Releases: autowarefoundation/autoware_universe
Releases · autowarefoundation/autoware_universe
Release 0.41.2
Release 0.41.1
Bug Fixes
- [autoware_map_height_fitter] Find PCL package after autoware_package() is called (#10070)
Release 0.41.0
- [goal_planner] Divide Planners to isolated threads (#9514)
- [goal_planner] Add bezier based pull over planner (#9642)
- [autoware_lidar_centerpoint] Process front voxels first (#9608)
- [image_projection_based_fusion] Add timekeeper (#9632)
- [pid_longitudinal_controller] Update trajectory_adaptive; add debug_values, adopt rate limit fillter (#9656)
- [autoware_test_utils] Add visualization (#9603)
- [autoware_detected_object_validation] Set validate distance in the obstacle pointcloud based validator (#9663)
- [pid_longitudinal_controller] Add smooth_stop mode in debug_values (#9681)
- [pid_longitudinal_controller] Remove trans/rot deviation validation since the control_validator has the same feature (#9675)
- [pid_longitudinal_controller] Add virtual wall for dry steering and emergency (#9685)
- [mpc_lateral_controller] Remove trans/rot deviation validation since the control_validator has the same feature (#9684)
- [planning_evaluator] Add lateral trajectory displacement metrics (#9674)
- [behavior_velocity_planner] Remove unnecessary tier4_api_msgs (#9692)
- Update autoware_internal_msgs version in build_depends.repos (#9695)
- [motion_velocity_planner] Remove unnecessary tier4_api_msgs and tier4_v2x_msgs (#9691)
- [motion_utils] Add planning factor interface (#9676)
- [system_monitor] Check UDP network errors (#9538)
- [pid_longitudinal_controller] Add new slope compensation mode trajectory_goal_adaptive (#9705)
- [pid_longitudinal_controller] Update plotjuggler settings (#9703)
- [raw_vehicle_cmd_converter] Add vehicle adaptor (#8782)
- [planning_evaluator] Add evaluation feature of trajectory lateral displacement (#9718)
- [image_projection_based_fusion] Add cache for camera projection (#9635)
- [motion_planning] Use StringStamped in autoware_internal_debug_msgs (#9742)
- [motion_velocity_planner] Use Float64Stamped in autoware_internal_debug_msgs (#9745)
- [autoware_object_merger, autoware_tracking_object_merger] Enable anonymized node names to be configurable (#9733)
- [diagnostic_graph_utils] Use StringStamped in autoware_internal_debug_msgs (#9741)
- [velocity_smoother] Use autoware internal Stamped messages (#9749)
- [autoware_traffic_light_arbiter] Add current time validation (#9747)
- [motion_velocity_planner] Remove unnecessary tier4_planning_msgs dependency (#9757)
- Move diagnostics_module from localization_util to unverse_utils (#9714)
- [behavior_path_planner] Use autoware internal stamped messages (#9750)
- [autoware_default_adapi] Release adapi v1.6.0 (#9704)
- [behavior_velocity_planner] Use XXXStamped in autoware_internal_debug_msgs (#9744)
- [lane_change] Add info text to virtual wall (#9783)
- [autoware_overlay_rviz_plugin] Add plugin to show string stamped (#9683)
- [build_depends.repos] Update version of autoware_internal_msgs (#9806)
- [lane_change] Revise current lane objects filtering (#9785)
- [lane_change] Add text display for candidate path sampling metrics (#9810)
- [behavior_velocity_detection_area] Use base class without RTC (#9802)
- [autoware_crosswalk_traffic_light_estimator] Overwrite invalid detection result (#9667)
- [lane_change] Implement terminal lane change feature (#9592)
- [pointpainting_fusion] Enable cloud display on image (#9813)
- [behavior_velocity_modules] Add node test (#9790)
- [motion_velocity_planner] Introduce Object/Pointcloud structure in PlannerData (#9812)
- [behavior_velocity_planner] Remove virtual traffic light dependency from behavior_velocity_planner and behavior_velocity_planner_common (#9746)
- [autoware_test_utils] Add visualization and yaml dumper for PathWithLaneId (#9841)
- [ekf_localizer] Check whether the initialpose has been set (#9787)
- [lidar_centerpoint, pointpainting] Add diag publisher for max voxel size (#9720)
- [autoware_point_types] Move autoware_point_types to autoware.core (#9864)
- Tier4_debug_msgs changed to autoware_internal_debug_msgs in files localization/autoware_twist2accel (#9868)
- Tier4_debug_msgs to autoware_internal_debug_msgs in files perc… (#9879)
- Tier4_debug_msgs changed to autoware_internal_debug_msgs in fil… (#9875)
- Tier4_debug_msgs to autoware_internal_debug_msgs in files localization/autoware_stop_filter (#9867)
- Tier4_debug_msgs changed to autoware_internal_debug_msgs in files localization/autoware_pose2twist (#9866)
- [static_centerline_generator] Remove the package (#9855)
- Tier4_debug_msgs changed to autoware-internal_debug_msgs in files localization/autoware_ndt_scan_matcher (#9861)
- Tier4_debug_msgs changed to autoware_internal_debug_msgs in fies localization/autoware_ekf_localizer (#9860)
- Tier4_debug_msgs changed to autoware_internal_debug_msgs in fil… (#9880)
- Tier4_debug_msgs changed to autoware_internal_debug_msgs in fil… (#9858)
- Tier4_debug_msgs changed to autoware_internal_debug_msgs in fil… (#9857)
- Tier4_debug_msgs changed to autoware_internal_msgs in files con… (#9852)
- Tier4_debug_msgs changed to autoware_internal_debug_msgs in fil… (#9848)
- Tier4_debug_msgs changed to autoware_internal_debug_msgs in fil… (#9846)
- [goal_planner] Cut stop path to goal (#9829)
- [goal_planner] Update lateral_deviation_thresh from
(#9850) - Tier4_debug_msgs to autoware_internal_debug_msgs in file contr… (#9837)
- [lane_change] Append candidate path index to metric debug table (#9885)
- Tier4_debug_msgs changed to autoware_internal_debug_msgs in fil… (#9859)
- Tier4_debug_msgs to autoware_internal_debug_msgs in files contr… (#9839)
- [lane_change] Using frenet planner to generate lane change path when ego near terminal (#9767)
- [remaining_distance_time_calculator] Skip calculation during parking (#9013)
- [autoware_object_merger] Tier4_debug_msgs changed to autoware_internal_debug_msgs in fil… (#9893)
- [lane_change_module] Add update paramter function for non defined paramters (#9887)
- [remaining_distance_time_calculator] Integrate generate_parameter_library (#8826)
- [autoware_localization_util] Porting from universe to core, autoware_localization_util, remove from universe repo (#9888)
- [autoware_qp_interface] Porting autoware_qp_interface package to autoware.core (#9824)
- [autoware_osqp_interface] Porting autoware_osqp_interface package to autoware.core (#9890)
- [autoware_kalman_filter] Move autoware_kalman_filter to autowar.core (#9872)
- [autoware_costmap_generator] Tier4_debug_msgs changed to autoware_internal-debug_msgs in autoware_costmap_generator (#9901)
- [autoware_surround_obstacle_checker] Tier4_debug_msgs changed to autoware_internal_debug_msgs in autoware_surround_obstacle_checker (#9915)
- [autoware_freespace_planner] Tier4_debug_msgs changed to autoware_internal_debug_msgs in autoware_freespace_planner (#9903)
- [autoware_scenario_selector] Tier4_debug_msgs changed to autoware_internal_debug_msgs in autoware_scenario_selector (#9914)
- [autoware_occupancy_grid_map_outlier_filter] Tier4_debug_msgs changed to autoware_internal_debug_msgs in fil… (#9894)
- [autoware_lidar_apollo_instance_segmentation] Tier4_debug_msgs to autoware_internal_debug_msgs in files perce… (#9876)
- [autoware_ground_segmentation] Tier4_debug_msgs changed to autoware_internal_debug_msgs in fil… (#9878)
- [autoware_image_diagnostics] Tier4_debug_msgs changed to autoware_internal_debug_msgs in autoware_image_diagnostics (#9918)
- [autoware_compare_map_segmentation] Tier4_debug_msgs changed to autoware_internal_debug_msgs in fil… (#9869)
- [autoware_probabilistic_occupancy_grid_map] Tier4_debug_msgs changed to autoware_internal_debug_msgs in autoware_probabilistic_occupancy_grid_map (#9895)
- [autoware_pointcloud_preprocessor] Tier4_debug_msgs changed to autoware_internal_debug_msgs in autoware_pointcloud_preprocessor (#9920)
- [lane_change] Ensure path generation doesn't exceed time limit (#9908)
- [autoware_shape_estimation] Tier4_debug_msgs chnaged to autoware_internal_debug_msgs in autoware_shape_estimation (#9897)
- [velocity_smoother] Introduce diagnostics (#9933)
- [planning_factor] Remove velocity_factor, steering_factor and introduce planning_factor (#9927)
- [motion_utils] Add detail and pass type to VirtualWall (#9940)
- [behavior_velocity_planner] Remove velocity_factor completely (#9943)
- Tier4_debug_msgs changed to autoware_internal_debug_msgs in fil… (#9853)
- Tier4_debug_msgs changed to autoware_internal_debug_msgs in fil… (#9851)
- [autoware_detected_object_validation] Tier4_debug_msgs changed to autoware_internal_debug_msgs in fil… (#9871)
- [autoware_planning_validator] Tier4_debug_msgs changed to autoware_internal_debug_msgs in autoware_planning_validator (#9911)
- Tier4_debug_msgs changed to autoware_internal_debug_msgs in fil… (#9904)
- Tier4_debug_msgs changed to autoware_internal_debug_msgs in fil… (#9902)
- [autoware_processing_time_checker] Tier4_debug_msgs changed to autoware_internal_debug_msgs in autoware_processing_time_checker (#9921)
- [autoware_steer_offset_estimator] Tier4_debug_msgs changed to autoware_internal_debug_msgs in autoware_steer_offset_estimator (#9926)
- [autoware_accel_brake_map_calibrator] Tier4_debug_msgs changed to autoware_internal_debug_msgs in autoware_accel_brake_map_calibrator (#9923)
- [autoware_raw_vehicle_cmd_converter] Tier4_debug_msgs changed to autoware_internal_debug_msgs in autoware_raw_vehicle_cmd_converter (#9924)
- Tier4_debug_msgs changed to autoware_internal_debug_msgs in fil… (#9896)
- [autoware_planning_test_manager] Remove dependency of VirtualTrafficLightState and ExpandStopRange (#9953)
- [autoware_planning_test_manager] Remove dependency of tier4_planning_msgs::msg::LateralOffset (#9967)
- Apply
prefix forevaluator/localization_evaluator
(#9954) - [dummy_diag_publisher] Update param setting (#9946)
- [autoware_ekf_localizer] Porting from universe to core (#9978)
- [multi_object_tracker] Integrate odometry and transform processes (#9912)
- [autoware_comp...
Release 0.40.0
- [rtc_interface] Add requested field (#9202)
- [autoware_test_utils] Add traffic light msgs parser (#9177)
- [static_obstacle_avoidance] Operator request for ambiguous vehicle (#9205)
- [collision_detector] Use polling subscriber (#9213)
- [control_launch] Add collision detector in launch (#9214)
- [autoware_motion_utils] Add new trajectory class (#8693)
- [autoware_test_utils] Add general topic dumper (#9207)
- [autoware_trajectory] Move trajectory_container from autoware_motion_utils to a new package (#9253)
- [system_monitor] Support loopback network interface (#9067)
- [autoware_trajectory] Change interface of InterpolatedArray (#9264)
- [system_monitor] Add on/off config for network traffic monitor (#9069)
- [detection_area] Add retruction feature (#9255)
- [goal_planner] Sort candidate path only when num to avoid is different (#9271)
- [aeb] Set global param to override autoware state check (#9263)
- [autoware_test_utils] Use sample_vehicle/sample_sensor_kit (#9290)
- [tier4_metric_msgs] Apply tier4_metric_msgs for scenario_simulator_v2_adapter, control_evaluator, planning_evaluator, autonomous_emergency_braking, obstacle_cruise_planner, motion_velocity_planner, processing_time_checker (#9180)
- [diagnostic_graph_aggregator] Implement diagnostic graph dump functionality (#9261)
- [goal_planner] Safety check with only parking path (#9293)
- [start_planner, lane_departure_checker] Speed up by updating polygons (#9309)
- [autoware_trajectory] Change default value of min_points (#9315)
- [behavior_velocity_planner] Replace first_stop_path_point_index (#9296)
- [run_out_module] Add tests to run out (#9222)
- [hazard_status_converter] Hazard status converter subscribe emergency holding (#9287)
- [mrm_handler] Mrm handler publish emergecy holding (#9285)
- [trajectory_follower] Publsih control horzion (#8977)
- [behavior_velocity_stop_line] Replace autoware_motion_utils to autoware_trajectory (#9299)
- [autoware_traffic_light_multi_camera_fusion] Resolve clang-tidy error (#9336)
- [bpp] Add velocity interface (#9344)
- [avoidance] Output velocity factor (#9345)
- [freespace_planner] Add processing time pub (#9332)
- [start_planner] Output velocity factor (#9347)
- [lane_change] Output velocity factor (#9349)
- [goal_planner] Output velocity factor (#9348)
- [mrm_comfortable_stop_operator] Add updateParam for mrm comfortable stop (#9353)
- [control_evaluator] Add processing time publisher (#9339)
- [goal_planner] Move goal_candidates from ThreadSafeData to GoalPlannerData (#9292)
- [tier4_control_launch] Use preset.yaml to control which modules to launch for control modules (#9351)
- [autoware_multi_object_tracker] New function to add odometry uncertainty (#9139)
- Suppress warning/error of the empty predicted trajectory by MPC (#9373)
- [mpc_lateral_controller] Suppress rclcpp_warning/error (#9382)
- [goal_planner] Remove unnecessary member from ThreadSafeData (#9393)
- [behavior_path_planner_common] Use azimuth for interpolatePose (#9362)
- [autoware_test_utils] Add parser for LaneletRoute, TrackedObject (#9317)
- [simple_planning_simulator] Add mechanical actuaion sim model (#9300)
- [pid_longitudinal_controller] Suppress rclcpp_warning/error (#9384)
- [build_depends.repos] Change autoware_adapi_msgs version (#9420)
- [behavior_velocity_planner] Update velocity factor initialization for run out module (#9352)
- [obstacle_cruise_planner] Outputs velocity factor when the ego follows front vehicle. (#9359)
- [goal_planner] Do not insert shift end pose on pull over lane to path (#9361)
- [pyplot] Add C++ pyplot (#9430)
- [autonomous_emergency_braking] Set a lateral deviation limit for AEB IMU path (#9410)
- [planning_evaluator] Add processing time pub (#9334)
- [mission_planner] Add processing time publisher (#9342)
- [autoware_ground_segmentation] Grid data structure revision for efficiency improvement (#9297)
- [processing_time_checker] Update processing time list (#9350)
- [lane_change] Parse predicted objects for lane change test (RT1-8251) (#9256)
- [autoware_processing_time_checker] Add a trigger to choice whether to output metrics to log folder (#9479)
- [lane_change] Improve delay lane change logic (#9480)
- [autoware_lidar_centerpoint] Added a check to notify if we are dropping pillars (#9488)
- [control_evaluator, tier4_control_launch] Add a trigger to choice whether to output metrics to log folder (#9478)
- [clang-tidy] Add .clang-tidy-ignore (#9498)
- [planning_evaluator] Add a trigger to choice whether to output metrics to log folder (#9476)
- [universe_utils] Add extra info to time keeper warning (#9484)
- [object_lanelet_filter] Add configurable margin for object lanel… (#9240)
- [velocity_smoother, external_velocity_limit_selector] Enable stronger acceleration when requested (#9502)
- [tier4_state_rviz_plugin] Check for abrupt deceleration (#9474)
- [behavior_velocity_planner] Remove stop_reason (#9452)
- Replace tier4_map_msgs with autoware_map_msgs for MapProjectorInfo (#9392)
- [build-and-test-differential] If unnecessary, completely ignore cuda build (#9520)
- [lane_changing] Improve computation of lane changing acceleration (#9545)
- [lane_change] Reduce prepare duration when blinker has been activated (#9185)
- [bytetrack] Remove unreachable code block from lapjv.h (#9563)
- [costmap_generator, scenario_selector] Improve freespace planning stability (#9579)
- [autoware_geography_utils] Move autoware_geography_utils to autoware.core (#9554)
- [goal_planner] Check opposite lane for lane departure_check (#9460)
- [diagnostic_graph_utils] Publish error graph instead of the terminal log (#9421)
- [behavior_path_planner] Add detail text to virutal wall (#9600)
- Remove max rois limit in the image projection based fusion (#9596)
- [duplicated_node_checker] Show the node name on the terminal (#9609)
Bug Fixes
- Fix ticket links in CHANGELOG.rst (#9588)
- Fix ticket links to point to (#9304)
- [mpc_lateral_controller] Correctly resample the MPC trajectory yaws (#9199)
- [bpp] Prevent accessing nullopt (#9204)
- [rtc_interface] Update requested field for every cooperateStatus state (#9211)
- [diagnostic_graph_utils] Reset graph when new one is received (#9208)
- [autoware_ndt_scan_matcher] Reduce initial_pose_estimation.particles_num from 200 to 100 on tests (#9218)
- [bvp] Remove expired module safely (#9212)
- [autoware_behavior_path_goal_planner_module] Fix cppcheck unreadVariable (#9192)
- [autoware_image_projection_based_fusion] Fix bugprone-misplaced-widening-cast (#9229)
- [autoware_euclidean_cluster] Fix bugprone-misplaced-widening-cast (#9227)
- [autoware_image_projection_based_fusion] Fix bugprone-misplaced-widening-cast (#9226)
- [autoware_compare_map_segmentation] Fix cppcheck constVariableReference (#9196)
- [autoware_behavior_velocity_no_stopping_area_module] Fix cppcheck knownConditionTrueFalse (#9189)
- [autoware_freespace_planning_algorithms] Fix bugprone-unused-raii (#9230)
- [autoware_probabilistic_occupancy_grid_map] Fix bugprone-incorrect-roundings (#9221)
- [crosswalk] Don't use vehicle stop checker to remove unnecessary callback (#9234)
- [autoware_image_projection_based_fusion] Make optional to consider lens distortion in the point projection (#9233)
- [autoware_ekf_localizer] Remove
(#9244) - [autoware_rtc_interface] Fix dependency (#9237)
- [autonomous_emergency_braking] Solve issue with arc length (#9247)
- [autoware_lidar_apollo_instance_segmentation] Fix cppcheck suspiciousFloatingPointCast (#9195)
- [autoware_behavior_path_sampling_planner_module] Fix cppcheck unusedVariable (#9190)
- [lane_change] Enable cancel when ego in turn direction lane (#9124)
- [out_of_lane] Correct calculations of the stop pose (#9209)
- [autoware_pointcloud_preprocessor] Launch file load parameter from yaml (#8129)
- Missing dependency in common components (#9072)
- [autoware_pointcloud_preprocessor] Fix the wrong naming of crop box parameter file (#9258)
- [dummy_diag_publisher] Not use diagnostic_updater and param callback (#9257)
- [vehicle_cmd_gate] Fix processing time measurement (#9260)
- [bvp] Use polling subscriber (#9242)
- [bpp] Prevent accessing nullopt (#9269)
- [/autoware_freespace_planning_algorithms] Fix cppcheck unusedFunction (#9274)
- [autoware_behavior_path_start_planner_module] Fix cppcheck unreadVariable (#9277)
- [autoware_ndt_scan_matcher] Fix cppcheck unusedFunction (#9275)
- [autoware_pure_pursuit] Fix cppcheck unusedFunction (#9276)
- [lane_change] Correct computation of maximum lane changing length threshold (#9279)
- [autoware_default_adapi] Change subscribing steering factor topic name for obstacle avoidance and lane changes (#9273)
- [lane_change] Extending lane change path for multiple lane change (RT1-8427) (#9268)
- [autoware_utils] Address self-intersecting polygons in random_concave_generator and handle empty inners() during triangulation (#8995)
- [behavior_path_planner_common] Use boost intersects instead of overlaps (#9289)
- [autoware_mpc_lateral_controller] Fix bugprone-misplaced-widening-cast (#9224)
- [autoware_detected_object_validation] Fix clang-diagnostic-error (#9215)
- [autoware_detected_object_validation] Fix bugprone-incorrect-roundings (#9220)
- Fix ticket links to point to (#9304)
- [control] Missing dependency in control components (#9073)
- [collision_detector] Skip process when odometry is not published (#9308)
- [autoware_trajectory] Fix bug of autoware_trajectory (#9314)
- [costmap_generator] Use vehicle frame for lidar height thresholds (#9311)
- [tier4_dummy_object_rviz_plugin] Fix missing dependency (#9306)
- Fix ticket links in CHANGELOG.rst (#9588)
- [bvp] Remove callback group (#9294)
- [run_out] Output velocity factor (#9319)
- ...