- Making cli install the default api avoiding confusion on install by @haixuanTao in dora-rs#739
- Add description within visualisation by @haixuanTao in dora-rs#742
- Added depth image and data output for the dora-pyorbbecksdk node by @Ryu-Yang in dora-rs#740
- Improve speech to text example within the macOS ecosystem by @haixuanTao in dora-rs#741
- Rewrite python template to make them pip installable by @haixuanTao in dora-rs#744
- bump rerun version by @haixuanTao in dora-rs#743
- Replace pylint with ruff by @haixuanTao in dora-rs#756
- Make unknown output acceptable by @haixuanTao in dora-rs#755
- Improve Speech-to-Speech pipeline by better support for macOS and additional OutteTTS model by @haixuanTao in dora-rs#752
- Daemon: React to ctrl-c during connection setup by @phil-opp in dora-rs#758
- Use UV for the CI/CD by @haixuanTao in dora-rs#757
- chore: fix some typos in comment by @sunxunle in dora-rs#759
- Add ios lidar by @haixuanTao in dora-rs#762
- Print python stdout without buffer even for script by @haixuanTao in dora-rs#761
- chore: use workspace edition by @yjhmelody in dora-rs#764
- Add a uv flag to make it possible to automatically replace
withuv pip
and prepend run command withuv run
by @haixuanTao in dora-rs#765 - Use mlx whisper instead of lightning-whisper by @haixuanTao in dora-rs#766
- Reduce silence duration in VAD by @haixuanTao in dora-rs#768
- Bump upload artifact version by @haixuanTao in dora-rs#769
- Add qwenvl2 5 by @haixuanTao in dora-rs#767
- @Ryu-Yang made their first contribution in dora-rs#740
- @sunxunle made their first contribution in dora-rs#759
- @yjhmelody made their first contribution in dora-rs#764
Full Changelog: https://github.com/dora-rs/dora/compare/v0.3.8...v0.3.9
Inputs are now schedule fairly meaning that they will be now be received equally and not necessarily in chronological order. This enables to always be able to refresh input with the least latency between input.
- Make node hub CI/CD cross platform by @haixuanTao in dora-rs#714
- Make node hub CI/CD cross architecture by @haixuanTao in dora-rs#716
- Make list an available type for metadata by @haixuanTao in dora-rs#721
- Add stdout logging by @haixuanTao in dora-rs#720
- Add an error when a node fails when using dora run by @haixuanTao in dora-rs#719
- Add pyarrow cuda zero copy helper by @haixuanTao in dora-rs#722
- feat: Add Dora-kit car Control in node-hub by @LyonRust in dora-rs#715
- Add yuv420 encoding to opencv-video-capture by @haixuanTao in dora-rs#725
- Change macOS CI runner to
by @phil-opp in dora-rs#729 - Add eyre to pyo3 node by @haixuanTao in dora-rs#730
- Moving queue size and making node flume queue bigger by @haixuanTao in dora-rs#724
- Make python default for macos by @haixuanTao in dora-rs#731
- Modify the node queue Scheduler to make it able to schedule input fairly by @haixuanTao in dora-rs#728
Full Changelog: https://github.com/dora-rs/dora/compare/v0.3.7...v0.3.8
- Post release
small fix by @haixuanTao in dora-rs#638 - Changes to template by @XxChang in dora-rs#639
- Add appending to PATH instruction inside installation script by @Hennzau in dora-rs#641
- Make the benchmark run in release and at full speed by @Hennzau in dora-rs#644
- Use the new node syntax for examples dataflow by @Hennzau in dora-rs#643
- Improve beginner experience by @Hennzau in dora-rs#645
- improve node-hub pytest by @haixuanTao in dora-rs#640
- Fix not-null terminated string print within C template by @haixuanTao in dora-rs#654
- Raise error if dora-coordinator is not connected when calling
dora destroy
by @haixuanTao in dora-rs#655 - Coordinator stopped on bad control command by @Hennzau in dora-rs#650
- Add support for Qwenvl2 by @haixuanTao in dora-rs#646
- Fix distributed node by @haixuanTao in dora-rs#658
- Small install script update for bash by @haixuanTao in dora-rs#657
- Add additional image encoding by @haixuanTao in dora-rs#661
replicate the topic received with the topic send by @haixuanTao in dora-rs#663- Update dependencies by @renovate in dora-rs#656
- Bump pyo3 and arrow versions by @haixuanTao in dora-rs#667
- Fix ros2 bridge incompatibility with CI Ubuntu 24 and with pyo3 22 by @haixuanTao in dora-rs#670
- Add transformers version pinning for qwenvl2 by @haixuanTao in dora-rs#665
- Remove cli dataflow path check by @haixuanTao in dora-rs#662
- Better error handling for unknown output by @haixuanTao in dora-rs#675
- Fix llama recorder multi image recorder by @haixuanTao in dora-rs#677
- Dora openai server example by @haixuanTao in dora-rs#676
- Update dependencies by @renovate in dora-rs#674
- Create Rust-based openai api proxy server in node hub by @phil-opp in dora-rs#678
- Update dependencies by @renovate in dora-rs#679
- Update Rust crate hyper to v0.14.30 by @renovate in dora-rs#680
- Fix hanged coordinator when failing to connect to the daemon on destroy command by @haixuanTao in dora-rs#664
- Small example improvement using pyarrow assertion by @haixuanTao in dora-rs#669
- Fix dora list listing twice a stopping dataflow when using multiple daemon. by @haixuanTao in dora-rs#668
- Add package flake by @Ben-PH in dora-rs#685
- Add jpeg format to qwenvl2 by @haixuanTao in dora-rs#684
- Enable downloading remote dataflow by @haixuanTao in dora-rs#682
- Enable multiline build for better packaging of dora node. by @haixuanTao in dora-rs#683
- Bump rerun version to 0.18 by @haixuanTao in dora-rs#686
- Temporary fix qwenvl2 queue error by @haixuanTao in dora-rs#688
- Make daemon loop over coordinator connection to make it possible to create a system service awaiting coordinator connection by @haixuanTao in dora-rs#689
- Add translation example from chinese, french to english by @haixuanTao in dora-rs#681
- Update dependencies by @renovate in dora-rs#690
- Fix macos 14 yolo error by @haixuanTao in dora-rs#696
- Update dependencies by @renovate in dora-rs#692
- Publish rust project on pip to make it simpler to deploy dora node on different machine without requiring installing cargo by @haixuanTao in dora-rs#695
- Docs: README by @Radovenchyk in dora-rs#697
- Update README.md by @pucedoteth in dora-rs#705
- Bump rust toolchains 1.81 by @haixuanTao in dora-rs#707
- Make dora cli pip installable by @haixuanTao in dora-rs#706
- Add urdf visualization in rerun by @haixuanTao in dora-rs#704
- Fix child process receiving ctrl-c by setting own process group by @haixuanTao in dora-rs#712
- Move more types from
to avoid dependency by @phil-opp in dora-rs#711 - Implement
dora run
command by @phil-opp in dora-rs#703 - Adding Agilex Piper node, PyOrbbeckSDK node, Agilex UGV node by @haixuanTao in dora-rs#709
- Make the node hub CI/CD parallel for faster testing as well as having more granular integration control by @haixuanTao in dora-rs#710
- Add time series to dora rerun by @haixuanTao in dora-rs#713
- @Ben-PH made their first contribution in dora-rs#685
- @Radovenchyk made their first contribution in dora-rs#697
- @pucedoteth made their first contribution in dora-rs#705
- Update dependencies by @renovate in dora-rs#579
- Don't wait for non-started dynamic nodes on stop by @phil-opp in dora-rs#583
- add a comment on read_dora_input_id by @XxChang in dora-rs#580
- Update dependencies by @renovate in dora-rs#584
- Update dependencies by @renovate in dora-rs#585
- Add domain unix socket supports by @XxChang in dora-rs#594
- Check build for cross-compiled targets on CI by @phil-opp in dora-rs#597
- Test pip release creation as part of normal CI by @phil-opp in dora-rs#596
- Add-armv7-musleabihf-prebuilt-release by @haixuanTao in dora-rs#578
- Update dependencies by @renovate in dora-rs#602
- Delay dropping of
in Python until all event data is freed by @phil-opp in dora-rs#601 - Add install script by @haixuanTao in dora-rs#600
- Nodes hub to store and reuse commonly used node by @haixuanTao in dora-rs#569
- Ros2-bridge action attempt by @starlitxiling in dora-rs#567
- Update dependencies by @renovate in dora-rs#605
- Add a CI/CD for the node-hub by @haixuanTao in dora-rs#604
- Update dependencies by @renovate in dora-rs#608
- Remove dynamic node from pending nodes before starting a dataflow by @haixuanTao in dora-rs#606
- Fix alignment of atomics in shared memory communication channel by @phil-opp in dora-rs#612
- Update dependencies by @renovate in dora-rs#622
- Refactor: Move message definitions to
crate by @phil-opp in dora-rs#613 - Update README.md by @heyong4725 in dora-rs#623
- Update Rust crate serde to v1.0.207 by @renovate in dora-rs#624
- fix clippy warnings by @Michael-J-Ward in dora-rs#626
- chore: Support RISCV64 by @LyonRust in dora-rs#505
- Json schemas for VSCode YAML Support by @haixuanTao in dora-rs#497
- Pretty Print Rust object when called from Python print by @haixuanTao in dora-rs#503
- Fix
by @phil-opp in dora-rs#506 - Use dependabot for automatic lockfile updates by @phil-opp in dora-rs#507
- Run cargo update by @phil-opp in dora-rs#508
- Allow top-level fields in node declaration by @phil-opp in dora-rs#478
- Configure Renovate by @renovate in dora-rs#509
- Make non-UTF8 stdout/stderr from nodes non-fatal by @phil-opp in dora-rs#510
- Make dora cli connect to remote coordinator by @Gege-Wang in dora-rs#513
- Provide help messages for CLI by @phil-opp in dora-rs#519
- Renovate: group all dependency updates in single PR by @phil-opp in dora-rs#524
- chore(deps): update dependencies by @renovate in dora-rs#529
- Improve coordinator port config by @phil-opp in dora-rs#520
- Fix some typos and add automatic typos check to CI by @EricLBuehler in dora-rs#539
- Update Pyo3 bounds by @Michael-J-Ward in dora-rs#472
- chore(deps): update dependencies by @renovate in dora-rs#543
- Small logging improvements by @phil-opp in dora-rs#537
- Refuse relative path for remote in coordinator by @XxChang in dora-rs#538
- chore(deps): update rust crate clap to v4.5.7 by @renovate in dora-rs#546
- Add
flag to daemon and coordinator by @phil-opp in dora-rs#548 - Implement file-based logging in daemon and coordinator by @phil-opp in dora-rs#549
- Spawn daemon and coordinator in quiet mode on
dora up
by @phil-opp in dora-rs#550 - Run dynamic node by @haixuanTao in dora-rs#517
- Update dora new by @XxChang in dora-rs#553
- fix event_as_input bug by @XxChang in dora-rs#556
- Transform custom PyEvent into standard python dictionary for easier d… by @haixuanTao in dora-rs#557
- Update dependencies by @renovate in dora-rs#558
- Update dependencies by @renovate in dora-rs#560
- Update dependencies by @renovate in dora-rs#563
- Print only first node error and report more metadata in dataflow results by @phil-opp in dora-rs#552
- Make
dora start
attach by default, add--detach
to opt-out by @phil-opp in dora-rs#561 - List failed and finished dataflows in
dora list
by @phil-opp in dora-rs#554 - Ignore-quicker-pending-drop-token by @haixuanTao in dora-rs#568
- Increasing grace duration to 2 seconds so that drop token get well returned in dora-rs#576
- @LyonRust made their first contribution in dora-rs#505
- @renovate made their first contribution in dora-rs#509
- @Gege-Wang made their first contribution in dora-rs#513
- @EricLBuehler made their first contribution in dora-rs#539
Full Changelog: https://github.com/dora-rs/dora/compare/v0.3.4...v0.3.5
- Remove
call, which is no longer used by @phil-opp in dora-rs#470 - Update
to latest version by @phil-opp in dora-rs#457 - Configurable bind addrs by @Michael-J-Ward in dora-rs#471
- Simple warning fixes by @Michael-J-Ward in dora-rs#477
- Adding
as a visualization tool by @haixuanTao in dora-rs#479 - Fix Clippy and RERUN_MEMORY_LIMIT env variable default by @haixuanTao in dora-rs#490
- Fix CI build errors by @phil-opp in dora-rs#491
- Use
resolver = 2
for in workspace in Rust template by @phil-opp in dora-rs#492 - Add grace duration and kill process by @haixuanTao in dora-rs#487
- Simplify parsing of
by @haixuanTao in dora-rs#489 - Convert rust example to node by @Michael-J-Ward in dora-rs#494
- Adding python IDE typing by @haixuanTao in dora-rs#493
- Fix: Wait until dora daemon is connected to coordinator on
dora up
by @phil-opp in dora-rs#496
- @Michael-J-Ward made their first contribution in dora-rs#471
Full Changelog: https://github.com/dora-rs/dora/compare/v0.3.3...v0.3.4
- Metrics refactoring by @haixuanTao in dora-rs#423
- Add ROS2 bridge support for C++ nodes by @phil-opp in dora-rs#425
- Provide function to create empty
stream by @phil-opp in dora-rs#432 - Expose ROS2 constants in generated bindings (Rust and C++) by @phil-opp in dora-rs#428
- Add option to send
as node/operator output by @haixuanTao in dora-rs#388 - Fix warning about
#pragma once
in main file by @phil-opp in dora-rs#433 - Send runs artefacts into a dedicated
folder by @haixuanTao in dora-rs#429 - Create README.md for cxx-ros2-example by @bobd988 in dora-rs#431
- Use Async Parquet Writer for
by @haixuanTao in dora-rs#434 - Update mio to fix security vulnerability by @phil-opp in dora-rs#440
- Add initial support for calling ROS2 services from Rust nodes by @phil-opp in dora-rs#439
- Enable ROS2 service calls from C++ nodes by @phil-opp in dora-rs#441
- Use
formatting for eyre errors when returning to C++ by @phil-opp in dora-rs#450 - Fix out-of-tree builds in cmake example by @phil-opp in dora-rs#453
- Fix broken link in README by @mshr-h in dora-rs#462
- fix cargo run --example cmake-dataflow compile bugs by @XxChang in dora-rs#460
- Llm example by @haixuanTao in dora-rs#451
- Fix meter conflict by @haixuanTao in dora-rs#461
- Update README.md by @bobd988 in dora-rs#458
- Refactor
by @haixuanTao in dora-rs#463 - Specify conda env for Python Operators by @haixuanTao in dora-rs#468
- Bump h2 from 0.3.24 to 0.3.26 by @dependabot in dora-rs#456
- Update
dependency to v0.24 by @phil-opp in dora-rs#424
- @bobd988 made their first contribution in dora-rs#431
- @mshr-h made their first contribution in dora-rs#462
Full Changelog: https://github.com/dora-rs/dora/compare/v0.3.2...v0.3.3
- Wait until
is sent before exiting dora-daemon by @phil-opp in dora-rs#413 - Reduce dora-rs to a single binary by @haixuanTao in dora-rs#410
- Rework python ROS2 (de)serialization using parsed ROS2 messages directly by @phil-opp in dora-rs#415
- Fix ros2 array bug by @haixuanTao in dora-rs#412
- Test ros2 type info by @haixuanTao in dora-rs#418
- Use forward slash as it is default way of defining ros2 topic by @haixuanTao in dora-rs#419
- Bump h2 from 0.3.21 to 0.3.24 by @dependabot in dora-rs#414
- Support legacy python by @haixuanTao in dora-rs#382
- Add an error catch in python
when using hot-reloading by @haixuanTao in dora-rs#372 - add cmake example by @XxChang in dora-rs#381
- Bump opentelemetry metrics to 0.21 by @haixuanTao in dora-rs#383
- Trace send_output as it can be a big source of overhead for large messages by @haixuanTao in dora-rs#384
- Adding a timeout method to not block indefinitely next event by @haixuanTao in dora-rs#386
- Adding
conversion by @haixuanTao in dora-rs#387 - Dora cli renaming by @haixuanTao in dora-rs#399
- Update
dependencies to latest fork version by @phil-opp in dora-rs#397
- Fix window path error by @haixuanTao in dora-rs#398
- Fix read error in C++ node input by @haixuanTao in dora-rs#406
- Bump unsafe-libyaml from 0.2.9 to 0.2.10 by @dependabot in dora-rs#400
- @XxChang made their first contribution in dora-rs#381
Full Changelog: https://github.com/dora-rs/dora/compare/v0.3.0...v0.3.1
- Rust node API typed using arrow by @phil-opp in dora-rs#353
- Dora record by @haixuanTao in dora-rs#365
- beautify graph visualisation by @haixuanTao in dora-rs#370
- Remove
encapsulation ofArrayData
by @haixuanTao in dora-rs#359 - Refactor python typing by @haixuanTao in dora-rs#369
- Update README discord link by @Felixhuangsiling in dora-rs#361
- Update
v0.38 dependency by @phil-opp in dora-rs#366 - Bump rustix from 0.37.24 to 0.37.25 by @dependabot in dora-rs#364
- Bump quinn-proto from 0.9.3 to 0.9.5 by @dependabot in dora-rs#357
- Bump webpki from 0.22.1 to 0.22.2 by @dependabot in dora-rs#358
- Update README discord link by @Felixhuangsiling in dora-rs#361
- @Felixhuangsiling made their first contribution in dora-rs#361
- Update dependencies to fix some security advisories by @phil-opp in dora-rs#354
- Fixes
cargo install dora-daemon
- Fixes
- Use cargo instead of git in Rust
template by @haixuanTao in dora-rs#326 - Use read_line instead of next_line in stderr by @haixuanTao in dora-rs#325
- Add a
example using the dora-ros2-bridge by @phil-opp in dora-rs#324 - Removing patchelf by @haixuanTao in dora-rs#333
- Improving python example readability by @haixuanTao in dora-rs#334
- Use
to serializeVec<u8>
by @haixuanTao in dora-rs#336 - Adding support for
Arrow List(*)
for Python by @haixuanTao in dora-rs#337 - Bump rustls-webpki from 0.100.1 to 0.100.2 by @dependabot in dora-rs#340
- Add support for event stream merging for Python node API by @phil-opp in dora-rs#339
- Merge
by @phil-opp in dora-rs#341 - Update dependencies by @phil-opp in dora-rs#345
- Add support for arbitrary Arrow types in Python API by @phil-opp in dora-rs#343
- Use typed inputs in Python ROS2 example by @phil-opp in dora-rs#346
- Use struct type instead of array for ros2 messages by @haixuanTao in dora-rs#349
- Add Discord 💬 by @haixuanTao in dora-rs#348
- Small refactoring by @haixuanTao in dora-rs#342
- Return dataflow result to CLI on
dora stop
by @phil-opp in dora-rs#300 - Make dataflow descriptor available to Python nodes and operators by @phil-opp in dora-rs#301
- Create a
guide by @phil-opp in dora-rs#307 - Distribute prebuilt arm macos dora-rs by @haixuanTao in dora-rs#308
- Fix the typos and add dora code branch by @meua in dora-rs#290
- For consistency with other examples, modify python -> python3 by @meua in dora-rs#299
- Add timestamps generated by hybrid logical clocks to all sent events by @phil-opp in dora-rs#302
- Don't recompile the
crate on every build/run by @phil-opp in dora-rs#304 - Remove deprecated
feature fromsafer-ffi
dependency by @phil-opp in dora-rs#305 - Update to Rust v1.70 by @phil-opp in dora-rs#303
- Fix issue with not finding a custom nodes path by @haixuanTao in dora-rs#315
- Implement
by @phil-opp in dora-rs#309 - Replace unmaintained
crate withstd::io::IsTerminal
by @phil-opp in dora-rs#318
Full Changelog: https://github.com/dora-rs/dora/compare/v0.2.3...v0.2.4
- Check that coordinator, daemon, and node versions match by @phil-opp in dora-rs#245
- Share events to Python without copying via
crate by @phil-opp in dora-rs#228 - Upgrading the operator example to use
by @haixuanTao in dora-rs#251 - [Python] Show node name in process and put Traceback before the actual Error for more natural error by @haixuanTao in dora-rs#255
- CLI: Improve error messages when coordinator is not running by @phil-opp in dora-rs#254
- Integrate
by @phil-opp in dora-rs#257 - Filter default log level at
by @haixuanTao in dora-rs#269 - Make log level filtering be
or below by @haixuanTao in dora-rs#274 - Add support for distributed deployments with multiple daemons by @phil-opp in dora-rs#256
- Provide a way to access logs through the CLI by @haixuanTao in dora-rs#259
- Handle node errors during initialization phase by @phil-opp in dora-rs#275
- Replace watchdog by asynchronous heartbeat messages by @phil-opp in dora-rs#278
- Remove pyo3 in runtime and daemon as it generates
depende… by @haixuanTao in dora-rs#281 - Release v0.2.3 with aarch64 support by @haixuanTao in dora-rs#279
- Fix yolov5 dependency issue by @haixuanTao in dora-rs#291
- To solve this bug dora-rs#283, unify t… by @meua in dora-rs#285
- Fix: Don't try to create two global tracing subscribers when using bundled runtime by @phil-opp in dora-rs#277
- CI: Increase timeout for 'build CLI and binaries' step by @phil-opp in dora-rs#282
- Update
by @phil-opp in dora-rs#246 - Bump h2 from 0.3.13 to 0.3.17 by @dependabot in dora-rs#249
- Add automatic issue labeler to organize opened issues by @haixuanTao in dora-rs#265
- Allow the issue labeler to write issues by @phil-opp in dora-rs#272
- Add a support matrix with planned feature to clarify dora status by @haixuanTao in dora-rs#264
Full Changelog: https://github.com/dora-rs/dora/compare/v0.2.2...v0.2.3
- Make queue length configurable through the dataflow file by @phil-opp in dora-rs#231
- Hot reloading Python Operator by @haixuanTao in dora-rs#239
- Synchronize node and operator start by @phil-opp in dora-rs#236
- Add opentelemetry capability at runtime instead of compile time by @haixuanTao in dora-rs#234
- Wait on events and messages simultaneously to prevent queue buildup by @phil-opp in dora-rs#235
- Fix looping in daemon listener loop by @phil-opp in dora-rs#244
- Validate shell command as source and url source by @haixuanTao in dora-rs#243
- Push error into the
channel for debugging context by @haixuanTao in dora-rs#238 - Option communication config by @haixuanTao in dora-rs#241
- Validate yaml when reading by @haixuanTao in dora-rs#237
Full Changelog: https://github.com/dora-rs/dora/compare/v0.2.1...v0.2.2
- Avoid blocking the daemon main loop by using unbounded queue
- Inject YAML declared env variable into the runtime
- Use rustls instead of system SSL implementation
- Refactor python error
- The first letter of rust should be lowercase in the command
- Add documentation to the cli within the helper mode
- Update to safer-ffi v0.1.0-rc1
- remove unused variable: data_bytes
- Clean up: Remove workspace path
- Decouple opentelemetry from tracing
- Remove zenoh dependency from dora node API to speed up build
- Update to Rust v1.68
- Deny unknown fields to avoid typos
- Add an internal cli argument to create template with path dependencies
- Redesign: Create a
as a communication broker- New
executable that acts as a communication hub for all local nodes - Large messages are passed through shared memory without any copying
- Replaces the previous
communication layer - Small API change: Nodes and operators now receive events instead of just inputs
- Inputs are one type of event
- Other supported events:
when an input stream is closed andStop
when the user stops the dataflow (e.g. through the CLI)
- New
- Better Error handling when operator fails
- Send small messages directly without shared memory
- Send all queued incoming events at once on
request - Don't send replies for
requests when using TCP - Allocate shared memory in nodes to improve throughput
- Use
from dora library in template - Simplify: Replace
function withformat!
call - Refactor Rust node API implementation
- Remove code duplicate for tracing subscriber and use env variable to manage log level.
- Add daemon to the release archive
- Remove
as it is vulnerable to a race condition according to dependabot - Update the documentation to the new daemon format
- Removing legacy
which was required by Iceoryx - Remove unimplemented CLI arguments for now
- Update zenoh to remove git dependencies
- Fix cli template to new daemon API
- Cleanup warnings
- Dependency updates
- Package
into dora python package: dora-rs#172 - Force removal of Pyo3 Object to avoid memory leak: dora-rs#168
- Bump tokio from 1.21.2 to 1.23.1: dora-rs#171
- Create a changelog file: dora-rs#174
- Fix infinite loop in the coordinator: dora-rs#155
- Simplify the release process: dora-rs#157
- Use generic linux distribution: dora-rs#159
This release contains fixes for:
- Python linking using pypi release but also a redesigned python thread model within the runtime to avoid deadlock of the
. This also fix an issue withpatchelf
. - A deployment separation for
as the20.04
version ofdora
version of dora are non-compatible. - A better tagging of api for
Rust API.
This is our first release of dora-rs
The current release includes:
which enables creating, starting and stopping dataflow.dora-coordinator
which is our control plane.dora-runtime
which is manage the runtime of operators.custom-nodes
API which enables bridges from different languages.