3259 commits
to main
since this release
1.26 (2021-04-14)
- (Feature) Add support for creating/debugging Golang Lambdas (#649)
- (Bug Fix) Fix breaking run configuration gutter icons when the IDE has no languages installed that support Lambda local runtime (#2504)
- (Bug Fix) Fix issue preventing deployment of CloudFormation templates with empty values (#1498)
- (Bug Fix) Fix cloudformation stack events failing to update after reaching a final state (#2519)
- (Bug Fix) Fix the Local Lambda run configuration always reseting the environemnt variables to defaults when using templates (#2509)
- (Bug Fix) Fix being able to interact with objects from deleted buckets (#1601)
- (Removal) Remove support for 2020.1
- (Removal) Lambda gutter icons no longer take deployed Lambdas into account due to accuracy and performance issues