This file contains all the notable changes done to the Ballerina Persist Tools through the releases.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- Fix an issue where client API is still generated even if all entities contain unsupported field(s)
- Fix an issue where unique indexes are declared twice in script.sql in one-to-one associations
- Fix an issue where the cardinality of the first association is taken as the cardinality of all the other associations between same entities
- Fix an issue where table name of the entity becomes empty when doc comments are above the entity definition
- Add introspection support for PostgreSQL databases
- Add introspection support for MSSQL databases
- Add h2 database support as a datastore
- Add support for generating client APIs for the test datastore
- Refactor migrate command and test cases to support more scenarios
- Fix a bug in the
command where tables with@sql:Name
annotations are recreated
- Added support for PostgreSQL as a datasource
- Integrate the persist code generation to the bal build command
- Added introspection support for MySQL databases
- Added advanced annotation support for SQL databases
- Added support for name, type, generated and relation annotations in migrate command
- Added support for index and unique index annotations in migrate command
- Fixed the issue related to existing configurations in Config.toml file
- Fix the logic in persist client generation with respect to refColumns in the joinMetadata
- Updated error messages to be consistent across all data sources
- Removed constraint ID from foreign keys in generated SQL scripts
- Fix bug in generated types when there are byte[] typed fields
- Fix bug in supporting optional byte[] type
- Migrate the generation of database_configuration.bal to generate command
- Change Ballerina.toml configs generation in persist tooling
- Support to for
bal persist init
command - Support to for
bal persist generate
command - Support to for
bal persist push