This is a library for creating documents in the application/hal+json and application/hal+xml hypermedia formats
It requires PHP 5.3 or later.
require_once 'vendor/autoload.php';
use Nocarrier\Hal;
$hal = new Hal('/orders');
$hal->addLink('next', '/orders?page=2');
$hal->addLink('search', '/orders?id={order_id}');
$resource = new Hal(
'total' => 30.00,
'currency' => 'USD',
$resource->addLink('customer', '/customer/bob', array('title' => 'Bob Jones <>'));
$hal->addResource('order', $resource);
echo $hal->asJson();
echo $hal->asXml();
The preferred method of installation is via packagist as this provides the PSR-0 autoloader functionality. The following composer.json will download and install the latest version of the Hal library into your project.
"require": {
"nocarrier/hal": "*"
"minimum-stability": "dev"
Alternatively, clone the project and install into your project manually.
Nocarrier\Hal is licensed under the MIT license.