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A logger compoment for Baiji

1. Menu

2. Installation

NodeJS version >= 10.14.2

yarn add baiji-logger
# OR
npm install baiji-logger -S

3. Usage

See details from ./test/app/index.js

// require
const baiji = require('baiji');
const path = require('path');
const baijiLogger = require('baiji-logger');
// define
const { accessLogger, error, info, debug } = baijiLogger({
  traceKey: 'serviceName',
  baseDir: path.join(__dirname, './logs'),
const infoLogger = info();
const errorLogger = error();
const debugLogger = debug();
// use case
const app = baiji('serviceName');
app.use(accessLogger()); // Add accessLogger for routes
// app.use(UsersCtrl); // Use controller
// Start app and listen on port 3000
app.listen(3000, () =>'Port : 3000'));

4. Description

Based on winstonjs/winston

4.1. classify & rotate

classify instance env transport rotate
error errorLogger * error.log File
*warning * warning.log File
info infoLogger * app.log File
accessLogger * access.log+Console DailyRotateFile
*verbose dev/test debug.log+Console File
debug debugLogger dev Console
*silly dev Console
  • warning/verbose/silly , not yet developed

5. Options


  • | option |
  • | .filter | means option.filter
  • | -filterKeys | means options.filter.filterKeys

param type default desc
option object - The option for baijiLogger
.traceKey string - The unique key for this app , be used for traceId
.baseDir string - The base direction path for logs
.filter * false Sensitive information filtering and replace
-filterKeys array ['password', 'token', 'authorization'] Filter keys array list
-recursion boolean false Is recursion
-replaceChat string/function '*' Replace chat or function
.generateTraceId function ${timestamp}-${shortid}-${traceKey} The function for generate trace id
.errorLoggerConfig object - The configuration for error logger
-filepath string /${ENV}_${level}.log Used by path.join(baseDir,filepath)
-format function [${timeFormat}] [${level}] ${label} - ${json} A string representing the moment.js date format to be used for rotating.
-level string error Log only if info.level less than or equal to this level
-maxFiles number 5 Maximum number of logs to keep.
-maxSize string 10m Maximum size of the file after which it will rotate.
-transports array [ transports.Console , DailyRotateFile ] Winston Transports
-zippedArchive boolean true A boolean to define whether or not to gzip archived log files.
.infoLoggerConfig object - The configuration for info logger
-datePattern string YYYY-MM-DD
-filepath string /${level}/${ENV}_${level}_%DATE%.log
-format function [${timeFormat}] [${level}] ${label} - ${json}
-level string info
-maxFiles string 7d
-maxSize string 10m
-transports array [ transports.Console , DailyRotateFile ]
-zippedArchive boolean true
.accessLogger object - The configuration for access logger , when requested to get the corresponding
-body string ctx.req.body Post method params
-method string ctx.req.method Http request method name
-query string ctx.req.query Get method params
-remoteIP string - Get remote ip even though proxy by nginx , see common >> getIP function
-statusCode string ctx.res.statusCode Http response statusCode
-traceId string ${timestamp}-${shortid} Trace id of full process log
-url string ctx.req.originalUrl Http request url
-user string ctx.req.user Remote user info
.debugLoggerConfig object - The configuration for debug logger
-format function [${timeFormat}] [${level}] ${label} - ${json}
-level string debug
-transports array [ transports.Console ]

5.1. Detail Case

  • option.filter.recursion not yet developed. Is recursion. In case {"body":{"password":{"a":1}}} , if true will be {"body":{"password":{"a":"*"}}} ; else , will be {"body":{"password":"*"}} .
  • option.filter.replaceChat not yet developed. only support String type.

6. TODO list

6.1. Features

  • Ensure number of log file handles < 5
  • Developing warning/silly/verbose classify
  • Concurrency test
  • Improve the efficiency and concurrency of the filter function
  • Add stringify option field to use JSON.stringify(message) ; before this , judge params typeof
  • Update Options description
  • Add Kafka transport config
  • Add error email config
  • Update trace-id of req , add the key of this app
  • Add pretty message & stack show in errorLogger
  • Add method for get the trace-id and the trace-key
  • Add params to context
  • Add config for logger response data

7. Contribution Step

git clone <your own repository>
git branches <your own branch>
git checkout <your own branch>
yarn install -D
... something change
git cz
... step by step add commit with message
git push
pull request

8. Run Tests

Install development environment module .

yarn install -D

8.1. Unit Test

All of the logger test cases are written with Jest. They can be run with npm or yarn.

npm test
# OR
yarn test

8.2. Benchmark Test

Benchmark report log out to ./docs/ .

Based on bestiejs/benchmark.js

npm run dev-filter
npm run dev-filter-false
npm run benchmark


A logger compoment for Baiji







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Contributors 4
