium Extract.
+ """
+ extracts = []
+ for filtered_grid in layer_filtered_grids:
+ polygon_inner = []
+ geometry_filtered_grid = filtered_grid.GetGeometryRef()
+ for linearring in geometry_filtered_grid:
+ for i in range(5):
+ point_lat = linearring.GetPoint(i)[1]
+ point_lon = linearring.GetPoint(i)[0]
+ point_list = [point_lon, point_lat]
+ polygon_inner.append(point_list)
+ polygon_outer = [polygon_inner]
+ extract_element = {
+ "description": "optional description",
+ "output": str(filtered_grid.GetFID()) + ".osm",
+ "output_format": "osm",
+ "polygon": polygon_outer,
+ }
+ extracts.append(extract_element)
+ config_json_ = {
+ "directory": os.path.join(extract_dir, "lanelet2_map.osm"),
+ "extracts": extracts,
+ }
+ return json.dumps(config_json_, indent=2)
+def data_preparation(
+ mgrs_grid: str, grid_edge_size: int, lanelet2_map_path: str, extract_dir: str
+) -> list[str]:
+ """
+ Prepare the data by creating grid layers, generating Lanelet2 layers, and producing metadata files.
+ Parameters:
+ mgrs_grid (str): The MGRS grid string used for location projection.
+ grid_edge_size (int): The size of each grid cell.
+ lanelet2_map_path (str): The file path to the Lanelet2 map.
+ extract_dir (str): The directory where the output files will be saved.
+ Returns:
+ list[str]: A list of paths to the generated configuration JSON files.
+ """
+ # Create gpkg dataset and layers
+ Debug.log("Create output directory if not exist.", DebugMessageType.INFO)
+ os.makedirs(extract_dir, exist_ok=True)
+ Debug.log("Creating GDAL driver and GPKG layers.", DebugMessageType.INFO)
+ driverName = "GPKG"
+ drv = gdal.GetDriverByName(driverName)
+ if drv is None:
+ Debug.log("%s driver not available.\n" % driverName, DebugMessageType.ERROR)
+ sys.exit(1)
+ ds_grids = drv.Create(
+ os.path.join(extract_dir, "output_layers.gpkg"), 0, 0, 0, gdal.GDT_Unknown
+ )
+ if ds_grids is None:
+ Debug.log("Creation of output file failed.", DebugMessageType.ERROR)
+ sys.exit(1)
+ layer_grids = ds_grids.CreateLayer("grids", None, ogr.wkbPolygon)
+ if layer_grids is None:
+ Debug.log("Layer creation failed.", DebugMessageType.ERROR)
+ sys.exit(1)
+ layer_lanelet2_whole = ds_grids.CreateLayer("lanelet2_whole", None, ogr.wkbMultiLineString)
+ if layer_lanelet2_whole is None:
+ Debug.log("Layer creation failed layer_lanelet2_whole.", DebugMessageType.ERROR)
+ sys.exit(1)
+ # Create new layer for filtered grids
+ layer_filtered_grids = ds_grids.CreateLayer("filtered_grids", None, ogr.wkbPolygon)
+ if layer_filtered_grids is None:
+ Debug.log("Layer creation failed.", DebugMessageType.ERROR)
+ sys.exit(1)
+ # Create Grid Layer
+ Debug.log(
+ "Creating " + str(grid_edge_size) + " meters grid layer along the " + mgrs_grid + ".",
+ DebugMessageType.INFO,
+ )
+ start = time.time()
+ create_grid_layer(grid_edge_size, layer_grids, mgrs_grid)
+ end = time.time()
+ formatted = "{:.1f}".format(end - start)
+ Debug.log(
+ "Grid layer created. Lasted " + str(formatted) + " seconds.",
+ DebugMessageType.SUCCESS,
+ )
+ # Make a multilinestring in order to use in filtering
+ lanelet2_whole_mls = ogr.Geometry(ogr.wkbMultiLineString)
+ # Generate the lanelet2_map linestring layer with gpkg for filtering
+ generate_lanelet2_layer(mgrs_grid, lanelet2_map_path, lanelet2_whole_mls, layer_lanelet2_whole)
+ # Filter and destroy feature
+ Debug.log("Filtering the grid layer with input lanelet2 map.", DebugMessageType.INFO)
+ layer_grids.SetSpatialFilter(lanelet2_whole_mls)
+ # Set filtered grid layer
+ for grid in layer_grids:
+ geometry_grid = grid.GetGeometryRef()
+ filtered_feature_grid = ogr.Feature(
+ layer_filtered_grids.GetLayerDefn()
+ ) # cspell: ignore Defn
+ filtered_feature_grid.SetGeometry(geometry_grid)
+ if layer_filtered_grids.CreateFeature(filtered_feature_grid) != 0:
+ Debug.log("Failed to create feature in shapefile.", DebugMessageType.ERROR)
+ sys.exit(1)
+ filtered_feature_grid.Destroy()
+ # Create yaml data and write to file
+ Debug.log(
+ "Generating metadata.yaml for Dynamic Lanelet2 Map Loading.",
+ DebugMessageType.INFO,
+ )
+ metadata_yaml = generate_yaml_dict(layer_filtered_grids, grid_edge_size, mgrs_grid)
+ with open(
+ os.path.join(extract_dir, "lanelet2_map_metadata.yaml"),
+ "w",
+ ) as f:
+ yaml.dump(metadata_yaml, f, default_flow_style=None, sort_keys=False)
+ # Create config.json for Osmium Extract
+ Debug.log("Generating config.json for Osmium Extract.", DebugMessageType.INFO)
+ config_files = []
+ config_name_counter = 1
+ total_feature_count = layer_filtered_grids.GetFeatureCount()
+ maximum_feature_count = 500
+ if total_feature_count > maximum_feature_count:
+ fid_list = []
+ for i in range(1, total_feature_count + 1):
+ fid_list.append(i) # add fid into fid_list
+ if ((i % maximum_feature_count) == 0) or (i == total_feature_count):
+ dup_layer_grids = layer_filtered_grids
+ dup_layer_grids.SetAttributeFilter("FID IN {}".format(tuple(fid_list)))
+ config_json = generate_config_json(dup_layer_grids, extract_dir)
+ config_json_name = "config" + str(config_name_counter) + ".json"
+ with open(os.path.join(extract_dir, config_json_name), "w") as write_file:
+ write_file.write(config_json)
+ config_files.append(os.path.join(extract_dir, config_json_name))
+ config_name_counter += 1
+ fid_list.clear()
+ else:
+ config_json = generate_config_json(layer_filtered_grids, extract_dir)
+ config_json_name = "config" + str(config_name_counter) + ".json"
+ with open(os.path.join(extract_dir, config_json_name), "w") as write_file:
+ write_file.write(config_json)
+ config_files.append(os.path.join(extract_dir, config_json_name))
+ # return os.path.join(extract_dir, "config.json")
+ return config_files
diff --git a/map/autoware_lanelet2_divider/autoware_lanelet2_divider/debug.py b/map/autoware_lanelet2_divider/autoware_lanelet2_divider/debug.py
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index 00000000..d9520045
--- /dev/null
+++ b/map/autoware_lanelet2_divider/autoware_lanelet2_divider/debug.py
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+from datetime import datetime
+from enum import Enum
+class DebugMessageType(Enum):
+ """
+ Enum representing different types of debug messages.
+ Attributes:
+ INFO (dict): Message type for informational messages.
+ ERROR (dict): Message type for error messages.
+ SUCCESS (dict): Message type for success messages.
+ """
+ INFO = {"value": "INFO", "color": "\033[94m"} # Blue
+ ERROR = {"value": "ERROR", "color": "\033[91m"} # Red
+ SUCCESS = {"value": "SUCCESS", "color": "\033[92m"} # Green
+class Debug:
+ """
+ A class for logging debug messages with different types.
+ Methods:
+ log(message, message_type=DebugMessageType.INFO):
+ Logs a message to the console with a timestamp and message type.
+ get_log(message, message_type=DebugMessageType.INFO):
+ Returns a formatted log message string without printing it.
+ """
+ @classmethod
+ def log(cls, message, message_type=DebugMessageType.INFO):
+ """
+ Log a message to the console with a timestamp and message type.
+ Parameters:
+ message (str): The message to log.
+ message_type (DebugMessageType): The type of the message (default: INFO).
+ Returns:
+ None
+ """
+ current_time = datetime.now().strftime("%H:%M:%S")
+ color = message_type.value["color"]
+ reset_color = "\033[0m" # Reset color to default
+ formatted_message = (
+ f"[{current_time} - {color}{message_type.value['value']}{reset_color}] {message}"
+ )
+ print(formatted_message)
+ @classmethod
+ def get_log(cls, message, message_type=DebugMessageType.INFO):
+ """
+ Return a formatted log message string without printing it.
+ Parameters:
+ message (str): The message to format.
+ message_type (DebugMessageType): The type of the message (default: INFO).
+ Returns:
+ str: The formatted log message string.
+ """
+ current_time = datetime.now().strftime("%H:%M:%S")
+ color = message_type.value["color"]
+ reset_color = "\033[0m" # Reset color to default
+ formatted_message = (
+ f"[{current_time} - {color}{message_type.value['value']}{reset_color}] {message}"
+ )
+ return formatted_message
diff --git a/map/autoware_lanelet2_divider/autoware_lanelet2_divider/osmium_tool/osmium_tool.py b/map/autoware_lanelet2_divider/autoware_lanelet2_divider/osmium_tool/osmium_tool.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..aba19379
--- /dev/null
+++ b/map/autoware_lanelet2_divider/autoware_lanelet2_divider/osmium_tool/osmium_tool.py
@@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
+import os
+import subprocess
+from autoware_lanelet2_divider.debug import Debug
+from autoware_lanelet2_divider.debug import DebugMessageType
+# Error handler dictionary for osmium tool
+# Key: Error message
+# Value: List of functions to handle the error
+# - First function: Function to log the error
+# - Second function: Function to log the action
+# - Third function: Function to execute the action
+ "Output directory is missing or not accessible": [
+ lambda input_osm_file_path, input_config_file_path, output_dir: Debug.log(
+ f"Cannot extracted osm file: {input_osm_file_path}, Output directory is missing or not accessible",
+ DebugMessageType.ERROR,
+ ),
+ lambda input_osm_file_path, input_config_file_path, output_dir: f"Creating output directory: {output_dir}",
+ lambda input_osm_file_path, input_config_file_path, output_dir: os.makedirs(
+ output_dir, exist_ok=True
+ ),
+ ],
+ "Way IDs out of order / Relation IDs out of order": [
+ lambda input_osm_file_path, input_config_file_path, output_dir: Debug.log(
+ f"Cannot extracted osm file: {input_osm_file_path}, Way IDs out of order",
+ DebugMessageType.ERROR,
+ ),
+ lambda input_osm_file_path, input_config_file_path, output_dir: Debug.log(
+ f"Sorting osm file: {input_osm_file_path}", DebugMessageType.INFO
+ ),
+ lambda input_osm_file_path, input_config_file_path, output_dir: sort_osm_file(
+ input_osm_file_path
+ ),
+ ],
+def extract_osm_file(
+ input_osm_file_path: str,
+ input_config_file_path: str,
+ output_dir: str,
+ args: str = "-v -s complete_ways -S types=any",
+) -> bool:
+ """
+ Extract a specified .osm file using the osmium tool, with given arguments and configurations.
+ Parameters:
+ input_osm_file_path (str): Path to the input .osm file.
+ input_config_file_path (str): Path to the configuration file for the osmium tool.
+ output_dir (str): Path to the directory where the output will be stored.
+ args (str): Additional arguments for osmium extraction command. Defaults to "-v -s complete_ways -S types=any".
+ Returns:
+ bool: True if extraction is successful, False otherwise.
+ """
+ command = f"osmium extract -c {input_config_file_path} --overwrite {input_osm_file_path} {args}"
+ result = subprocess.run(
+ command, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, text=True
+ )
+ if result.returncode == 0:
+ Debug.log(f"Extracted osm file: {input_osm_file_path}", DebugMessageType.SUCCESS)
+ return True
+ for error_message, (error_log, info_log, action) in ERROR_HANDLERS.items():
+ if any(error in result.stderr for error in error_message.split(" / ")):
+ error_log(input_osm_file_path, input_config_file_path, output_dir) # Log the error
+ info_log(input_osm_file_path, input_config_file_path, output_dir) # Log the action
+ action_output = action(
+ input_osm_file_path, input_config_file_path, output_dir
+ ) # Execute the action
+ return extract_osm_file(
+ action_output if action_output is not None else input_osm_file_path,
+ input_config_file_path,
+ output_dir,
+ )
+ Debug.log(
+ f"Cannot extracted osm file: {input_osm_file_path}, {result.stderr}",
+ DebugMessageType.ERROR,
+ )
+ return False
+def sort_osm_file(input_osm_file_path: str) -> str:
+ """
+ Sort a specified .osm file using the osmium tool to handle out-of-order Way or Relation IDs.
+ It stores the sorted .osm file in the same directory as the input file with "_sorted.osm" appended to the filename.
+ Parameters:
+ input_osm_file_path (str): Path to the input .osm file that needs sorting.
+ Returns:
+ str: Path to the sorted .osm file.
+ """
+ sorted_osm_file_path = input_osm_file_path.replace(".osm", "_sorted.osm")
+ command = f"osmium sort {input_osm_file_path} -o {sorted_osm_file_path}"
+ subprocess.run(command, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, text=True)
+ return sorted_osm_file_path
diff --git a/map/autoware_lanelet2_divider/autoware_lanelet2_divider/xml_tool/xml_tool.py b/map/autoware_lanelet2_divider/autoware_lanelet2_divider/xml_tool/xml_tool.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9b8fb6ae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/map/autoware_lanelet2_divider/autoware_lanelet2_divider/xml_tool/xml_tool.py
@@ -0,0 +1,158 @@
+import os
+import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
+from autoware_lanelet2_divider.debug import Debug
+from autoware_lanelet2_divider.debug import DebugMessageType
+from tqdm import tqdm
+def select_tags(root, node_list, way_list, relation_list) -> None:
+ """
+ Populate lists for 'node', 'way', and 'relation' XML elements found in the given root element.
+ Parameters:
+ root (ElementTree): The root XML element to parse.
+ node_list (list): List to store 'node' elements.
+ way_list (list): List to store 'way' elements.
+ relation_list (list): List to store 'relation' elements.
+ Returns:
+ None
+ """
+ node_list.clear()
+ way_list.clear()
+ relation_list.clear()
+ for child in root:
+ if child.tag == "node":
+ node_list.append(child)
+ elif child.tag == "way":
+ way_list.append(child)
+ elif child.tag == "relation":
+ relation_list.append(child)
+def complete_missing_elements(input_osm_file_path: str, input_extracted_osm_folder: str) -> bool:
+ """
+ Complete missing elements (nodes, ways, relations) in the divided OSM files by checking against the whole map.
+ Parameters:
+ input_osm_file_path (str): Path to the whole map OSM file.
+ input_extracted_osm_folder (str): Directory containing divided OSM files.
+ Returns:
+ bool: True if the process completes successfully.
+ """
+ Debug.log(
+ f"Completing missing elements in osm file: {input_osm_file_path}",
+ DebugMessageType.INFO,
+ )
+ whole_map_xml = ET.parse(input_osm_file_path)
+ whole_map_root = whole_map_xml.getroot()
+ node_list = []
+ way_list = []
+ relation_list = []
+ select_tags(whole_map_root, node_list, way_list, relation_list)
+ osm_files = [f for f in os.listdir(input_extracted_osm_folder) if f.endswith(".osm")]
+ for osm_file in tqdm(
+ osm_files,
+ desc=Debug.get_log("Completing missing elements in osm file", DebugMessageType.INFO),
+ ):
+ divided_map_xml = ET.parse(input_extracted_osm_folder + "/" + osm_file)
+ divided_map_root = divided_map_xml.getroot()
+ divided_node_list = []
+ divided_way_list = []
+ divided_relation_list = []
+ select_tags(divided_map_root, divided_node_list, divided_way_list, divided_relation_list)
+ for relation in divided_relation_list:
+ for r in relation.iter("member"):
+ if r.attrib["type"] == "way":
+ if r.attrib["ref"] not in [way.attrib["id"] for way in divided_way_list]:
+ for way in way_list:
+ if way.attrib["id"] == r.attrib["ref"]:
+ divided_map_root.append(way)
+ select_tags(
+ divided_map_root,
+ divided_node_list,
+ divided_way_list,
+ divided_relation_list,
+ )
+ elif r.attrib["type"] == "relation":
+ if r.attrib["ref"] not in [
+ rela.attrib["id"] for rela in divided_relation_list
+ ]: # cspell: ignore rela
+ for rel in relation_list:
+ if rel.attrib["id"] == r.attrib["ref"]:
+ divided_map_root.append(rel)
+ select_tags(
+ divided_map_root,
+ divided_node_list,
+ divided_way_list,
+ divided_relation_list,
+ )
+ # Iterate on divided map's ways and find missing nodes
+ for way in divided_way_list:
+ for n in [nd.attrib["ref"] for nd in way.iter("nd")]:
+ if n not in [node.attrib["id"] for node in divided_node_list]:
+ # find the node in the whole map and add it to the divided map
+ for node in node_list:
+ if node.attrib["id"] == n:
+ divided_map_root.append(node)
+ select_tags(
+ divided_map_root,
+ divided_node_list,
+ divided_way_list,
+ divided_relation_list,
+ )
+ divided_map_xml.write(input_extracted_osm_folder + "/" + osm_file)
+ return True
+def complete_missing_version_tag(input_osm_file_path: str):
+ """
+ Add missing version attributes to the root and its child elements in an OSM file, if needed.
+ Parameters:
+ input_osm_file_path (str): Path to the OSM file to update with version tags.
+ Returns:
+ None
+ """
+ Debug.log(
+ f"Completing missing version tags in osm file: {input_osm_file_path}",
+ DebugMessageType.INFO,
+ )
+ whole_map_xml = ET.parse(input_osm_file_path)
+ whole_map_root = whole_map_xml.getroot()
+ add_version = any(root_element != "version" for root_element in whole_map_root.attrib)
+ if add_version:
+ whole_map_root.set("version", "0.6")
+ for element in tqdm(
+ whole_map_root,
+ desc=Debug.get_log(
+ "Completing missing version tags in osm file", DebugMessageType.INFO
+ ),
+ ):
+ add_version = False
+ for root_element in element.attrib:
+ if root_element != "version":
+ add_version = True
+ break
+ if add_version:
+ element.set("version", "1")
+ whole_map_xml.write(input_osm_file_path, encoding="utf-8", xml_declaration=True)
diff --git a/map/autoware_lanelet2_divider/config/lanelet2_divider.param.yaml b/map/autoware_lanelet2_divider/config/lanelet2_divider.param.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..7dd64159
--- /dev/null
+++ b/map/autoware_lanelet2_divider/config/lanelet2_divider.param.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+ ros__parameters:
+ input_lanelet2_map_path: "/path/to/lanelet2_map.osm"
+ output_folder_path: "/path/to/output_folder"
+ mgrs_grid: "35TPF"
+ grid_edge_size: 1000
diff --git a/map/autoware_lanelet2_divider/docs/img_ytu_extended.png b/map/autoware_lanelet2_divider/docs/img_ytu_extended.png
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8b23aa72
Binary files /dev/null and b/map/autoware_lanelet2_divider/docs/img_ytu_extended.png differ
diff --git a/map/autoware_lanelet2_divider/docs/img_ytu_extended_layers.png b/map/autoware_lanelet2_divider/docs/img_ytu_extended_layers.png
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ced39882
Binary files /dev/null and b/map/autoware_lanelet2_divider/docs/img_ytu_extended_layers.png differ
diff --git a/map/autoware_lanelet2_divider/docs/img_ytu_extended_layers_full.png b/map/autoware_lanelet2_divider/docs/img_ytu_extended_layers_full.png
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..37aff2bc
Binary files /dev/null and b/map/autoware_lanelet2_divider/docs/img_ytu_extended_layers_full.png differ
diff --git a/map/autoware_lanelet2_divider/docs/img_ytu_layers.png b/map/autoware_lanelet2_divider/docs/img_ytu_layers.png
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..01826e2c
Binary files /dev/null and b/map/autoware_lanelet2_divider/docs/img_ytu_layers.png differ
diff --git a/map/autoware_lanelet2_divider/docs/img_ytu_original.png b/map/autoware_lanelet2_divider/docs/img_ytu_original.png
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..5494e9e1
Binary files /dev/null and b/map/autoware_lanelet2_divider/docs/img_ytu_original.png differ
diff --git a/map/autoware_lanelet2_divider/package.xml b/map/autoware_lanelet2_divider/package.xml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f76591f1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/map/autoware_lanelet2_divider/package.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+ autoware_lanelet2_divider
+ 1.0.0
+ A tool to divide lanelet2 map into smaller pieces with respect to MGRS grid.
+ ataparlar
+ bzeren
+ Apache License 2.0
+ ament_copyright
+ ament_flake8
+ ament_pep257
+ python3-pytest
+ ament_python
diff --git a/map/autoware_lanelet2_divider/requirements.txt b/map/autoware_lanelet2_divider/requirements.txt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..27ce2ecb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/map/autoware_lanelet2_divider/requirements.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
diff --git a/map/autoware_lanelet2_divider/resource/autoware_lanelet2_divider b/map/autoware_lanelet2_divider/resource/autoware_lanelet2_divider
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e69de29b
diff --git a/map/autoware_lanelet2_divider/setup.cfg b/map/autoware_lanelet2_divider/setup.cfg
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..998d46e8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/map/autoware_lanelet2_divider/setup.cfg
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
diff --git a/map/autoware_lanelet2_divider/setup.py b/map/autoware_lanelet2_divider/setup.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..fcbbe093
--- /dev/null
+++ b/map/autoware_lanelet2_divider/setup.py
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+from setuptools import find_packages
+from setuptools import setup
+package_name = "autoware_lanelet2_divider"
+ name=package_name,
+ version="1.0.0",
+ packages=find_packages(exclude=["test"]),
+ data_files=[
+ ("share/ament_index/resource_index/packages", ["resource/" + package_name]),
+ ("share/" + package_name, ["package.xml"]),
+ ("share/" + package_name, ["config/lanelet2_divider.param.yaml"]),
+ ],
+ install_requires=["setuptools"],
+ zip_safe=True,
+ maintainer=["ataparlar", "bzeren"],
+ maintainer_email=["ataparlar@leodrive.ai", "baris@leodrive.ai"],
+ description="A tool to divide lanelet2 map into smaller pieces with respect to MGRS grid.",
+ license="Apache License 2.0",
+ tests_require=["pytest"],
+ entry_points={
+ "console_scripts": [
+ "lanelet2_divider = autoware_lanelet2_divider.autoware_lanelet2_divider:main",
+ ],
+ },
diff --git a/map/autoware_lanelet2_divider/test/test_copyright.py b/map/autoware_lanelet2_divider/test/test_copyright.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..95f03810
--- /dev/null
+++ b/map/autoware_lanelet2_divider/test/test_copyright.py
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+# Copyright 2015 Open Source Robotics Foundation, Inc.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+from ament_copyright.main import main
+import pytest
+# Remove the `skip` decorator once the source file(s) have a copyright header
+@pytest.mark.skip(reason="No copyright header has been placed in the generated source file.")
+def test_copyright():
+ rc = main(argv=[".", "test"])
+ assert rc == 0, "Found errors"
diff --git a/map/autoware_lanelet2_divider/test/test_flake8.py b/map/autoware_lanelet2_divider/test/test_flake8.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..49c1644f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/map/autoware_lanelet2_divider/test/test_flake8.py
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+# Copyright 2017 Open Source Robotics Foundation, Inc.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+from ament_flake8.main import main_with_errors
+import pytest
+def test_flake8():
+ rc, errors = main_with_errors(argv=[])
+ assert rc == 0, "Found %d code style errors / warnings:\n" % len(errors) + "\n".join(errors)
diff --git a/map/autoware_lanelet2_divider/test/test_pep257.py b/map/autoware_lanelet2_divider/test/test_pep257.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a2c3deb8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/map/autoware_lanelet2_divider/test/test_pep257.py
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+# Copyright 2015 Open Source Robotics Foundation, Inc.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+from ament_pep257.main import main
+import pytest
+def test_pep257():
+ rc = main(argv=[".", "test"])
+ assert rc == 0, "Found code style errors / warnings"