- fixed : jsonjsdb_editor : dont stringify null values in history
- fixed : jsonjsdb_editor : again dont update evolution timestamp if no change
- fixed : jsonjsdb_editor : dont update evolution timestamp if no change
- changed : make jsonjsdb_editor use xlsx state for history so we can edit it manually
- changed : rename history to evolution
- fixed : prevent adding entry when old and new value are both null or empty
- fixed : history file was not included if no change
- changed : replace column parent_ids by parent_entity_id by getting only the first column with suffix "_id"
- added : name and parent_ids to history entries of type delete
- fixed : compare_datasets method skip entity starting with "__"
- refactored : use vite to bundle the lib and move compare_datasets in a separate file
- added : compare_datasets method to add history of changes
- changed : improve update_md_files
- added : update_md_files method to update md files into the db
- changed : update main last modification timestamp only if change has been made
- added : meta row in meta table to have the global timestamp of last modification