aveer.hr is an employee management tool for founders and employees; with focus on design and simplicity.
Here is what you need to be able to run aveer.hr
- Node.js (Version: >=18.x)
- Supabase cloud or local setup (Postgress)
- Pnpm (recommended)
- Clone the repo
- Go to the project folder
cd aveer.hr
- Set up your .env file
- Duplicate .env.example to .env
- Fill with tokens necessary information as required
- Install packages with pnpm
pnpm i
- Run db migration
- Follow instructions here to install Supabase CLI
- Run the following command
# supabase init
# supabase start
# supabase migrate up
- Run the local server:
pnpm dev
- Open http://localhost:3000 with your browser to create an account and continue.