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Result Formatter

Pavel Garchenko edited this page Oct 30, 2017 · 4 revisions


atm_result_formmater provides ability to generate test results json which later can be posted to Adaptavist Test Management.


Setup Formatter

Add configuration block to spec_helper

ATMFormatter.configure do |c|
  c.base_url    = 'https://localhost'
  c.auth_type   = :basic
  c.project_id  = 'CC'
  c.test_run_id = 'CC-R180'
  c.environment = "".upcase
  c.username    = 'Test'
  c.password    = 'Test'
  c.result_formatter_options = { run_only_found_tests: false }

Add this lines to the RSpec.configure block

RSpec.configure do |config|
  config.include ATMFormatter::Adaptor # NOTE: this required to be added for steps to work properly
  config.formatter = 'ATMResultFormatter'
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