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File metadata and controls

74 lines (51 loc) · 4.09 KB



early_deadline_detector is for early deadline detection on the specified path.

early_deadline_detector can be built in TILDE package.


  • ROS 2 humble
  • TILDE enabled application
  • The Messages should have the header.stamp field.

The default path for early deadline detection

The default path is shown below.


Code to be changed

If you want to change the path for early deadline detection, here is a set of the parts that should be changed in tilde_early_deadline_detector.cpp.

  • line 66~: All pairs of topic names included in the path and accumulated execution time must be registered. The accumulated execution time means the sum of the execution time of topics and nodes from the topic to the end of the path. The accumulated execution time can be measured using CARET.
  • line 233~: All topic names and their MessageTrackingTags (topic) must be registered.
  • line 374: The end of the path (topic) must be registered to measure end-to-end latency.


early_deadline_detector must be built in TILDE/src.

Do colcon build. We recommend the "Release" build for performance.

colcon build --symlink-install --cmake-args -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release


Use ros2 run as below.

$ source /path/to/ros/humble/setup.bash
$ source /path/to/TILDE/install/setup.bash
$ source install/setup.bash
$ ros2 run tilde_early_deadline_detector tilde_early_deadline_detector_node_exe \
    --ros-args --params-file src/tilde_early_deadline_detector/autoware_sensors.yaml

Here is a set of parameters.

category name about
system input sensor_topics regard nodes as sensors if MessageTrackingTag has no input_infos or the topic is in this list.
ignore ignore_topics don't subscribe these topics
skip skips_main_in skip setting: input main topics
skips_main_out skip setting: output main topic, in skips_main_in order
target & deadline target_topics the all topics included in the specified path.
deadline_ms list of deadline [ms] in target_topics order.
maintenance expire_ms internal data lifetime
cleanup_ms timer period to cleanup internal data
miscellaneous clock_work_around set true when your bag file does not have /clock
debug print show_performance set true to show performance report
print_report whether to print internal data
print_pending_messages whether to print pending messages

See autoware_sensors.yaml for a sample parameter yaml file.


If the target topic overruns, deadline_notification topic is published. The message type is DeadlineNotification.msg.