eFM - Django framework project web app prototype
To be able to open this web application in your browser you need to have django framework installed.
Type python command manage.py runserver in the project folder and visit:
- Project Dir Overview for basic content
eFM/ # project folder
manage.py # communicates with django installation core
ecosystem/ # project core
settings.py # settings for server (postgre db on webfaction)
urls.py # connects urls to defined view functions
views.py # view functions, renders content to front end using html templates
wsgi.py # web server gateway interface configs
home/ # app folder
admin.py # registers app data to be shown is django default admin dashboard
views.py # app specific views, defines home screen modules and actions
models.py # django database api, data of sensors, features etc.
services/ # app folder
admin.py # registers app data to be shown is django default admin dashboard
views.py # app specific views, gets external services
models.py # django database api, data of services
manager/ # app folder
views.py # app specific views, gets installed sensors (imported from home app)
provider/ # app folder
admin.py # registers app data to be shown is django default admin dashboard
views.py # app specific views, shows service provider search dialog
models.py # django database api, data of service providers
templates/ # html templates (shows data via template tags and variables)
base.html # base template for every page, defines static file links, wrapper frame etc.
home/ # folder for app templates
home.html # extends the base.html, shows home page modules and installation dialog
services/ # folder for app templates
services.html # extends the base.html, shows external services
manager/ # folder for app templates
manager.html # extends the base.html, shows installed sensors and user data
provider/ # folder for app templates
notifications.html # shows links to failure alerts (temporary setup)
failure.html # failure alert
provider.html # service provider search
confirmation.html # service confirmation
review.html # review after service
admin/ # folder for django admin page customs
base_site.html # customizes admin home page
static/ # folder for static files
css/ # css style sheets
bootsrap.min.css # css library (some customizing done directly to it)
bootsrap-responsive.min.css # enables responsive design, optimized for three screen sizes
boot-custom.css # specific additional css rules to customize bootstrap
main.css # custom styles
img/ # pic folder
devices/ # pictures of sensors
icons/ # general icons
logo/ # domus and efm logos
services/ # service pictures
provider/ # provider logos
pics/ # specific pictures
js/ # javascript folder
jquery-2.0.2.min.js # js library
bootstrap.min.js # jquery library
jquery.nicescroll.min.js # plugin for custom scroll bar
main.js # custom js, loaded before page content
About Django in general:
"Django is a high-level Python web framework that encourages rapid development and clean, pragmatic design"
Django (1.5) documentation and tutorials: http://www.djangobook.com http://www.djangoproject.com