Any contribution is welcome.
To avoid reliance on third party services, this project will require community support to extend and maintain the list of tracked asset backings.
For the most part this only requires adding or updating data files.
For the package management, we need to install Node. To install a specific version of Node, we will first install the Node Version Management (nvm).
Download and install nvm:
wget -qO- | bash
Reload the .bashrc:
source ~/.bashrc
You should now be able to list all available Node versions like this (--lts
for versions with long term support):
nvm list-remote --lts
You can find some information about the major versions and their long term support on the release page of Node.js.
You can install the latest v20 version with long term support with this command:
nvm install v20 --lts
Switch to the project folder and install the dependencies.
cd portal
npm install
To see if everything is working you can run the adapters like that.
npm run dev
npm test
- Original image is stored in SVG format
- Original image must have a minimum resolution of 256
- If the original is only available as PNG or JPEG, either embed the SVG or trace the image.
- Square view box
- Optional: Normalized view box of 256x256
- All text should be presented as outlines
- File name
- File size <=30kb
- Transparent background
- Prettified markup (not minified)
- Remove any unnecessary content like doctype, XML instructions, comments, editor data
- Include xmlns for HTML embedding
- Open SVG in Inkscape.
- Select all objects in the SVG (STRG + A).
- Navigate to "Object" -> "Transform" -> "Scale"
- Select "px"
- Select "Scale propertionally"
- Enter 256 for width and height
- Press apply
- Open "File" -> "Document Properties"
- Adjust "Custom size" width and height to 256 and close window
- "File" -> Save a Copy
To simplify the SVG, use the VS Code jock.svg extension command "Minify SVG" to minify the SVG as configured in the projects settings. Afterwards format with prettier.