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Jupyter Project Template

A Docker-based project setup for Python projects centred around Jupyter notebooks. Ideal for data science projects.


  • Run a local JupyterLab server.
  • Reference custom Python modules from your notebooks for better code organisation.
  • Includes a Makefile to organise commonly run commands.
  • Runs all code inside Docker containers to minimise host dependencies.
  • Deploy notebooks via Voilà with Docker.
  • Basic setup for managing large data files.

Project Structure

  • lib/ - Python modules containing the primary source code.
  • notebooks/ - Notebooks used during development.
  • app/ - Files for the deployable Voilà application.
  • tests/ - Tests for the Python modules in lib/.
  • data/ - Directory for storing development data files referenced by notebooks/.


In order to run this project, you must have the following dependencies installed on your host:

Note: If you use Git bash on Windows and also install make into Git bash, then you should be able to run this project on Windows.


  1. Ensure the dependencies listed above are installed.
  2. Change the BASE_IMAGE_NAME at the top of the Makefile.
  3. Run make dev in this directory.
    • This will perform all Docker image build steps and dependency installations every time you run it, so that you can never forget to rebuild. The first time you run this, it make take some time for the base Docker image and other dependencies to be downloaded.
  4. To develop with JupyterLab:
    1. Browse to http://localhost:8888 and enter the token displayed in the terminal (or just follow the link in the terminal).
    2. Work in the development Python notebooks inside notebooks/, with the ability to import code from your own custom Python modules and their dependencies, e.g.: from mypymodule import stuff.
  5. To view the development Voila server:
    1. Browse to http://localhost:8866
    2. You will see a list of available application notebooks to run from app/voila-notebooks (you may add/edit these notebooks through JupyterLab).

Python Module Development

In order to better structure and share Python code between Jupyter notebooks, you should primarily add code to custom Python packages/modules contained in the lib/ directory. An example mypymodule is provided, but you can add more directories - if you do, just make sure to update the packages list in the pyproject.toml.

It is recommended that you automatically reload your Python modules in Jupyter notebooks so that any changes you make immediately take effect without restarting the notebook kernel. To do so, include and run the following cell at the top of each notebook:

%load_ext autoreload
%autoreload 2


To add Python module dependencies:

  1. Start a shell inside a dev Docker container: make run-bash service=jupyter
  2. Use poetry to add the dependency: poetry add <your-dependency>

When make dev is run it will alway ensure all dependencies are installed, and you can also manually install dependencies by running: make deps.

If you have poetry installed on your host, your poetry config cache-dir will be mounted into the Docker container in order to avoid re-downloading dependencies across projects.

To update the versions of Python packages in use, run: make deps-update.

Code Checking

Running make check will perform the following checks:


You can run flake8 linting on your modules with: make lint.


You can run pytest unit tests linting contained in your modules with: make test.

An HTML code-coverage reported will be generated for each module at: <module-dir>/test/coverage/index.html.


You can run mypy type-checking on your modules with: make mypy.

Exporting Notebooks

You can run make notebook-export to generate HTML copies of your notebooks in notebooks/export, with code-cell toggling.


If you want to package up the Voilà app as a self-contained Docker image with no external dependencies, you can build and export a self-contained Docker image to move to that host:

  1. Build the production application image: make prod-build
  2. Test the app as it will run in production: make prod-run
  • If files needed to run are missing, ensure they are added in the prod_image section of the Dockerfile.
  • To debug the contents of the image, use make prod-run-bash and make prod-run-sudo-bash.
  1. Run make prod-export-image to export the production Docker image.
  2. Copy the app/images/ directory to the same location within the project on the target host.
  3. Run make prod-import-image on the target host.
  4. Run make prod-run on the target host.

Managing Data

It is recommended that you store your large data files in the data/ directory so that they are not committed to your Git repository and not transmitted to the Docker daemon during image builds (see .dockerignore).

You may not want to commit the outputs of notebook cells to your Git repository. If you have Python 3 installed, you can use nbstripout to configure your Git repository to exclude the outputs of notebook cells when running git add:

  1. python3 -m pip install nbstripout nbconvert
  2. Run nbstripout --install in this directory (installs hooks into .git).

Notes About Docker

Opening a Shell

If you would like to open a bash shell inside the Docker container running the Jupyter notebook server or Voila app, use: make bash service=<service> or make sudo-bash service=<service> (where <service> is either app or jupyter). If make dev is not currently running, you can instead use make run-bash service=<service> or make run-sudo-bash service=<service>.

System Dependencies and Other OS Configurations

To install system packages or otherwise alter the Docker image's operating system, you can make changes in the Dockerfile. An example section that will allow you to install apt packages is included.

Changing Dev Server Ports

You can change the ports entry in docker-compose.yml for either app or jupyter. For example, to change the jupyter port, set its value to '', then re-run make dev.


Whenever the Docker image is rebuilt (after certain files are changed), Docker will transmit the contents of this directory to the Docker daemon.

To speed up build times, you should add an entry to the .dockerignore file for any directories containing large files you do not need to be included in the Docker image at build time.

Managing Docker Image Storage

When Docker builds new versions of its images, it does not delete the old versions. Over time, this can lead to a significant amount of disk space being used for old versions of images that are no longer needed.

Because of this, you may wish to periodically run docker image prune to delete any "dangling images" - images that aren't currently associated with any image tags/names.

Using Jupyter from Emacs

There are two primary ways you can work with Jupyter from Emacs:

Driving a JupyterLab Console from Emacs

With jupyter-emacs, you can use Emacs to run (Python or other) code in a browser-based JupyterLab Console session that supports rich output (e.g. DataFrame tables, plots, maps, etc.).


M-x package-refresh-contents <Enter>
M-x package-install <Enter>

You may also like to add the following configuration to your init.el:

(require 'jupyter)

;; Don't display these buffers when output is added to them, since we
;; will be viewing rich output in the browser console session
(setq custom-jupyter-quiet-buffers '("*jupyter-display*" "*jupyter-output*" "*jupyter-traceback*"))
(when (not (boundp 'orig-jupyter-display-current-buffer-reuse-window))
 (setq orig-jupyter-display-current-buffer-reuse-window (symbol-function 'jupyter-display-current-buffer-reuse-window)))
(defun jupyter-display-current-buffer-reuse-window (&optional msg-type alist &rest actions)
  (when (not (member (buffer-name) custom-jupyter-quiet-buffers))
    (apply orig-jupyter-display-current-buffer-reuse-window msg-type alist actions)))

;; Add custom-jupyter-eval-sentence for evaluating contiguous blocks of code
(defun custom-jupyter-eval-sentence ()
  (when-let* ((bounds (bounds-of-thing-at-point 'sentence)))
    (cl-destructuring-bind (beg . end) bounds
      (jupyter-eval-region beg end))))
(define-key jupyter-repl-interaction-mode-map (kbd "C-c C-c") #'custom-jupyter-eval-sentence)


  1. Ensure make dev is running
  2. Open your notebook in JupyterLab
  3. Right-click on the notebook's tab, and select New Console for Notebook
  4. Right-click anywhere in the newly opened console, and ensure that Show All Kernel Activity is checked
  5. In Emacs, run: M-x jupyter-server-list-kernels (URL: http://localhost:8888; use the token provided in the output of make dev)
  6. In the *jupyter-kernels* buffer, select your running kernel
  7. Open a file or buffer with code you want to execute in the console, and run M-x jupyter-repl-associate-buffer
  8. Execute lines of code with:
    • C-c C-b: Execute the entire buffer
    • C-x C-e: Execute the current line or selected region
    • C-c C-c: Execute the current "sentence" (contiguous lines of code)
  9. If you want to save some output in the notebook (e.g. a table or plot), add a notebook cell from JupyterLab to render that output.
  10. You can even use JupyterLab's debugger to add breakpoints to previously run blocks of code, which will be triggered when re-running the same block.

Running a Notebook

If you don't need rich outputs in your notebooks, you may prefer to use EIN to interact with notebooks solely from Emacs.

Installing EIN

M-x package-refresh-contents <Enter>
M-x package-install <Enter>

Connecting EIN to your Jupyter server

  1. Ensure make dev is running.
  2. M-x ein:login (URL:, Password: token from make dev)
  3. M-x ein:notebooklist-open

Common EIN Commands

M-<enter> - Execute cell and move to next.
C-c C-c - Execute cell.
C-c C-z - Interrupt command
C-c C-x C-r - Restart session
C-<up/down> - Navigate cells.
M-<up/down> - Move cells.
C-c C-b - Insert cell below (C-a for above).
C-c C-l - Clear cell output.
C-c C-k - Delete cell.
C-c C-f - Open file.
C-c C-h - Help at cursor.
C-c C-S-l - Clear all output.
C-c C-t - Toggle cell type.