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Abhishek Singh Bailoo edited this page Jul 31, 2015 · 4 revisions


  1. Install Apache Cassandra. On AWS use Datastax AMI to install Cassandra as it provides a production ready image with raided disks, Java environment etc.

Otherwise Install Cassandra from Datastax repository

A. Install Oracle Java
	sudo apt-get update
	mkdir install
	cd install
	wget --header "Cookie: oraclelicense=accept-securebackup-cookie"
	Untar and install
	Update alternatives
	java -version
	echo $JAVA_HOME

B. Install Cassandra 
	echo "deb stable main" | sudo tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list.d/cassandra.sources.list
	curl -L | sudo apt-key add -
	sudo apt-get update
	sudo apt-get install dsc22		
	nodetool status
	sudo service cassandra stop
	sudo mv /var/lib/cassandra/ /mnt/cassandra
	sudo mv /var/log/cassandra/ /mnt/cassandra/logs
	sudo ln -s /mnt/cassandra/ /var/lib/cassandra
	sudo ln -s /mnt/cassandra/logs/ /var/log/cassandra
	sudo chown -R cassandra.cassandra /mnt/cassandra/
	sudo service cassandra start 
	nodetool status

	Download jna.jar
	Where to put jna.jar?
  1. Create a keyspace in your Cassandra

  2. Use the Schema in Database Schema Cassandra and create the two tables (in Cassandra table is usually called Column Family)

  3. Clone the itrack project into your working environment.

  4. To Run gps-ingester-sample, just change the file in gps-ingester-sample/src/main/resources/ Setthe nodes with the ip address of your cassandra. also set they keyspace using the keyspace name that you created on step 2. Afterwards, just run to insert 10000 sample data to Cassandra.

  5. To read the data we use php-read-sample so that the data can be displayed on the web. To tun php-read-sample, we need to install the following on the machine where we want to run PHP:

    • Web Server (Apache, Nginx, or IIS)
    • PHP
  6. Place php-read-sample directory to the root directory of your web server. Inside php-read-sample there are two php files fulldata.php to display data from gps_full_data table. The other file is lastdata.php to display gps_last_data.php. Read latency is around 500 rows per second.

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