1.9.0 Public Beta 3
1188 commits
to master
since this release
This is a major release (V1.9.0 Public Beta 3) that introduces features, improvements, and fixes according to user feedback.
Please note that 3MF files generated by the public beta version of BambuStudio are not compatible for uploading to MakerWorld.
1. Fix the issue of inability to use support filament for AMS mapping.
2. Fix the issue of auto-orient instability due to numerical accuracy. This issue did not exist in version 1.8 and was introduced in version 1.9.
3. Full re-write of spiral vase
Add parameters under the rotating vase, smooth Vase, and check to try the new vase mode. Thanks to @andrewboktor.
Some vase patterns have defects, such as uneven sides and vertical seams. The following are examples of defects.
After enabling smooth Vase, this defect disappears.
Attention: This radical modification is not suitable for vases with obvious edges and has a fallback, which is known. Suitable for vases with smooth surface transitions.
4. Display filament labels in "change filament" context menus, by @javawizard

5. Optimized the issue of continuous memory consumption caused by refreshing the Device Tab in the background.
This optimization is only part of #3702