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Abstract Classes and Interfaces
Abstract Classes & Interfaces

Sorbet supports abstract classes, abstract methods, and interfaces. Abstract methods ensure that a particular method gets implemented anywhere the class or module is inherited, included, or extended. An abstract class or module is one that contains one or more abstract methods. An interface is a class or module that must have only abstract methods.

Keep in mind:

  • abstract! can be used to prevent a class from being instantiated.
  • Both abstract! and interface! allow the class or module to have abstract methods.
  • Mix in a module (via include or extend) to declare that a class implements an interface.

Note: Most of the abstract and override checks are implemented statically, but some are still only implemented at runtime, most notably variance checks.

Creating an abstract method

To create an abstract method:

  1. Add extend T::Helpers to the class or module (in addition to extend T::Sig).
  2. Add abstract! or interface! to the top of the class or module. (All methods must be abstract to use interface!.)
  3. Add a sig with abstract to any methods that should be abstract, and thus implemented by a child.
  4. Declare the method on a single line with an empty body.
module Runnable
  extend T::Sig
  extend T::Helpers                                    # (1)
  interface!                                           # (2)

  sig {abstract.params(args: T::Array[String]).void}   # (3)
  def main(args); end                                  # (4)

Implementing an abstract method

To implement an abstract method, define the method in the implementing class or module with an identical signature as the parent, except replacing abstract with override.

class HelloWorld
  extend T::Sig
  include Runnable

  # This implements the abstract `main` method from our Runnable module:
  sig {override.params(args: T::Array[String]).void}
  def main(args)
    puts 'Hello, world!'

Additional Requirements

There are some additional stipulations on the use of abstract! and interface!:

  • All methods in a module marked as interface! must have signatures, and must be marked abstract.
    • Note: this applies to all methods defined within the module, as well as any that are included from another module
  • A module marked interface! can't have private or protected methods.
  • Any method marked abstract must have no body. sorbet-runtime will take care to raise an exception if an abstract method is called at runtime.
  • Classes without abstract! or interface! must implement all abstract methods from their parents.
  • extend MyAbstractModule works just like include MyAbstractModule, but for singleton methods.
  • abstract! classes cannot be instantiated (will raise at runtime).

Abstract singleton methods

abstract singleton methods on a module are not allowed, as there's no way to implement these methods.

module M
  extend T::Sig
  extend T::Helpers


  sig {abstract.void}
  def; end
end # error: `` can never be implemented

Interfaces and the included hook

A somewhat common pattern in Ruby is to use an included hook to mix class methods from a module onto the including class:

module M
  module ClassMethods
    def foo

  def self.included(other)


class A
  include M

# runtime error as `bar` is not defined on A

This is hard to statically analyze, as it involves looking into the body of the self.included method, which might have arbitrary computation. As a compromise, Sorbet provides a new construct: mixes_in_class_methods. At runtime, it behaves as if we'd defined self.included like above, but will declare to srb statically what module is being extended.

We can update our previous example to use mixes_in_class_methods, which lets Sorbet catch the runtime error about bar not being defined on A:

# typed: true
module M
  extend T::Helpers

  module ClassMethods
    extend T::Sig
    extend T::Helpers

    sig {void}
    def foo

    sig {abstract.void}
    def bar; end


class A # error: Missing definition for abstract method
  include M

  extend T::Sig

  sig {override.void}
  def; end

# Sorbet knows that `foo` is a class method on `A`

What's next?

  • Override Checking

    Sorbet has more ways to check overriding than just whether an abstract method is implemented in a child. See this doc to learn about the ways to declare what kinds of overriding should be allowed.

  • Sealed Classes and Modules

    Abstract classes and interfaces are frequently used with sealed classes to recreate a sort of "algebraic data type" in Sorbet.