All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file automatically by Versionist. DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE MANUALLY! This project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- Sleep between dispensations [Anton Belodedenko]
- Remove spurious libraries [Anton Belodedenko]
- RPi0 struggles to run with non-core containers [Anton Belodedenko]
- don't always restart [Anton Belodedenko]
- correct python location [ab77]
- lock python version [Anton Belodedenko]
- remove default snaps schedule [Anton Belodedenko]
- replace requests [belodetek]
- stills on schedule [belodetek]
- record correct lights state [belodetek]
- multiple meal schedules [belodetek]
- refactor reading status [belodetek]
- fix indentation [belodetek]
- update every light switch [belodetek]
- preserve lights status [belodetek]
- add Google search metadata [Anton Belodedenko]
- change to relative link [belodetek]
- Fastly CDN link [Anton Belodedenko]
- bypass light blinking state [belodetek]
- detect ambient light changes [belodetek]
- correct png info url [belodetek]
- update defaults [belodetek]
- collect image data [ab77]
- validate cron config [ab77]
- fix container name [Anton Belodedenko]
- correct env var [belodetek]
- fix cron config [belodetek]
- refactor light switch [belodetek]
- refactor schedules and light init [belodetek]
- Update flowzone.yml [Anton Belodedenko]
- Reset trigger on specific events [ab77]
- Traefik health check [ab77]
- Fix syntax [Anton Belodedenko]
- image lock arm/v6 arch hash [Anton Belodedenko]
- set still image parameters [ab77]
- fix syntax [Anton Belodedenko]
- Automatically redirect to still [ab77]
- Frame build images [ab77]
- Log timestamps [Anton Belodedenko]
- iwait health check [belodetek]
- Update docs [Anton Belodedenko]
- Fix conversions []
- Snack schedule [belodetek]
- Use Traefik to route HTTP requests [belodetek]
- Alpine istream [ab77]
- Fix syntax [ab77]
- Raise privileges to control swap [ab77]
- Wait for supervisor before streaming [ab77]
- Turn off swap [ab77]
- Fix alert logic [ab77]
- Heartbeat URL ping [ab77]
- Make Slack/errors configurable [ab77]
- Remove redundant command params [ab77]
- Move codeblock to shell script [ab77]
- Global config [ab77]
- Slack error notifications [ab77]
- Dynamically query running container name [ab77]
- iwait config and istream/iwatch [ab77]
- Pick up new container name [ab77]
- Cron scheduler [ab77]
- Unprivileged containers [ab77]
- CI workflow and initial src [ab77]