Click the image for video demo
This project implements a Complete P2P Torrent File Distribution System, providing
HaskTracker: A Torrent Tracking server, implemented in Haskell as per the BitTorrent Protocol, cross compatible with all commonly available Torrent Clients
HaskTorrent: A Torrent MetaInfo Distribution API providing endpoints to upload/download .torrent files, fuzzy text search for torrents, as well as get detailed description of .torrent files. Implemented using Haskell and MongoDB.
hask-react: A server-decoupled ReactJS frontend that utilizes the HaskTorrent API.
Module names link to detailed descriptions of each of them.
Install MongoDB, create a database with authentication. Note the port on which mongo is running.
# In Mongo Shell
> use torrentDB
> db.createCollection("torrents")
> db.createIndex({ 'ngrams': 'text'})
> db.createIndex({ 'infoHash': 1}, {unique: true})
Add the following environment variables to the ~/.bash_profile
and run source ~/.bash_profile
# Any hostname would work, even localhost:port.
# Necessary to specify port number
export TorrDBHostName=""
# Name of the database created with authentication
export TorrentDB="torrentDB"
# Name of the Collection used by the Libraries, do not change
export TorrColl="torrents"
# Name of the username with readWrite privileges to $TorrentDB
export TorrDBUserName="user"
# Password for the same
export TorrDBPassWord="password"
Uses cabal.
cabal v2-build
cabal v2-run hask-tracker
Uses Stack.
stack build
stack run
yarn install
yarn start