Releases: aws-samples/aws-lex-web-ui
Releases · aws-samples/aws-lex-web-ui
- Improved upgrade support.
- The CloudFormation upgrade stack operation from the AWS Console should now be used to
change configuration using the available parameters. After the upgrade is complete, the
lex-web-ui-loader-config.json file deployed to the web app S3 bucket will be updated
with the values specified in the template. Prior versions of the config file are archived
using a date timestamp in the S3 bucket should you need to refer to prior configuration values. - Users can now upgrade to new versions of Lex-Web-Ui using the AWS CloudFormation console
by replacing the template and specifying the S3 template location from the original regional
S3 bucket. As new releases of Lex-Web-Ui are published to the distribution repositories, you
can now upgrade to this version using the CloudFormation Upgrade/replace template process. - After an upgrade, the CloudFront distribution cache will need to be invalidated for the changes to be seen
immediately. - Regional upgrade distribution locations
- us-east-1:
- us-west-2:
- ap-northeast-1:
- ap-southeast-1a:
- ap-southeast-2:
- eu-central-1:
- eu-west-1:
- eu-west-2:
- The CloudFormation upgrade stack operation from the AWS Console should now be used to
- Chat history can now be preserved and redisplayed when the user comes back to the original parent page
hosting the Lex-Web-Ui. This features is controlled using the SaveHistory template parameter. When
this feature is enabled, a new menu is visible in the user interface that allows the user to
clear chat history. The following are the methods you can enable this feature. Note that you can
toggle this feature on and off using the upgrade process.- During a new deployment, specify true for the Save History parameter
- Using the new upgrade feature, specify true for Save History parameter in the CloudFormation
- Lambda function upgrade to Python 3.7.
- Create uniquely named Cognito UserPool on stack creation
- Removed display of Back button in title bar and instead provide a replay button using the text from prior
message directly in the message bubble. Back button can be re-enabled though configuration json if desired. - Enhanced css attributes of the minimized chatbot button to help allow clicking on items in the parent
window as well as selecting text next the button.
- Improved screen reader / accessibility features
- Added CloudFormation stack outputs for CloudFront and S3 bucket
- Use response card defined in session attribute "appContext" over that defined by Lex based response Card
- Updated dependent packages in package-lock.json identified by Dependabot security alerts
- Resolved additional CloudFront CORS issues
- See CHANGELOG for additional details
New Features in version 0.14.13
- Added new feature that allows the input area to be hidden if Response Card buttons are present. User
must select from the available set of buttons. To enable this feature set the property
ui.hideInputFieldsForButtonResponse to true in the lex-web-ui-loader-config.json. This file is stored in
the S3 bucket hosting the UI. Upload back to the S3 bucket and ensure the file has --acl public-read. This feature
is disabled by default. - Removed use of botocore.vendored.requests. Now imports this module for python based lambda functions.
New Features in version 0.14.12
- Defect fixes for CORS processing
- Updates for multi-region support
- Easy URLs to launch in us-east-1 (N. Virginia), eu-west-1 (Ireland), ap-southeast-2 (Sydney)
Addition of Thumbs up, Thumbs down, and Help processing. The lex-web-ui can be configured with values to send to the bot for each of these items. When configured with values the corresponding icon(s) will be rendered in the UI (message bubbles for Thumbs up / Thumbs down and title bar for help icon). These will be sent to the bot when selected.
Also updates to npm component versions.
Chrome AudioContext initialization fix
Fix to resolve issue with current Chrome browser where AudioContext was initialized prior to user action. AudioContext is now initialized after the microphone / record button is selected.