Release 1.10.2 of the Amazon Kinesis Video WebRTC C SDK
WARNING: This release is known to be affected by an issue with TURN connections as reported in Issue #2038
What’s new:
- Added support for H.265 codec. More details on running the SDK with H.265 can be found in the README (#1965)
Sample improvements:
- Added a sample TWCC callback implementation that demonstrates packet loss based bitrate change in the sample WebRTC GStreamer master pipeline. More details on TWCC can be found in the README (#1957)
- Introduced WebRTC GStreamer viewer sample that writes media received from the master to the disk (#1963)
Tested H.265 codec support by running C SDK as master with the following viewers:
- WebRTC GStreamer viewer sample with H.265 codec as specified in the README
- KVS JS SDK sample on Safari browser version 17.4.1 with WebRTC H.265 codec enabled
- Amazon Kinesis Video Streams WebRTC for Android SDK Version 1.1.0, using owt-deps-webrtc libwebrtc library which supports H265 codec
Additional Notes:
- H265 support is limited in browsers and on Android/iOS devices. If these environments are used for testing, please first ensure that H265 support is enabled and available for them.