Education platform based on subscriptions plans written in .NET that uses Asaas, a payment plataform widely used in Brazil.
- .NET 8;
- Entity Framework Core 9.0;
- SQL Server 16.0.1000;
- Clean Architecture;
- Outbox Pattern;
- Serilog for logs;
- Asaas for charging;
- Quartz for recurrent jobs;
- The admin users must be able to insert, list and update subscriptions plans;
- The admin user must be able to insert, list and update courses and lessons;
- The user must be able to sign himself into the system and update his informatioin;
- The user must not have access to a course that is not in his allowed courses;
- The app must be able to accept a HTTP post request from the payment server (webhook) and confirm it internally;
- An Azure account with an active subscription.
- (.NET Core 8.0 SDK - ensure it's in PATh)
Before start, ensure you have with you:
- A valid storage account name, account key and container name (Creating a storage account)
- A valid vault URI (Creating a vault);
- A valid Asaas sandbox API key;
- A valid SQL Server instance connection string;
Download or clone the repository from GitHub. Use the following command to clone:
git clone
In the EducationBySubscription\Api folder, init the .NET secret manager.
dotnet user-secrets init
Set your Azure Key Vault Uri.
dotnet user-secrets set "Vault:VaultUri" "<vault-uri>"
Ensure it was created with the following command.
dotnet user-secrets list
Navigate to your vault in Azure and ensure you have the following secrets set.
- EduSubscriptionStorageAccountName: For referring to azure account name.
- EduSubscriptionStorageAccountKey: For referring to azure account key.
- EduSubscriptionStorageContainerName: For referring to azure blob container.
- AsaasApiKey: For referring your Asaas sandbox account.
- JwtIssuer: For referring to your Jwt token issuer.
- JwtAudience: For referring to your Jwt audience.
- JwtPrivateKey: For referring to your JWT private key.
- EduSubscriptionDbConnectionString: For referring to your SQL Server instance connection string.
For running it with local credentials you must edit the EducationBySubscription\Infrastructure\DepdendencyInjection.cs
and change all vault options setup to local options setup. Example (JWT service):
public static IServiceCollection AddJwt(this IServiceCollection services)
.AddScoped<IJwtProvider, JwtProvider>();
return services;
public static IServiceCollection AddJwt(this IServiceCollection services)
.AddScoped<IJwtProvider, JwtProvider>();
return services;
Then you can navigate to appsettings.json
and set the corresponding sections (Storage example).
"Storage": {
"AccountName": "<your-account-name>",
"AccountKey": "<your-account-key>",
"ContainerName": "<your-container-name>"
Restore the project.
dotnet restore
Run the API.
dotnet watch
You can check the available requests at EducationBySubscription\Api\Requests
You can contribute to this project, send a pull request and i'll be happily evaluated.