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Releases: aws-samples/aws-lex-web-ui


07 Dec 18:55
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What's Changed

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v0.20.2...v0.20.3


28 Nov 13:53
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  • Adjust handling of Elicit Intent response to account for no interpretations from Lex. Precreate mp3 audio files needed for voice response as default un-authenticated role can't use Polly to create these responses dynamically.
  • Dependency upgrades to fix critical vulnerabilities.

What's Changed

Full Changelog: v0.20.1...v0.20.2


25 Oct 20:06
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  • Removed breaking change of adding CSP configurations into Cloudfront. CSP will remain in place on index.html file but Cloudfront CSPs will need to be manually configured. As a result removed MarkdownSupportDomains parameter.
  • Minor bug fixes.
  • Dependency upgrades to fix critical vulnerabilities.

What's Changed

Full Changelog: v0.20.0...v0.20.1


04 Oct 18:42
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  • Removed all inline scripts and added a CSP header to the index.html
  • CSS adjustments can now be made directly in the CloudFormation template for some common use cases. If left blank
  • Major updates to dependencies and webpack build processes for both the loader & web ui projects. Minimum node version has also been bumped to v15.
  • Dependencies used by the loader have been internalized to remove calls to external CDNs
  • Cognito self-registration is now domain limited. If you want self-registration on you must provide a list of valid domains otherwise self-registration is turned off on the Cognito instance.
  • Lowered the default timeout for Connect connections to 60 minutes.


22 May 18:29
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  • Add configurable parameter to control delay between transcript message send on startup to Connect. Workaround Connect problem with respect to out of order delivery of sent messages.
  • Add the ability to configure a precreated CNAME, ACM Certificate, and WAFV2 ACL via template parameters. If the values are left empty default CloudFront distribution url and certificates is used. If a WAFV2 ACl is not supplied then no WAF Acl is configured for use by CloudFront.


16 Apr 19:41
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  • Update CloudFormation template to remove ACL on S3 server access logs bucket and replaced with a bucket policy to align with best practices. This will also prevent the template from failing when the default settings for S3 buckets are changed.
  • Fixed issue where multilingual bots were not properly rendering the TimePicker interactive message component


06 Apr 12:57
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  • Update to not allow V1 and V2 bots to be selected simultaneously in CloudFormation parameters.
  • Disable initial utterance sending if chat window is minimized on load.
  • Reduced minimized width of iframe to prevent overflow covering up page elements.
  • Rearrange live chat button locations for better UI experience.


17 Oct 05:50
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  • Fix issue where some empty string variables would break the Code Deploy build, for example, if InitialText was cleared out of the CloudFormation parameters.
  • Added more CloudFormation parameters for commonly used UI properties. The new variables include:
    • HideButtonMessageBubble
    • MessageMenu
    • BackButton
    • MinimizedButtonContent
  • Change initial speech mechanism to fetch and play mp3 files created during codebuild. Implement support for configured localeIds when creating the mp3 files. Create an mp3 for each configured localeId and use aws translate to generate text for the locale and use aws polly to create the mp3 files. When the user changes locale in the UI and clicks on the mic button, the initial speech for the selected locale will be played.
  • Add support for Connect interactive messaging into Lex Web UI: Both ListPicker and TimePicker are supported templateTypes and can be sent using the exact same JSON structure as Connect. Additionally, added support for a DateTimePicker templateType which will give the end user an open-ended selector for a date/time variable to send back to Lex.
  • Fix handling the new ElicitIntent dialogAction type LexV2 response, which does not have some expected properties on the sessionState object


18 Jul 21:07
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  • Add the ability to send Lex session attributes prefixed with connect_ to Connect chat
  • Fix issue with master pipeline template not working properly for Lex V2 bots
  • Fix issue where Connect agent and chat user have same name
  • Update dependencies versions
  • Custom CloudFront response policy that allows iFrame embedding
  • Changed attaching Amazon Connect chat transcripts to false by default


05 Mar 20:20
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  • Add setSessionAttribute function to iframe api, add optional messageType parameter to postText function.
  • Add the ability to manually configure a help message in lex-web-ui-loader-config.json per locale. This message is displayed in response to clicking the help button rather then sending to the lex bot. In addition, the last message from the bot can be re-displayed after the help message giving the user context on next action again
  • Prefer Lex V1 response cards over Lex V2 in the case where both are present. In a QnABot result, both a V1 and V2 response card will be present. V1 response cards might contain additional buttons not present in the V2 response card. When both are present, prefer the V1 response card.
  • Fix for when user sends live chat message while within live chat
  • Change Connect CloudFormation parameters to have default empty strings
  • Updated default CSS for input container to be visible on screen in iOS/Safari 15