From 76432daf1a82e0770c8216da22a0b70919eb5ace Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Ajai-Suvendran Date: Thu, 21 Nov 2024 13:06:41 +0530 Subject: [PATCH 1/2] Add getFinMessage function and Update MT records --- swiftmt/101_request_for_transfer.bal | 30 +++---- .../102_multiple_customer_credit_transfer.bal | 28 +++---- ..._stp_multiple_customer_credit_transfer.bal | 28 ++++--- ..._remit_single_customer_credit_transfer.bal | 2 - swiftmt/104_direct_debit_transfer.bal | 42 ++++------ swiftmt/105_edifact_envelope.bal | 4 +- swiftmt/107_general_direct_debit.bal | 42 +++++----- swiftmt/110_advice_of_cheque(s).bal | 14 ++-- .../204_financial_markets_direct_debit.bal | 2 +- ...nancial_institution_transfer_execution.bal | 2 - swiftmt/210_notice_to_receive.bal | 2 +- swiftmt/940_customer_statement.bal | 6 +- swiftmt/941_balance_report.bal | 6 +- swiftmt/942_interim_transaction_report.bal | 4 +- swiftmt/Dependencies.toml | 1 - swiftmt/common_records.bal | 6 +- .../ConversionService.bal | 4 +- swiftmt/parser.bal | 78 +++++++++++++++++++ 18 files changed, 179 insertions(+), 122 deletions(-) diff --git a/swiftmt/101_request_for_transfer.bal b/swiftmt/101_request_for_transfer.bal index 9bebd45..eb7b66b 100644 --- a/swiftmt/101_request_for_transfer.bal +++ b/swiftmt/101_request_for_transfer.bal @@ -60,32 +60,32 @@ public type MT101Message record {| # + MT59 - Beneficiary Customer # + MT59A - Beneficiary Customer (Option A) public type MT101Transaction record {| - MT50C MT50C?; - MT50L MT50L?; MT21 MT21; MT21F MT21F?; + MT23E[] MT23E?; MT32B MT32B; + MT50C MT50C?; + MT50L MT50L?; MT50F MT50F?; MT50G MT50G?; MT50H MT50H?; - MT57C MT57C?; - MT59F MT59F?; - MT70 MT70?; - MT77B MT77B?; - MT33B MT33B?; - MT71A MT71A; - MT25A MT25A?; - MT36 MT36?; - MT23E[] MT23E?; MT52A MT52A?; + MT52C MT52C?; MT56A MT56A?; MT56C MT56C?; MT56D MT56D?; MT57A MT57A?; + MT57C MT57C?; MT57D MT57D?; - MT52C MT52C?; MT59 MT59?; MT59A MT59A?; + MT59F MT59F?; + MT70 MT70?; + MT77B MT77B?; + MT33B MT33B?; + MT71A MT71A; + MT25A MT25A?; + MT36 MT36?; |}; # Defines the elements of the MT101 message block 4. @@ -108,15 +108,15 @@ public type MT101Block4 record {| MT20 MT20; MT21R MT21R?; MT28D MT28D; - MT30 MT30; - MT25 MT25?; MT50C MT50C?; MT50L MT50L?; MT50F MT50F?; MT50G MT50G?; MT50H MT50H?; - MT51A MT51A?; MT52A MT52A?; MT52C MT52C?; + MT51A MT51A?; + MT30 MT30; + MT25 MT25?; MT101Transaction[] Transaction; |}; diff --git a/swiftmt/102_multiple_customer_credit_transfer.bal b/swiftmt/102_multiple_customer_credit_transfer.bal index 1a61a89..84da243 100644 --- a/swiftmt/102_multiple_customer_credit_transfer.bal +++ b/swiftmt/102_multiple_customer_credit_transfer.bal @@ -39,28 +39,28 @@ # + MT77B - Regulatory Reporting # + Transaction - An array of transactions containing the detailed payment instructions public type MT102Block4 record {| - MT19 MT19?; MT20 MT20; - MT13C MT13C?; MT23 MT23; - MT26T MT26T?; - MT32A MT32A; - MT36 MT36?; + MT51A MT51A?; MT50A MT50A?; MT50F MT50F?; MT50K MT50K?; - MT51A MT51A?; MT52A MT52A?; MT52C MT52C?; + MT26T MT26T?; + MT77B MT77B?; + MT71A MT71A?; + MT36 MT36?; + MT102Transaction[] Transaction; + MT32A MT32A; + MT19 MT19?; + MT71G MT71G?; + MT13C MT13C?; MT53A MT53A?; MT53C MT53C?; MT54A MT54A?; MT52B MT52B?; - MT71A MT71A?; - MT71G MT71G?; MT72 MT72?; - MT77B MT77B?; - MT102Transaction[] Transaction; |}; # Defines the transaction-related elements of an MT102 transaction. @@ -88,10 +88,7 @@ public type MT102Block4 record {| # + MT77B - Regulatory Reporting public type MT102Transaction record {| MT21 MT21; - MT26T MT26T?; - MT33B MT33B?; MT32B MT32B; - MT36 MT36?; MT50A MT50A?; MT50F MT50F?; MT50K MT50K?; @@ -104,10 +101,13 @@ public type MT102Transaction record {| MT59A MT59A?; MT59F MT59F?; MT70 MT70?; + MT26T MT26T?; + MT77B MT77B?; + MT33B MT33B?; MT71A MT71A?; MT71F MT71F?; MT71G MT71G?; - MT77B MT77B?; + MT36 MT36?; |}; # Defines the structure of an MT102 message. diff --git a/swiftmt/102_stp_multiple_customer_credit_transfer.bal b/swiftmt/102_stp_multiple_customer_credit_transfer.bal index 80bce59..8da4f1c 100644 --- a/swiftmt/102_stp_multiple_customer_credit_transfer.bal +++ b/swiftmt/102_stp_multiple_customer_credit_transfer.bal @@ -37,31 +37,30 @@ # + MT77B - Regulatory Reporting # + Transaction - An array of transactions containing the detailed payment instructions public type MT102STPBlock4 record {| - MT19 MT19?; MT20 MT20; - MT13C MT13C?; MT23 MT23; - MT26T MT26T?; - MT32A MT32A; - MT36 MT36?; MT50A MT50A?; MT50F MT50F?; MT50K MT50K?; MT52A MT52A?; + MT26T MT26T?; + MT77B MT77B?; + MT71A MT71A?; + MT36 MT36?; + MT102STPTransaction[] Transaction; + MT32A MT32A; + MT19 MT19?; + MT71G MT71G?; + MT13C MT13C?; MT53A MT53A?; MT53C MT53C?; MT54A MT54A?; MT52B MT52B?; - MT71A MT71A?; - MT71G MT71G?; MT72 MT72?; - MT77B MT77B?; - MT102STPTransaction[] Transaction; |}; # Defines the transaction-related elements of an MT102 STP transaction. # -# + MT13C - Time Indication # + MT21 - Transaction Reference # + MT26T - Transaction Type Code # + MT33B - Currency/Instructed Amount @@ -81,12 +80,8 @@ public type MT102STPBlock4 record {| # + MT71G - Receiver's Charges Information (Option G) # + MT77B - Regulatory Reporting public type MT102STPTransaction record {| - MT13C MT13C?; MT21 MT21; - MT26T MT26T?; - MT33B MT33B?; MT32B MT32B; - MT36 MT36?; MT50A MT50A?; MT50F MT50F?; MT50K MT50K?; @@ -96,10 +91,13 @@ public type MT102STPTransaction record {| MT59A MT59A?; MT59F MT59F?; MT70 MT70?; + MT26T MT26T?; + MT77B MT77B?; + MT33B MT33B?; MT71A MT71A?; MT71F MT71F?; MT71G MT71G?; - MT77B MT77B?; + MT36 MT36?; |}; # Defines the structure of an MT102 STP message. diff --git a/swiftmt/103_remit_single_customer_credit_transfer.bal b/swiftmt/103_remit_single_customer_credit_transfer.bal index 3ec0bdd..e30ace1 100644 --- a/swiftmt/103_remit_single_customer_credit_transfer.bal +++ b/swiftmt/103_remit_single_customer_credit_transfer.bal @@ -51,7 +51,6 @@ import ballerina/data.xmldata; # + MT59 - Beneficiary Customer # + MT59A - Beneficiary Customer (Option A) # + MT59F - Beneficiary Customer (Option F) -# + MT70 - Remittance Information # + MT71A - Details of Charges # + MT71F - Sender's Charges Information (Option F) # + MT71G - Receiver's Charges Information (Option G) @@ -92,7 +91,6 @@ public type MT103REMITBlock4 record {| MT59 MT59?; MT59A MT59A?; MT59F MT59F?; - MT70 MT70?; MT71A MT71A; MT71F MT71F?; MT71G MT71G?; diff --git a/swiftmt/104_direct_debit_transfer.bal b/swiftmt/104_direct_debit_transfer.bal index 21e2921..50007e1 100644 --- a/swiftmt/104_direct_debit_transfer.bal +++ b/swiftmt/104_direct_debit_transfer.bal @@ -41,30 +41,30 @@ # + MT77B - Regulatory Reporting # + Transaction - An array of transactions containing the detailed payment instructions public type MT104Block4 record {| - MT19 MT19?; MT20 MT20; - MT21E MT21E?; MT21R MT21R?; MT23E MT23E?; - MT26T MT26T?; + MT21E MT21E?; MT30 MT30; - MT32B MT32B; - MT50A MT50A?; + MT51A MT51A?; MT50C MT50C?; MT50L MT50L?; + MT50A MT50A?; MT50K MT50K?; - MT51A MT51A?; MT52A MT52A?; MT52C MT52C?; MT52D MT52D?; - MT53A MT53A?; - MT53B MT53B?; + MT26T MT26T?; + MT77B MT77B?; MT71A MT71A?; - MT71F MT71F?; - MT71G MT71G?; MT72 MT72?; - MT77B MT77B?; MT104Transaction[] Transaction; + MT32B MT32B; + MT19 MT19?; + MT71F MT71F?; + MT71G MT71G?; + MT53A MT53A?; + MT53B MT53B?; |}; # Defines the transaction-related elements of an MT104 message. @@ -82,12 +82,9 @@ public type MT104Block4 record {| # + MT50C - Instructing Party (Option C) # + MT50L - Instructing Party (Option L) # + MT50K - Creditor (Option K) -# + MT51A - Sending Institution # + MT52A - Creditor's Bank (Option A) # + MT52C - Creditor's Bank (Option C) # + MT52D - Creditor's Bank (Option D) -# + MT53A - Sendor's Correspondant (Option A) -# + MT53B - Sendor's Correspondant (Option B) # + MT57A - Debtor's Bank (Option A) # + MT57C - Debtor's Bank (Option C) # + MT57D - Debtor's Bank (Option D) @@ -97,39 +94,34 @@ public type MT104Block4 record {| # + MT71A - Details of Charges # + MT71F - Sender's Charges Information (Option F) # + MT71G - Receiver's Charges Information (Option G) -# + MT72 - Sender to Receiver Information # + MT77B - Regulatory Reporting public type MT104Transaction record {| MT21 MT21; - MT26T MT26T?; + MT23E MT23E?; MT21C MT21C?; MT21D MT21D?; MT21E MT21E?; - MT23E MT23E?; MT32B MT32B; - MT33B MT33B?; - MT36 MT36?; - MT50A MT50A?; MT50C MT50C?; MT50L MT50L?; + MT50A MT50A?; MT50K MT50K?; - MT51A MT51A?; MT52A MT52A?; MT52C MT52C?; MT52D MT52D?; - MT53A MT53A?; - MT53B MT53B?; MT57A MT57A?; MT57C MT57C?; MT57D MT57D?; MT59 MT59?; MT59A MT59A?; MT70 MT70?; + MT26T MT26T?; + MT77B MT77B?; + MT33B MT33B?; MT71A MT71A?; MT71F MT71F?; MT71G MT71G?; - MT72 MT72?; - MT77B MT77B?; + MT36 MT36?; |}; # Defines the structure of an MT104 message. diff --git a/swiftmt/105_edifact_envelope.bal b/swiftmt/105_edifact_envelope.bal index e249e90..b45b0a0 100644 --- a/swiftmt/105_edifact_envelope.bal +++ b/swiftmt/105_edifact_envelope.bal @@ -24,10 +24,10 @@ import ballerina/data.xmldata; # + MT27 - Sequence of Total # + MT77F - EDIFACT Message public type MT105Block4 record {| - MT12 MT12; + MT27 MT27; MT20 MT20; MT21 MT21; - MT27 MT27; + MT12 MT12; MT77F MT77F; |}; diff --git a/swiftmt/107_general_direct_debit.bal b/swiftmt/107_general_direct_debit.bal index 2524e75..65b917f 100644 --- a/swiftmt/107_general_direct_debit.bal +++ b/swiftmt/107_general_direct_debit.bal @@ -40,29 +40,29 @@ # + MT77B - Regulatory Reporting # + Transaction - An array of transactions containing the detailed payment instructions public type MT107Block4 record {| - MT19 MT19?; MT20 MT20; - MT21E MT21E?; MT23E MT23E?; - MT26T MT26T?; + MT21E MT21E?; MT30 MT30; - MT32B MT32B; - MT50A MT50A?; + MT51A MT51A?; MT50C MT50C?; MT50L MT50L?; + MT50A MT50A?; MT50K MT50K?; - MT51A MT51A?; MT52A MT52A?; MT52C MT52C?; MT52D MT52D?; - MT53A MT53A?; - MT53B MT53B?; + MT26T MT26T?; + MT77B MT77B?; MT71A MT71A?; - MT71F MT71F?; - MT71G MT71G?; MT72 MT72?; - MT77B MT77B?; MT107Transaction[] Transaction; + MT32B MT32B; + MT19 MT19?; + MT71F MT71F?; + MT71G MT71G?; + MT53A MT53A?; + MT53B MT53B?; |}; # Defines the transaction-related elements of an MT104 message. @@ -72,6 +72,7 @@ public type MT107Block4 record {| # + MT21D - Regulatory Information # + MT21E - Instruction Code # + MT23E - Instruction Code (Array) +# + MT26T - Transaction Type Code # + MT32B - Currency/Transaction Amount # + MT33B - Currency/Instructed Amount # + MT36 - Exchange Rate @@ -79,12 +80,9 @@ public type MT107Block4 record {| # + MT50C - Instructing Party (Option C) # + MT50L - Instructing Party (Option L) # + MT50K - Creditor (Option K) -# + MT51A - Sending Institution # + MT52A - Creditor's Bank (Option A) # + MT52C - Creditor's Bank (Option C) # + MT52D - Creditor's Bank (Option D) -# + MT53A - Sendor's Correspondant (Option A) -# + MT53B - Sendor's Correspondant (Option B) # + MT57A - Debtor's Bank (Option A) # + MT57C - Debtor's Bank (Option C) # + MT57D - Debtor's Bank (Option D) @@ -94,38 +92,34 @@ public type MT107Block4 record {| # + MT71A - Details of Charges # + MT71F - Sender's Charges Information (Option F) # + MT71G - Receiver's Charges Information (Option G) -# + MT72 - Sender to Receiver Information # + MT77B - Regulatory Reporting public type MT107Transaction record {| MT21 MT21; + MT23E MT23E?; MT21C MT21C?; MT21D MT21D?; MT21E MT21E?; - MT23E MT23E?; MT32B MT32B; - MT33B MT33B?; - MT36 MT36?; - MT50A MT50A?; MT50C MT50C?; MT50L MT50L?; + MT50A MT50A?; MT50K MT50K?; - MT51A MT51A?; MT52A MT52A?; MT52C MT52C?; MT52D MT52D?; - MT53A MT53A?; - MT53B MT53B?; MT57A MT57A?; MT57C MT57C?; MT57D MT57D?; MT59 MT59?; MT59A MT59A?; MT70 MT70?; + MT26T MT26T?; + MT77B MT77B?; + MT33B MT33B?; MT71A MT71A?; MT71F MT71F?; MT71G MT71G?; - MT72 MT72?; - MT77B MT77B?; + MT36 MT36?; |}; # Defines the structure of an MT107 message. diff --git a/swiftmt/110_advice_of_cheque(s).bal b/swiftmt/110_advice_of_cheque(s).bal index 85ebf08..dce259d 100644 --- a/swiftmt/110_advice_of_cheque(s).bal +++ b/swiftmt/110_advice_of_cheque(s).bal @@ -38,6 +38,13 @@ # + MT72 - Sender to Receiver Information public type MT110Block4 record {| MT20 MT20; + MT53A MT53A?; + MT53B MT53B?; + MT53D MT53D?; + MT54A MT54A?; + MT54B MT54B?; + MT54D MT54D?; + MT72 MT72?; MT21 MT21; MT30 MT30; MT32A MT32A?; @@ -48,15 +55,8 @@ public type MT110Block4 record {| MT52A MT52A?; MT52B MT52B?; MT52D MT52D?; - MT53A MT53A?; - MT53B MT53B?; - MT53D MT53D?; - MT54A MT54A?; - MT54B MT54B?; - MT54D MT54D?; MT59 MT59?; MT59F MT59F?; - MT72 MT72?; |}; # Defines the structure of an MT110 message. diff --git a/swiftmt/204_financial_markets_direct_debit.bal b/swiftmt/204_financial_markets_direct_debit.bal index 5495f1f..4beb38a 100644 --- a/swiftmt/204_financial_markets_direct_debit.bal +++ b/swiftmt/204_financial_markets_direct_debit.bal @@ -27,8 +27,8 @@ # + MT72 - Sender to Receiver Information # + Transaction - Array of MT204 transactions containing detailed payment instructions public type MT204Block4 record {| - MT19 MT19; MT20 MT20; + MT19 MT19; MT30 MT30; MT57A MT57A?; MT57B MT57B?; diff --git a/swiftmt/205_financial_institution_transfer_execution.bal b/swiftmt/205_financial_institution_transfer_execution.bal index 2a16a29..c7f5e0f 100644 --- a/swiftmt/205_financial_institution_transfer_execution.bal +++ b/swiftmt/205_financial_institution_transfer_execution.bal @@ -20,7 +20,6 @@ # + MT21 - Related Reference # + MT13C - Time Indication # + MT32A - Value Date, Currency Code, and Amount -# + MT33B - Currency/Instructed Amount # + MT52A - Ordering Institution (Option A) # + MT52D - Ordering Institution (Option D) # + MT53A - Sender’s Correspondent (Option A) @@ -43,7 +42,6 @@ public type MT205Block4 record {| MT21 MT21; MT13C MT13C?; MT32A MT32A; - MT33B MT33B?; MT52A MT52A?; MT52D MT52D?; MT53A MT53A?; diff --git a/swiftmt/210_notice_to_receive.bal b/swiftmt/210_notice_to_receive.bal index ca21f0c..31ddf8e 100644 --- a/swiftmt/210_notice_to_receive.bal +++ b/swiftmt/210_notice_to_receive.bal @@ -30,9 +30,9 @@ # + MT56D - Intermediary (Option D) public type MT210Block4 record {| MT20 MT20; - MT21 MT21; MT25A MT25?; MT30 MT30?; + MT21 MT21; MT32B MT32B; MT50 MT50?; MT50C MT50C?; diff --git a/swiftmt/940_customer_statement.bal b/swiftmt/940_customer_statement.bal index e19fd24..b223454 100644 --- a/swiftmt/940_customer_statement.bal +++ b/swiftmt/940_customer_statement.bal @@ -31,18 +31,18 @@ # + MT62M - Intermediate Closing Balance public type MT940Block4 record {| MT20 MT20; + MT21 MT21?; MT25A MT25?; MT25P MT25P?; - MT21 MT21?; MT28C MT28C; MT60F MT60F; + MT60M[] MT60M?; MT61[] MT61?; MT86[] MT86?; MT62F MT62F; + MT62M[] MT62M?; MT64[] MT64?; MT65[] MT65?; - MT60M[] MT60M?; - MT62M[] MT62M?; |}; # Defines the structure of an MT940 message. diff --git a/swiftmt/941_balance_report.bal b/swiftmt/941_balance_report.bal index 88a080f..df8ad6e 100644 --- a/swiftmt/941_balance_report.bal +++ b/swiftmt/941_balance_report.bal @@ -30,19 +30,19 @@ # + MT90C - Number and Sum of Credit Entries # + MT90D - Number and Sum of Debit Entries public type MT941Block4 record {| - MT13D MT13D?; MT20 MT20; MT21 MT21?; MT25A MT25?; MT25P MT25P?; MT28 MT28; + MT13D MT13D?; MT60F MT60F?; + MT90D MT90D?; + MT90C MT90C?; MT62F MT62F?; MT64[] MT64?; MT65[] MT65?; MT86[] MT86?; - MT90C MT90C?; - MT90D MT90D?; |}; # Defines the structure of an MT941 message. diff --git a/swiftmt/942_interim_transaction_report.bal b/swiftmt/942_interim_transaction_report.bal index dd499a8..84987d3 100644 --- a/swiftmt/942_interim_transaction_report.bal +++ b/swiftmt/942_interim_transaction_report.bal @@ -28,17 +28,17 @@ # + MT90C - Number and Sum of Credit Entries # + MT90D - Number and Sum of Debit Entries public type MT942Block4 record {| - MT13D MT13D; MT20 MT20; MT21 MT21?; MT25A MT25?; MT25P MT25P?; MT28C MT28C; MT34F[] MT34F; + MT13D MT13D; MT61[] MT61?; MT86[] MT86?; - MT90C MT90C?; MT90D MT90D?; + MT90C MT90C?; |}; # Defines the structure of an MT942 message. diff --git a/swiftmt/Dependencies.toml b/swiftmt/Dependencies.toml index 23e4cd6..41f9cc4 100644 --- a/swiftmt/Dependencies.toml +++ b/swiftmt/Dependencies.toml @@ -61,4 +61,3 @@ modules = [ {org = "ballerinax", packageName = "", moduleName = ""}, {org = "ballerinax", packageName = "", moduleName = ""} ] - diff --git a/swiftmt/common_records.bal b/swiftmt/common_records.bal index 9dc5162..209cf09 100644 --- a/swiftmt/common_records.bal +++ b/swiftmt/common_records.bal @@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ import ballerina/data.xmldata; # + value - The value of end to end reference public type NdToNdTxRef record {| string name?; - string value; + string value?; |}; # Defines the validation flag. @@ -1521,7 +1521,7 @@ public type MT54B record {| string name?; PrtyIdnTyp PrtyIdnTyp?; PrtyIdn PrtyIdn?; - Lctn Lctn; + Lctn Lctn?; |}; # Defines the MT54D field in block 4. @@ -1576,7 +1576,6 @@ public type MT21D record {| # + MT70 - Remmitance Information # + MT72 - Sender to Receiver Information public type UndrlygCstmrCdtTrf record {| - MT33B MT33B?; MT50A MT50A?; MT50F MT50F?; MT50K MT50K?; @@ -1592,6 +1591,7 @@ public type UndrlygCstmrCdtTrf record {| MT59F MT59F?; MT70 MT70?; MT72 MT72?; + MT33B MT33B?; |}; # Defines the elements of the copy of original message. diff --git a/swiftmt/modules/ b/swiftmt/modules/ index 83694d3..83d2174 100644 --- a/swiftmt/modules/ +++ b/swiftmt/modules/ @@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ public distinct class ConversionService { # # + arg0 - The `string` value required to map with the Java method parameter. # + return - The `string` value returning from the Java mapping. - public function getFIN(string arg0) returns string { + public isolated function getFIN(string arg0) returns string { return java:toString(com_prowidesoftware_swift_io_ConversionService_getFIN(self.jObj, java:fromString(arg0))) ?: ""; } @@ -206,7 +206,7 @@ function com_prowidesoftware_swift_io_ConversionService_getClass(handle receiver paramTypes: [] } external; -function com_prowidesoftware_swift_io_ConversionService_getFIN(handle receiver, handle arg0) returns handle = @java:Method { +isolated function com_prowidesoftware_swift_io_ConversionService_getFIN(handle receiver, handle arg0) returns handle = @java:Method { name: "getFIN", 'class: "", paramTypes: ["java.lang.String"] diff --git a/swiftmt/parser.bal b/swiftmt/parser.bal index 8b15772..9637e26 100644 --- a/swiftmt/parser.bal +++ b/swiftmt/parser.bal @@ -54,6 +54,84 @@ public isolated function parseSwiftMt(string finMessage) returns record {}|error return xmldata:parseAsType(customizedXml, {textFieldName: "content"}, t = messageRecord); } +# Converts a SWIFT message record into a FIN message string. +# +# This function processes a SWIFT message record and maps it to the appropriate SWIFT FIN message type based on +# the message type and validation flag. It converts the record into a FIN message using the Prowide Conversion Service. +# The function supports multiple validation flags such as `STP`, `REMIT`, and `COV`, and also handles messages with +# a type greater than or equal to 90. +# +# + message - The SWIFT message record to be converted. +# + return - Returns the converted FIN message as a `string`, or an error if the message type is invalid or unsupported. +public isolated function getFinMessage(record {} message) returns string|error { + xml swiftMessageXml = check xmldata:toXml(message, options = {textFieldName: "content"}); + string messageType = (swiftMessageXml/**/).data(); + string validationFlag = (swiftMessageXml/**//).data(); + typedesc? messageRecord; + if validationFlag.equalsIgnoreCaseAscii("STP") || validationFlag.equalsIgnoreCaseAscii("REMIT") || validationFlag.equalsIgnoreCaseAscii("COV") { + messageRecord = messageMapper[messageType + validationFlag]; + if messageRecord is () { + return error("SWIFT message type is invalid or not supported."); + } + } + if check int:fromString(messageType.substring(1, 3)) >= 90 { + messageRecord = messageMapper[messageType.substring(1, 3)]; + if messageRecord is () { + return error("SWIFT message type is invalid or not supported."); + } + } + messageRecord = messageMapper[messageType]; + if messageRecord is () { + return error("SWIFT message type is invalid or not supported."); + } + prowide:ConversionService srv = prowide:newConversionService1(); + return srv.getFIN(convertToProprietaryXml(swiftMessageXml).toString()); +} + +# Converts a SWIFT message XML into a proprietary XML format for FIN message generation. +# +# This function takes a SWIFT message in XML format and transforms it into a proprietary format required +# for generating FIN messages. +# +# + swiftMessageXml - The SWIFT message XML to be converted. +# + return - Returns the transformed proprietary XML. +isolated function convertToProprietaryXml(xml swiftMessageXml) returns xml{ + xml block4Xml = xml ``; + xml finalBlockXml = xml ``; + xml:Element finalSwiftXml = xml ``; + foreach xml:Element tagElement in (swiftMessageXml/**/).elementChildren() { + // The fields "Transaction" and "UndrlygCstmrCdtTrf" in block4 are used to separate transaction and underlying + // customer credit transfer details in the SWIFT message during data mapping. To replicate the original SWIFT + // message format, these fields are now being removed. + if tagElement.getName().equalsIgnoreCaseAscii("Transaction") || + tagElement.getName().equalsIgnoreCaseAscii("UndrlygCstmrCdtTrf") { + block4Xml += tagElement.elementChildren(); + continue; + } + block4Xml += tagElement; + } + foreach xml:Element block in swiftMessageXml.elementChildren() { + if block.getName().equalsIgnoreCaseAscii("block4") { + block.setChildren(block4Xml); + } + finalBlockXml += block; + } + finalSwiftXml.setChildren(finalBlockXml); + foreach xml:Element tagElement in (finalSwiftXml/**/).elementChildren() { + tagElement.setName("field"); + int count = 1; + foreach xml:Element component in tagElement.elementChildren() { + if count == 1 { + component.setName("name"); + count += 1; + continue; + } + component.setName("component"); + } + } + return finalSwiftXml; +} + # Customizes a generated XML by renaming specific tags and components. # # + customXml - The input XML object that represents the SWIFT message. This XML is generated from the original From 191f74e6a7a92e612ce6d7885a12dca3ce0a1db0 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Ajai-Suvendran Date: Sat, 23 Nov 2024 01:21:18 +0530 Subject: [PATCH 2/2] Update SWIFT MT records --- swiftmt/111_request_to_stop_cheque_payment.bal | 4 +--- swiftmt/112_status_of_stop_cheque_payment_request.bal | 4 +--- swiftmt/205_financial_institution_transfer_execution.bal | 8 -------- swiftmt/210_notice_to_receive.bal | 2 +- swiftmt/920_request_message.bal | 2 +- swiftmt/941_balance_report.bal | 2 +- swiftmt/950_statement_message.bal | 4 ++-- swiftmt/970_netting_statement.bal | 4 ++-- swiftmt/972_netting_interim_statement.bal | 4 ++-- swiftmt/common_records.bal | 6 +++--- swiftmt/n95_queries.bal | 4 ++-- swiftmt/n96_answers.bal | 4 ++-- 12 files changed, 18 insertions(+), 30 deletions(-) diff --git a/swiftmt/111_request_to_stop_cheque_payment.bal b/swiftmt/111_request_to_stop_cheque_payment.bal index 021eace..66ceac6 100644 --- a/swiftmt/111_request_to_stop_cheque_payment.bal +++ b/swiftmt/111_request_to_stop_cheque_payment.bal @@ -24,8 +24,7 @@ # + MT52A - Drawer Bank (Option A) # + MT52B - Drawer Bank (Option B) # + MT52D - Drawer Bank (Option D) -# + MT59 - Payee -# + MT59F - Payee (Option F) +# + MT59 - Payee # + MT75 - Queries public type MT111Block4 record {| MT20 MT20; @@ -37,7 +36,6 @@ public type MT111Block4 record {| MT52B MT52B?; MT52D MT52D?; MT59 MT59?; - MT59F MT59F?; MT75 MT75?; |}; diff --git a/swiftmt/112_status_of_stop_cheque_payment_request.bal b/swiftmt/112_status_of_stop_cheque_payment_request.bal index b60c65a..9a63ddb 100644 --- a/swiftmt/112_status_of_stop_cheque_payment_request.bal +++ b/swiftmt/112_status_of_stop_cheque_payment_request.bal @@ -24,8 +24,7 @@ # + MT52A - Drawer Bank (Option A) # + MT52B - Drawer Bank (Option B) # + MT52D - Drawer Bank (Option D) -# + MT59 - Payee -# + MT59F - Payee (Option F) +# + MT59 - Payee # + MT76 - Answers public type MT112Block4 record {| MT20 MT20; @@ -37,7 +36,6 @@ public type MT112Block4 record {| MT52B MT52B?; MT52D MT52D?; MT59 MT59?; - MT59F MT59F?; MT76 MT76; |}; diff --git a/swiftmt/205_financial_institution_transfer_execution.bal b/swiftmt/205_financial_institution_transfer_execution.bal index c7f5e0f..4f23707 100644 --- a/swiftmt/205_financial_institution_transfer_execution.bal +++ b/swiftmt/205_financial_institution_transfer_execution.bal @@ -32,10 +32,6 @@ # + MT57D - Account With Institution (Option D) # + MT58A - Beneficiary Institution (Option A) # + MT58D - Beneficiary Institution (Option D) -# + MT59 - Beneficiary Customer -# + MT59A - Beneficiary Customer (Option A) -# + MT59F - Beneficiary Customer (Option F) -# + MT70 - Remittance Information # + MT72 - Sender to Receiver Information public type MT205Block4 record {| MT20 MT20; @@ -54,10 +50,6 @@ public type MT205Block4 record {| MT57D MT57D?; MT58A MT58A?; MT58D MT58D?; - MT59 MT59?; - MT59A MT59A?; - MT59F MT59F?; - MT70 MT70?; MT72 MT72?; |}; diff --git a/swiftmt/210_notice_to_receive.bal b/swiftmt/210_notice_to_receive.bal index 31ddf8e..ff99a9a 100644 --- a/swiftmt/210_notice_to_receive.bal +++ b/swiftmt/210_notice_to_receive.bal @@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ public type MT210Block4 record {| MT20 MT20; MT25A MT25?; - MT30 MT30?; + MT30 MT30; MT21 MT21; MT32B MT32B; MT50 MT50?; diff --git a/swiftmt/920_request_message.bal b/swiftmt/920_request_message.bal index 6962743..8878cdd 100644 --- a/swiftmt/920_request_message.bal +++ b/swiftmt/920_request_message.bal @@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ public type MT920Block4 record {| MT20 MT20; MT12 MT12; MT25A MT25; - MT34F[] MT34F; + MT34F[] MT34F?; |}; # Defines the structure of an MT920 message. diff --git a/swiftmt/941_balance_report.bal b/swiftmt/941_balance_report.bal index df8ad6e..85ab325 100644 --- a/swiftmt/941_balance_report.bal +++ b/swiftmt/941_balance_report.bal @@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ public type MT941Block4 record {| MT60F MT60F?; MT90D MT90D?; MT90C MT90C?; - MT62F MT62F?; + MT62F MT62F; MT64[] MT64?; MT65[] MT65?; MT86[] MT86?; diff --git a/swiftmt/950_statement_message.bal b/swiftmt/950_statement_message.bal index 96dd5a4..1351711 100644 --- a/swiftmt/950_statement_message.bal +++ b/swiftmt/950_statement_message.bal @@ -29,10 +29,10 @@ public type MT950Block4 record {| MT20 MT20; MT25A MT25; MT28C MT28C; - MT60F MT60F?; + MT60F MT60F; MT60M[] MT60M?; MT61[] MT61?; - MT62F MT62F?; + MT62F MT62F; MT62M[] MT62M?; MT64[] MT64?; |}; diff --git a/swiftmt/970_netting_statement.bal b/swiftmt/970_netting_statement.bal index 53601fb..e96e69f 100644 --- a/swiftmt/970_netting_statement.bal +++ b/swiftmt/970_netting_statement.bal @@ -29,10 +29,10 @@ public type MT970Block4 record {| MT20 MT20; MT25A MT25; MT28C MT28C; - MT60F MT60F?; + MT60F MT60F; MT60M[] MT60M?; MT61[] MT61?; - MT62F MT62F?; + MT62F MT62F; MT62M[] MT62M?; MT64[] MT64?; |}; diff --git a/swiftmt/972_netting_interim_statement.bal b/swiftmt/972_netting_interim_statement.bal index 323fc57..d8918be 100644 --- a/swiftmt/972_netting_interim_statement.bal +++ b/swiftmt/972_netting_interim_statement.bal @@ -29,10 +29,10 @@ public type MT972Block4 record {| MT20 MT20; MT25A MT25; MT28C MT28C; - MT60F MT60F?; + MT60F MT60F; MT60M[] MT60M?; MT61[] MT61?; - MT62F MT62F?; + MT62F MT62F; MT62M[] MT62M?; MT64[] MT64?; |}; diff --git a/swiftmt/common_records.bal b/swiftmt/common_records.bal index 209cf09..7f8eaf0 100644 --- a/swiftmt/common_records.bal +++ b/swiftmt/common_records.bal @@ -112,8 +112,8 @@ public type MT20 record {| # + AdrsLine - The address of the ordering customer public type MT50 record {| string name?; - Nm[] Nm?; - AdrsLine[] AdrsLine?; + Nm[] Nm; + AdrsLine[] AdrsLine; |}; # Defines the reference. @@ -500,7 +500,7 @@ public type CntyNTw record {| public type MT50F record {| string name?; PrtyIdn PrtyIdn; - CdTyp[] CdTyp; + CdTyp[] CdTyp?; Nm[] Nm?; AdrsLine[] AdrsLine?; CntyNTw[] CntyNTw?; diff --git a/swiftmt/n95_queries.bal b/swiftmt/n95_queries.bal index ea2d73d..eb7368a 100644 --- a/swiftmt/n95_queries.bal +++ b/swiftmt/n95_queries.bal @@ -27,10 +27,10 @@ public type MTn95Block4 record {| MT20 MT20; MT21 MT21; - MT11R MT11R?; - MT11S MT11S?; MT75 MT75; MT77A MT77A?; + MT11R MT11R?; + MT11S MT11S?; MT79 MT79?; MessageCopy MessageCopy?; |}; diff --git a/swiftmt/n96_answers.bal b/swiftmt/n96_answers.bal index e6bbe72..6eda5da 100644 --- a/swiftmt/n96_answers.bal +++ b/swiftmt/n96_answers.bal @@ -27,10 +27,10 @@ public type MTn96Block4 record {| MT20 MT20; MT21 MT21; - MT11R MT11R?; - MT11S MT11S?; MT76 MT76; MT77A MT77A?; + MT11R MT11R?; + MT11S MT11S?; MT79 MT79?; MessageCopy MessageCopy?; |};