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+# Proposal: Map Ballerina constraints to OpenAPI Specification
+_Owners_: @SachinAkash01
+_Reviewers_: @lnash94 @TharmiganK
+_Created_: 2023/09/08
+_Updated_: 2023/09/21
+_Issue_: [#4788](https://github.com/ballerina-platform/ballerina-library/issues/4788)
+## Summary
+Implement the capabilities to support constraint validations in the generated OpenAPI specification of the Ballerina
+OpenAPI tool.
+## Goals
+- Enhance the Ballerina OpenAPI tool by adding support for constraint validations in the generated OpenAPI
+## Motivation
+OpenAPI is a widely used standard for documenting APIs. It allows developers to specify the structure and data types
+expected in API requests and responses. One of its valuable features is built-in schema validation, which ensures that
+the data exchanged between different software components conforms to the defined structure and types.
+Constraints are the OpenAPI schema validations equivalent in the Ballerina programming language. The existing tool for
+generating OpenAPI specification from Ballerina code lacks support for including these constraints in the OpenAPI
+specification. This means that when developers use constraints in their Ballerina code, this information is not properly
+reflected in the OpenAPI specification.
+Overall, improving the OpenAPI tool to support Ballerina constraints in the generated OpenAPI specification is a
+worthwhile investment that will improve the overall developer experience.
+## Description
+The feature implementation focuses on integrating Ballerina constraints into generated OpenAPI specifications to
+accurately document the API. Following is the proposed list of Ballerina constraint types and the corresponding
+OpenAPI schema validations.
+**1. OpenAPI data type: integer (formats: int32, int64) : (ballerina mapping): int**
+| Ballerina Mapping | Keywords |
+|-------------------------------------------------| -- |
+| `@constraint:Int { minValue: }` | minimum |
+| `@constraint:Int { maxValue: }` | maximum |
+| `@constraint:Int { minValueExclusive: }` | exclusiveMinimum |
+| `@constraint:Int { maxValueExclusive: }` | exclusiveMaximum |
+1.1. Sample Ballerina Code:
+import ballerina/http;
+import ballerina/constraint;
+ minValue: 5,
+ maxValue: 20
+public type Age int;
+type Person record{
+ Age age?;
+service / on new http:Listener(9090){
+ resource function post newPerson(Person body) returns error?{
+ return;
+ }
+1.2. Generated OpenAPI Specification:
+ schemas:
+ Age:
+ minimum: 5
+ maximum: 20
+ type: integer
+ format: int32
+ Person:
+ type: object
+ properties:
+ age:
+ $ref: '#/components/schemas/Age'
+**2. OpenAPI data type: number (format: float) : (ballerina mapping): float**
+| Ballerina Mapping | Keywords |
+|---------------------------------------------------| -- |
+| `@constraint:Float { minValue: }` | minimum |
+| `@constraint:Float { maxValue: }` | maximum |
+| `@constraint:Float { minValueExclusive: }` | exclusiveMinimum |
+| `@constraint:Float { maxValueExclusive: }` | exclusiveMaximum |
+2.1. Ballerina Sample Code:
+import ballerina/http;
+import ballerina/constraint;
+ maxValue: 1000.5
+public type Salary float;
+type Person record{
+ Salary salary?;
+service / on new http:Listener(9090){
+ resource function post newPerson(Person body) returns error?{
+ return;
+ }
+2.2. Generated OpenAPI Specification:
+ schemas:
+ Salary:
+ maximum: 1000.5
+ type: number
+ format: float
+ Person:
+ type: object
+ properties:
+ salary:
+ $ref: '#/components/schemas/Salary'
+**3. OpenAPI data type: number (format: decimal) : (ballerina mapping): decimal**
+| Ballerina Mapping | Keywords |
+|----------------------------------------------------| -- |
+| `@constraint:Number { minValue: }` | minimum |
+| `@constraint:Number { maxValue: }` | maximum |
+| `@constraint:Number { minValueExclusive: }` | exclusiveMinimum |
+| `@constraint:Number { maxValueExclusive: }` | exclusiveMaximum |
+3.1. Sample Ballerina Code:
+import ballerina/http;
+import ballerina/constraint;
+ maxValueExclusive: 5.1
+public type Rating decimal;
+type Hotel record{
+ Rating rate?;
+service / on new http:Listener(9090){
+ resource function post newHotel(Hotel body) returns error?{
+ return;
+ }
+3.2. Generated OpenAPI Specification:
+ schemas:
+ Rating:
+ maximum: 5.1
+ exclusiveMaximum: true
+ type: number
+ format: decimal
+ Hotel:
+ type: object
+ properties:
+ rate:
+ $ref: '#/components/schemas/Rating'
+**4. OpenAPI data type: string : (ballerina mapping): string**
+| Ballerina Mapping | Keywords |
+|--------------------------------------------| -- |
+| `@constraint:String { minLength: }` | minLength |
+| `@constraint:String { maxLength: }` | maxLength |
+| `@constraint:String { length: }` | minLength: ``, maxLength: `` |
+| `@constraint:String { pattern: }` | pattern |
+4.1.1. Sample Ballerina Code (minLength, maxLength, pattern):
+import ballerina/http;
+import ballerina/constraint;
+ minLength: 5,
+ maxLength: 20,
+ pattern: re `^[a-zA-Z0-9_]+$`
+public type Username string;
+type Person record{
+ Username username?;
+service / on new http:Listener(9090){
+ resource function post newUser(Person body) returns error?{
+ return;
+ }
+4.1.2. Generated OpenAPI Specification:
+ schemas:
+ Username:
+ minLength: 3
+ maxLength: 20
+ pattern: "^[a-zA-Z0-9_]+$"
+ type: string
+ Person:
+ type: object
+ properties:
+ username:
+ $ref: '#/components/schemas/Username'
+4.2.1. Sample Ballerina Code (length):
+import ballerina/http;
+import ballerina/constraint;
+ length: 5
+public type ID string;
+type Employee record{
+ ID id;
+service / on new http:Listener(9090){
+ resource function post newEmployee(Employee body) returns error?{
+ return;
+ }
+4.2.2. Generated OpenAPI Specification:
+ schemas:
+ ID:
+ minLength: 5
+ maxLength: 5
+ type: string
+ Employee:
+ type: object
+ properties:
+ id:
+ $ref: '#/components/schemas/ID'
+**5. OpenAPI data type: array : (ballerina mapping): array**
+| Ballerina Mapping | Keywords |
+|---------------------------------------------| -- |
+| `@constraint:Array { minLength: }` | minItems |
+| `@constraint:Array { maxLength: }` | maxItems |
+| `@constraint:Array { length: }` | minItems: ``, maxItems: `` |
+5.1. Sample Ballerina Code:
+import ballerina/http;
+import ballerina/constraint;
+ maxLength: 23
+public type HobbyItemsString string;
+ minLength: 2,
+ maxLength: 5
+public type Hobby HobbyItemsString[];
+public type person record{
+ Hobby hobby?;
+service / on new http:Listener(9090){
+ resource function post hobby(Person body) returns error?{
+ return;
+ }
+5.2. Generated OpenAPI Specification:
+ schemas:
+ HobbyItemsString:
+ maxLength: 23
+ type: string
+ Hobby:
+ minLength: 2
+ maxLength: 5
+ type: array
+ items:
+ $ref: '#/components/schemas/HobbyItemsString'
+ Person:
+ type: object
+ properties:
+ hobby:
+ $ref: '#/components/schemas/Hobby'
+## Testing
+- **Unit Testing:** evaluate the individual components and core logic of the Ballerina OpenAPI tool, focusing on
+functions, methods, and modules to ensure correctness and constraint handling.
+- **Integration Testing:** assess the interactions and collaborations between various modules and components of the tool,
+verifying the seamless integration of data validation constraints and rule generation into the OpenAPI specification.